Jobless in America - Tent Cities


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An eviction expert warns
that 20 to 28 MILLION people
are at risk of being evicted by September 2020

For context, about 10 MILLION people
over the course of several years
were displaced from their homes
following the 2008 foreclosure crisis
we’re now looking at double that number
in just under two months.

The crisis is already beginning:
29 states don’t have any state level moratorium against evictions,
and 32 % of households didn’t pay their housing bill for July.

With expanded unemployment benefits set to expire
at the end of this month, out-of-work Americans
will be hard pressed to come up with the funds to pay August’s bill.
because of the PANDEMIC :smile:
We are barreling towards an unprecedented economic calamity.
We are about to experience a food and housing crisis
unlike anything we’ve seen since the Great Depression.



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You've probably heard
about John B. Calhoun's mouse utopia experiment by now.
Everyone's been talking about it recently.
But what does this experiment really tell us
about the human experience, and can we avoid
swallowing the poisoned black pill of the propagandists
when covering this highly anti-human idea?
Join James for this important
exposé of the Malthusian eugenicists behind the great reset. :smile:
Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill
- #PropagandaWatch
