Aries New Moon March 30: Are you ready?


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Gemini Astrology Update
"Astrology: Aries New Moon 3/30"
from Hawaii Astrologer Joseph Mina:

Aries New Moon arrives on March 30th, opening the door for intensity, creativity, spontaneous shifts and new starts. Potent planetary cycles for April are building, moving towards the intense end of the scale by mid-month. Two eclipses (lunar/solar) and the once-in-a-lifetime extreme Cardinal Cross soon take center stage.

More on the latest Starman Update.

Aloha from Hawaii Island, Joseph


Well-known member
This will be a significant period for this Gemini - the new Moon is exactly sextile my Jupiter and Uranus is sextile My Sun and Node while transiting Jupiter is sextile Uranus and Pluto - and later on this summer transiting Mars, Ceres, Vesta, and Node will be all exactly conjunct my Vertex to within a couple minutes. Thanks for the update.


Gemini Astrology Update
"Astrology: Aries New Moon 3/30"
from Hawaii Astrologer Joseph Mina:

Aries New Moon arrives on March 30th, opening the door for intensity, creativity, spontaneous shifts and new starts. Potent planetary cycles for April are building, moving towards the intense end of the scale by mid-month. Two eclipses (lunar/solar) and the once-in-a-lifetime extreme Cardinal Cross soon take center stage.

More on the latest Starman Update.

Aloha from Hawaii Island, Joseph
When I noticed 2 new moons in March, my friend said 'did you just say gulp'. I remarked that the new moon in Pisces indicates that the month will show utter confusion. The airliner is still puzzlingly lost, Putin has the Ukraine and the world chasing chasing their tails and the British government is lost in cloud cuckoo land. my ephemeris misprinted the second new moon as Pisces too instead of Aries. Please convince me that the new moon in Aries doesn't signify war. Please. The Grand Cross doesn't help. In hope Kijuki.


Well-known member
Yes...Pisces can be vague, nebulous, delusional, all of the above. Yet, Pisces grace comes from surrender and merging. The path is similar to the Hang Man card in the Tarot. Let go....

On the Mars front: not uncommon for the war element (war like Mars rules Aries) to rear its ugly head when Mars moves retrograde, or during its subsequent direct motion. In Libra "failed diplomacy" would be one possibility. e.g. It was during the latter stages of the 2003 Mars Retrograde in Pisces the insurgency in Iraq found new life, waging a formidable counter-offensive to the USA presence in that country.

The "grace" of Mars Retrograde in Libra is finding a new way to co-exist. That's the opportunity. Of course, the consciousness applied during Mars Retrograde will dictate how this vibration plays out in its direct motion.
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Well-known member
Pluto in Capricorn is still lifting all the lids and letting the governments' foul come out into the light.
I am a bit worried... It's the Grand Cross that bothers me. Especially around the lunar eclipse in Libra of 14th/15th April.

If you have a look at my chart you'll find I have 3 out of 4 cardinal influences. :unsure:
I've been feeling a lot restless and nervous for the past few days. Less and less work to do; more longing to exercise and to walk outdoors; insomnia.

I do expect some major change in my personal life (excluding health issues, please!), but also worldwide.


Well-known member
Reyka...don't forget transiting Chiron (Pisces) square Venus (Gem), and transiting Saturn (Sco) square Mars (AQ). Former opens your being to greater emotional depth; latter restructures how you create and manifest. Transiting Jupiter conjoins your Leo Moon on Aug 30 ought to create some relief.

Pluto won't move back to 9° (stations direct at 11°), however, Chiron at 13° Aries is right in the middle of the Cardinal Cross window. If there were ever a time in your life to strengthen your body and open yourself to new possibilities...this is it!


Well-known member
That is all very interesting, thank you for taking the time 2stepbay!! You're a Star in your own right!

Funny you mention 'emotional depth'- I am literally very emotional these days (this Aries Moon, omg!)- I've just wept watching a police TV series now :crying:
Lately I've been suffering from deep nostalgia for the place that is Home to me, and that I cannot live in... Everything reminds me of that place, and I suddenly get emotional, hah.

I hear you on that "strenghtening your body" part! A second 'funny' thing I'd like to mention to you is last year I decided I had found the perfect sport for me and for once was determined to excel in it (!), and turns out I have genetically malformed hips and that sport is the worst for my situation.
Im not going to give it up, though.

I'm on some sort of spiritual path, also. Since last November I've been attending meetings on Non Violent Communication, 'Enlightenment Rooms', family constellations, and next Saturday they will introduce Reiki to me (and others).
I guess I feel the need to channel my energies, and mostly overcome the hurdles that block me from being financially and emotionally independent. But it's all sketchy and scattered, hopefully I won't mix in too many things and will find my way.
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Chiron in Pisces will evoke a deeper spirituality...especially on the soul level. As far as "strengthening"...I suggest cranial sacral therapy, and/or gentle (not deep tissue) massage. One focus could be integration between hips and upper shoulders


Well-known member
Aries New Moon March 30; this New Moon certainly has had it's impact on me...

The Grand Cross activates a lot of my cardinal energy, also accenting my Nodal Axis, with Pluto transiting the North, and Jupiter approaching SN; Uranus in the 5th, with retro Mars in the 12th; there has been a significant shock occurring, relating to matters of the heart, as my spouse has just emerged from cancer surgery and was hospitalized for a week [12th H]. I am also experiencing Saturn in square to natal Pluto, from the 12th H/Scorpio-life and death encounters...definitely a time for me having to think a lot about the potential of living in the future without my right-hand man...indeed it has been a shock to my entire being, emotionally and psychologically [Pluto] . Yet the drama is not over yet, as I am facing open-heart surgery soon myself...definitely a script that no one could plan for, but I think having recently undergone my second Saturn return has put further emphasis on 'necessary personal transformation', for both of us.


Well-known member
Wow...thanks for the share. These cycles can prove so intense, yet resistance to change only adds more intensity to the mix. During this time , very helpful to ask yourself each day..."I wonder what's on the other side of this?"

With Venus entering Pisces soon, the energetic veils will be quite thin, offering guidance from the soul and beyond.


Well-known member
Yes Kimbermoon, thanx for sharing. All the best of luck for your surgery and for your husband's recovery... Stay strong, we'll be sending you both positive, healing vibes from this website and our hearts.
You just have to resist the direct shakes of this Grand Cross!!