Met another Scorpio; anything promising?


Well-known member
Is this the correct chart?
I am not seeing much.
I think they’re only interested in nothing that serious if you look at Saturn. Plus Sun leaves Saturn’s sign.

You need a vacation imo.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Indications seem fairly positive:

-querent = 1st house = Leo = Sun
-quesited = 7th house = Aquarius = Saturn
-Part of Love (ascendant+venus-sun) falls in the 2nd house @ 15 Virgo, disposited by Mercury

-Moon flows toward all 3 significators = (very) + testimony
-querent's significator Sun posited in quesited house (7th house) = + testimony
-however, Sun is in detriment in Aquarius = - testimony
-dispositor of the Part of Love, Mercury, stands between significators Saturn and Sun, and "links" these significators (not a translation of light, though-in Ankara horary we do not use tol) = + testimony
-Part of Love in succedent 2nd house (neutral testimony), sharing this house/sign with the "lucky strike" North Node = + testimony
-dispositor of the Part of Love, Mecury, flows toward querent significator Sun = at this point there is more of a chance of querent "falling for" quesited first (before quesited falls for querent)

Adding up:
+ testimonies = 4
- testimonies = 1
Net = +3 testimonies (and 1 neutral testimony)

So, I think indications seem pretty favorable for this matter at the present time...


Premium Member
There is reception/inclination between you/Sun and her/Saturn, with you being in the sign of her dignity and her being in the sign of your triplicity. This suggests that while you are inclined toward her, she has been more strongly inclined of the two you.
The problems are that 1. as mentioned, you are leaving the sign of her dignity momentarily, so her inclination will wane. You/Sun, also leave the 7th sign, which was her house using whole sign houses.

The aspect between you separates. This suggests to me that what has been between you is now passed. So that would leave at least the potential for friendship. I am not certain though that you will find that you want that.


There is reception/inclination between you/Sun and her/Saturn, with you being in the sign of her dignity and her being in the sign of your triplicity. This suggests that while you are inclined toward her, she has been more strongly inclined of the two you.
The problems are that 1. as mentioned, you are leaving the sign of her dignity momentarily, so her inclination will wane. You/Sun, also leave the 7th sign, which was her house using whole sign houses.

The aspect between you separates. This suggests to me that what has been between you is now passed. So that would leave at least the potential for friendship. I am not certain though that you will find that you want that.
I agree, this horary is not promising for love and relationship.