Hello,what's Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Master Tsai

Well-known member
If your Day Master (element) is Wood, then….

Water makes Wood (tree) grow; Water is connected to parents.
Metal can cut Wood; Metal stands for pressure, job, law…
Wood (tree) can grow up from the ground (Wood overcomes Earth)
So Earth represents your money. (Whatever you can conquer is money)

If Wood is stronger (higher score) than Earth in your birth chart, then money works for you.
If Earth is stronger than Wood in your birth chart, then you work for money.

When the cycle of Earth comes into your life, then the major event in that cycle will be related to money. Either you earn more money or you are short of money.

A man should overcome a woman. Therefore women and money are the same element to a man. That’s why rich man usually has women around.
In your case, Earth is also connected to women.


Well-known member
Chinese Zodiac Signs are not determined by the Chinese New Year Day.

Chinese Zodiac Signs are calculated from Chinese Astrology Calendar, which is a solar calendar, not the lunar calendar. Therefore your Chinese Zodiac Signs are nothing to do with Chinese New Year Day.

Find your Chinese Zodiac Signs from

Please help me based on your quote here: My son was born on the 10th of Jan, 1995 and I know that 1995 is the year of the Pig but the animal hadnt changed yet (chinese New Year) so does he remain a dog like the previous year of 1994?


Well-known member
Yeah that is one of the sites I have used in the past. I used to talk with an Chinese astrologer...... I don't get the colour thing though.

Meant to ask about the color thing, thanks for bringing it up! I actually have a book on chinese Astrology and no where does it mention colors. Is this new?

Here is my Chinese 'Chart':

Year Sign: Wood Dragon

Month Sign: Tiger

Day Sign: Dog

Hour Sign: Rat

im born in the year of monkey..

about month? hmmm...i though scorpio is my birth month sign...please enlighten me...got confuse with chinese sign.


Ancient Chinese divided different people into 12 Chinese zodiacs according to which year they were born. Chinese zodiac signs are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat/Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. If you don't know which zodiac you are belong to, look at the following table you will know the answer. The number refers to the year you were born; you just need to find out which year you were born is ok.

Years of Rat: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Years of Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Years of Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Years of Rabbit Years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Years of Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Years of Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Years of Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Years of Sheep/Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Years of Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Years of Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Years of Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Years of Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

I think I heard that I am a Wood Tiger


Well-known member
Year: Yang Earth Rat
Month: Yang Fire Dragon
Day: Yin Earth Snake
Hour: Yin Metal Ram (Goat, Sheep)

Colors are associated with each of the Five Elements:

Black Water
Green Wood
Red Fire
White (Gold, Silver) Metal
Brown Earth

Follow Master Tsai's link above to calculate your own Four Pillars chart.


Well-known member
When the websites don't ask for your birthday and only ask for the birth year, then it will tell you are Fire Monkey.

The Chinese astrology birth chart has four columns. The DAY column represents the person. If your DAY column is Metal Tiger, then you should be a Metal Tiger. The upper row of DAY column is Metal - This is the element of YOU. We call it DAY MASTER.

Metal is afraid of Fire. Fire gives Metal the pressure. So Fire represents pressure or job to you. Earth can protect Metal. So Earth presents parents. Metal can overcome the Wood, Wood stands for your money.... This the way to make astrology prediction.

The links there just want to tell people, when you were born in late January or early February, you have to know your animal sign is not determined by Chinese New Year Day.

When people ask you Chinese Zodiac Sign, you can say you are monkey.
This is because that 90% of people use their birth year to find the sign.

Master Tsai, the Chinese Zodiac Sign 屬相 is 100% based on the lunar calendar. All Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar, therefore, you need to convert your birthdate to the lunar calendar date and year using a 万年历 (10,000 year almanac). Nowadays, this is easily done online. You then derive the 8 characters of the I-Ching that is the code of your destiny. A I-Ching master or fortune-teller tries to hone his skills in interpreting those combinations, but the code doesn't change from one fortuneteller to another, just like your birthday doesn't change...

Zodiac animals are for fun, not for serious divination. But they are also based on the lunar calendar. There are 12 of them multiplied to 5 elements, making a cycle of 60 years.

Master Tsai

Well-known member
China didn’t have western solar calendar until late Ming Dynasty (around 1600). Chinese astrology is more than two thousand years old. It’s true that Chinese used lunar calendar for astrology before Ching Dynasty (1644-1911).

Chinese calendar combines three cycle systems, which are lunar calendar, solar calendar and stem-branch calendar. The Chinese solar calendar is different from western Gregorian calendar. The Chinese solar calendar is for farmers to follow the changes of seasons. There are 24 solar segments in a year. The first day of spring is always around February 4th. Those 24 solar segments are widely used in Chinese Famer’s Almanac.


Many people, including most of Chinese, think Chinese Famer’s Almanac calendar is a pure lunar calendar. This is not correct, because 24 solar segments comes from the Sun, not Moon.

Chinese have more than one astrology systems. Most of them need the lunar calendar. But when they build the four-pillars (8 Characters) birth chart, they use the 24 solar segments time to determine the astrological month, not lunar time (new moon).

Before Ching Dynasty, Chinese society used lunar calendar. When they built the four-pillars birth chart, they had to convert to solar calendar to find the 24 segments. ( They don't have to convert. They observed the sun position and angel on the sky to a tree or a house to determine the solar time.) Today, we use western solar calendar. We just tell computer the cycle of the sun on the tropical zodiac, then the computer can build the four-pillars birth chart for us.

My point is 24 solar segments in Farmer’s Almanac is solar calendar, not the lunar calendar.
We build birth chart using 24 solar segments, which is the one in the famer’s almanac.

If people want to use lunar calendar for 12 animal zodiac, that’s fine. But we should tell people that is less accurate, not for serious divination.

Also, we have to know the 10,000 year almanac published in China (GMT+8) cannot be used for people born in USA. The reason is that different time zone might have different new moon day. One day difference causes a big issue to determine the Lunar Leap Month.


Allen Tsai
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Well-known member
China didn’t have western solar calendar until late Ming Dynasty (around 1600). Chinese astrology is more than two thousand years old. It’s true that Chinese used lunar calendar for astrology before Ching Dynasty (1644-1911).

Chinese calendar combines three cycle systems, which are lunar calendar, solar calendar and stem-branch calendar. The Chinese solar calendar is different from western Gregorian calendar. The Chinese solar calendar is for farmers to follow the changes of seasons. There are 24 solar segments in a year. The first day of spring is always around February 4th. Those 24 solar segments are widely used in Chinese Famer’s Almanac.


Many people, including most of Chinese, think Chinese Famer’s Almanac calendar is a pure lunar calendar. This is not correct, because 24 solar segments comes from the Sun, not Moon.

Chinese have more than one astrology systems. Most of them need the lunar calendar. But when they build the four-pillars (8 Characters) birth chart, they use the 24 solar segments time to determine the astrological month, not lunar time (new moon).

Before Ching Dynasty, Chinese society used lunar calendar. When they built the four-pillars birth chart, they had to convert to solar calendar to find the 24 segments. Today, we use western solar calendar. We just tell computer the cycle of the sun on the tropical zodiac, then the computer can build the four-pillars birth chart for us.

My point is 24 solar segments in Farmer’s Almanac is solar calendar, not the lunar calendar.
We build birth chart using 24 solar segments, which is the one in the famer’s almanac.

If people want to use lunar calendar for 12 animal zodiac, that’s fine. But we should tell people that is less accurate, not for serious divination.

Also, we have to know the 10,000 year almanac published in China (GMT+8) cannot be used for people born in USA. The reason is that different time zone might have different new moon day. One day difference causes a big issue to determine the Lunar Leap Month.


Allen Tsai

The elders in China still observe the farmer's calendar, and traditionally, birth dates are noted in the lunar calendar (this is still true today in many areas of China). The farmer's calendar is a combination of lunar and solar calendar. I used "lunar" because in the common every day language, we say Yin Calendar (as relates to the moon, the Yin), which is indeed partially inaccurate.

Thus for a Westerner, they need to convert and observe Chinese New Year cutoff for their animal zodiac, just saying. In practice, it's a bit indelicate and awkward to ask someone else's Chinese zodiac sign, esp. if you are facing a lady, because you are indeed asking for her age.

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Wood tiger also a Capricorn tiger, very solitary and like to sit in the back of cafes observing everyone :) And I do love Horses and Dogs, as they predict.