Undergoing Spiritual crisis

What do you great jyotish practicioners and students think of my chart. I am 4 days from undergoing saturn transit my natal rahu. I am discovering I've been a rebel all of my life for my own downfall.

I don't have any desire for material wealth & gains. I wanted to dedicate myself to my studies & meditations but life just keeps blocking me. I have a huge karmic bond with my father's family which I've always rejected. I was named after my father and him after his grandfather. I am also the firstborn of the firstborn of the firstborn and even more.
Was I born to continue my father's legacy?
It just seems I can't escape it?
Is it too late to help him?
I have so many doubts I've havent had the chance to dedicate myself fully to a spiritual path something always blocks me .

Thank you in advance,
Many blessings,

I don't know what system you use or ayanamsha so my birthdate is 04/04/1991 5:35 a.m Lima,Perú

Thank you!