Repeating 27 degrees..


Well-known member
27 degrees seems to be a re-occuring pattern in my chart. Particularly when you look at the Earth signs. Rising sign 27 degrees Taurus. South Node 27 degrees Virgo. Venus 27 degrees Capricorn. North Node 27 degrees Pisces. Sun 27 degrees Sagittarius..

My question is fairly straightforward: What does that mean?

This may sound nuts to some, but ever since I was little I have been drawing a symbol that looks like the the symbol for the moon's nodes facing (from opposing ends) a circle. I can't replicate it precisely through typing but close to: ( O )

I would only draw it when I was attempting to depict outer-space from about ages 4-7. When I grew older I drew it for shits and giggles only to feel that it had.. well an Aura/Energy about it (I'm a "psi-empath"). Being raised a sheltered Mormon there is no way I picked it up from Astrology. I can't help but feel that there is some kind of significance or correlation to my chart and all these 27 degrees..

But I digress.. I'm more concerned right now in understanding what these 27 degrees in my chart entail in relationship to each other?


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Well-known member
Seems fairly strange!

Well the symbol could be considered important or maybe you eventually gave it importance? Perhaps if you could draw it in a program and post it someone will recognize it!

This is almost more of a numerology question so forgive me for diverting off topic slightly:

The 27 adds to 9 in numerology which is the last number(obviously) and is considered the most "developed" or "Evolved" with a spiritual implication. It is 3 3s and the 3 is very holy and sacred in many faiths. "Holy trinity" for example. Sagittarius/Jupiter in astrology, which is related to faith as well, is the 9th sign (maybe just a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing). 27 is a 2 and 7. 2 is a cooperative number having a Libra sort of Quality, if you will, (interesting that taurus is the 2nd sign and venus rules libra and taurus) while 7 is the day "god" rested in the Christian faith. Another significant number for faith and also wisdom. 7 is libra as well, and now I'm just over thinking this! Regardless the numerology behind it may be worth looking into.

In all likelihood, all the 27s wont have a particular significance as far as astrology that I am familiar with. Also, remember the north and south nodes have to be in the same degree. The most relevant astrological significance will be the grand trine created in earth-generally this promotes grace and ease for a person. However, it involves two theoretical points(node and ascendant) so it may not be considered a true grand trine to some.