The Scorpio Rising Personality


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A tendency to have cold and callous manner, which doesn't necessarily reflect the inner attitude. When coupled with strong ego, however, their is tendency to be overly condescending to anyone viewed as inferior.

I mentioned a little about my leo sun-moon-mars brother on a previous thread.


Well-known member
I have a Scorpio Rising in my chart (a few of you may have seen it)…..I def have an intense and determined energy to me. I'm really good at completely shutting out the world to focus on ONE thing. It's weird to people, I go through my phases where I cut my phone off, avoid contact with people and just focus on me……and then I come back to the world better for it.


I myself have scorpio rising with pluto conjunct my ascendant. I can tell you from personal experience that the intensity that i project is so strong that people who just take a look at me can hate me and stay away from me. From what i've experienced the intensity i project seems to somehow pour out from the eyes if that makes any sense.

Pluto conjunct the ascendant adds heavily to the scorpio rising, my last two years have been dark thats all i can say. People seem to hate me automatically most of the time, first it hurt then with time i got over it. Having scorpio on the rise is one of the most difficult aspects i believe. Added to that I have a sun/moon opposition and Pisces in saturn.


Well-known member
I myself have scorpio rising with pluto conjunct my ascendant. I can tell you from personal experience that the intensity that i project is so strong that people who just take a look at me can hate me and stay away from me. From what i've experienced the intensity i project seems to somehow pour out from the eyes if that makes any sense.

Pluto conjunct the ascendant adds heavily to the scorpio rising, my last two years have been dark thats all i can say. People seem to hate me automatically most of the time, first it hurt then with time i got over it. Having scorpio on the rise is one of the most difficult aspects i believe. Added to that I have a sun/moon opposition and Pisces in saturn.

Wow, same here…..I feel like I have this same effect on people.


Well-known member
Wow, same here…..I feel like I have this same effect on people.

I don't get that vibe from Scorpio rising people. I'm sorry that you two feel that way. I clearly welcome you all with open arms (two exes and four friends with this rising). I just found out yesterday that a male friend of mine has a Scorpio rising. He gave me his birth time and when I saw it I laughed. It did make sense.. he's INTENSE. But I don't mind it. Funny enough, my Scorpio Sun/rising friend and him are partners in a business together. They both share an Aries moon.


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From my experience, the best way to identify someone's ascendant is to observe their behavior when they interact with someone whom they have no personal interest or when they are withdrawn. Otherwise you get behavior described by the whole chart.


New member
I have a Capricorn moon and Scorpio ascendant. People are generally drawn to my eyes and compliment them yet they say there is a strong intimidating and mystical aura to my eyes that either draws fear and makes people hate me, or intrigues ppl with a curiosity of mysticism. I look vampiric, light skin complimented by dark black hair. I have a dark personality and ppl describe a flood of emotion that overwhelms them when I offer my opinions and ideas. Especially if I am being stern. And with a Capricorn moon, I can come off as cold. Which I really just consider as being true to myself by disregarding emotional concern. I am Virgo sun. I think that keeps me from being a menace. I obsess over right and wrong in fairness and equality. No lying cheating stealing or sneaking. I am highly offended by such things. Anyway...Scorpio ascendants I have noticed come in different types. This having to do with which deacon they belong to and of course the rest of their chart.


Well-known member
My ex was Scorpio rising. His eyes stood out. I didn't find him intimidating at all, but my sun sign is in Scorpio. Maybe I wouldn't be intimidated by Scorpio energy in others. He was very angry and creepy when he drank. I don't know how much if any of that would have to do with Scorpio influencing his chart.


Premium Member
As a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto but Virgo rising.

I have got a textbook of You and Your Ascendant by Sophia Mason. I summarized the information as below.

Scorpio is the sign of the natural eighth house and represents life after death, passion, sexuality and deep intensity of emotions. It is for this reason that so many Scorpio natives enter the study of metaphysics, Karma and reincarnation.

Strong determination, willpower and fixity of purpose. Their energy is unsurpassed, giving them the capacity to work long and hard, achieving efforts of unlimited capacity. Strongly loyal, they expect the same in return whether from employees, friends or family members. They possess an explosive temper and in some cases a somewhat vindictive streak, seldom forgetting a person who has slighted them in some way. They will get even, if it takes ten years. :lol:

Whether the Scorpio person is aware of it or not, many of them possess natural psychic ability, while others probe into the deep mysteries of life in the hereafter. Death becomes wither an obsession or is accepted in terms of its true meaning-Rebirth-for only through death can man rise and be born again. (I totally see death is necessary and is an extremely positive part of life, though most are so scared of it)

Scorpio represents power and likes to change and move things and see how they work; they are born investigators and researchers. (Yep I so love observing, investigating and doing research all day all night.)


Premium Member
There are TWO Distinct types: (Here we go the real main part of the Scorpio characters).

Those that sting and those that don't. The first one is the lower type, vindictive know-it-alls who will never admit they are wrong. Outwardly they give the impression of a fine character, but they can be sarcastic with a mean disposition. They cannot be trusted because they are only interested in promoting personal gain. Some are frequently over-sexed.

The higher plane is courageous, loyal and dynamic. They have a personality that commands respect and their executive ability is tremendous. While they are not lovers of hard work, they will work hard if necessary to achieve success.

Both types have strong like and dislikes, and may be lacking in tact and fitness. They are strong, forceful, energetic individuals capable of immense feats of endurance and courage.

Features are relevant to the following combination according to this book:

Scorpio rising, Pluto in the first house, without orbs to ascendant, ruler of the first cusp in Scorpio, ruler of the first house cusp conjunct or otherwise in close aspect to Pluto, Sun or Moon in Scorpio or in close aspect to Pluto, Scorpio intercepted in the first house.


1) Average height and robust constitution
2) Strong physique with an inclination to stoutness
3) Nose it the most prominent feature, sometime being large with a hump, a high hump indicates aggressiveness and a low hump indicates defensiveness
4) Dark, sharp, piercing eyes
5) Broad, square face with strong marked angles
6) Often has heavy eyebrows which meet at the bridge of the nose, and sometimes come to a sharp point on top
7) Dusky complexion, and dark, bushy hair that may have a reddish glint when the sun shines on it
8) Short, thick neck that is similar to Taurus
9) Large teeth, and sometimes there is a space between the upper front teeth
10) Women are usually shapely, active and hip swingers
11) Women often wear their hair low on the forehead and close to the eyes at the side of the temples in a sort of pixy style.

I have feature number 1, 2, 3 (I don't have hump, the nose is not big but straight and higher than average Asian typical nose), 4, 6 (I do pull out and tidy them up!), 9 (a space between upper front teeth during teenage), 10, 11 (most of my teenage years I have this hairstyle as well). Scorpio Sun is in my 3rd house maybe that was the reason. In this book, there are another 12 pages of description of Scorpio rising physical features, body features, health and location of the ruler affects on the general big picture of life direction.


Well-known member
I can say this about rising signs—regardless as to what planets are in the first, your decantes, 12th harmonics and the position of one's lights—the core qualities are effectively evident in one's day-in and day-out encounters. My cousin, who has a loaded first house, has Aquarius ascending, and she always exhibits her Aquarian traits, such as questioning everything and anything that is said to her. Nothing is taken at face value, and although, in some instances, this is an admirable charter trait, with her it is to such a degree of excessiveness that I find it exacerbating.

My brother has Virgo ascending; yet, very little earth and somewhat of an inconsequential Mercury. Despite his atomic Virgoian influence, he is a nitpicker and obsessed with perfection to the point of paralysis. Part of this behavior is inflamed by a difficult Saturnian influence, but the unmistakable Virgoian personality is blatant.

The rising zodiacal sign should be weighted more than it is by some.

In regard to my Scorpionic character, I just have not got the knack for being friendly and sociable. This is palliated to some degree by my Geminian Sun, but making friends has always been a slow process. Small talk kills, and if I do not have something in common that I find genuinely interesting, I will have nothing to do with you.

There was a time when people thought that I was a serial killer (those who did not know me very well, such as pub workers and whatnot) because my eyes are large and intense looking. My pupils dilate easily too, so I have a natural drugged-up look. Black eyes never go over well with people. It looks as if I am possessed, sometimes. I have no idea if that's a Scorpio thing. I believe it is my own personal peculiarity. Luckily, when people get past the facade, I am very well liked, probably because of the Cancer Moon and Gemini Sun. But the truth is that I could care less what people think about me if they have no direct impact on my life.

As for how I look, I don't look very Scorpionic. I posted my photo up here, and no one guessed Scorpio rising. (My photo is on my profile.) The classic Scorpio appearance should be taken lightly. It is subject to quite a range of variation.
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Well-known member
I had to chuckle to myself when I read this, you do have a slightly peed of look in that photo, I thought that your eyebrow shape looked similar to those uranian scientists, like the professor from the film "back to the future". I concluded that your moon/Saturn conjunction was largely responsible for this.

:lol: That's a funny comparison.

I have Uranus in Scorpio, in the first house in the sign based division. Maybe that contributes, too.


Premium Member
Lol cypo using my own Virgo ascendant I looked very Virgo as what my boyfriend says. As you said the facial feature has so much influenced from other factors. My Capricorn moon trine 1st house Mars in Virgo and Venus in Libra gave me very nice cheekbones those people will go under the surgical knife for and in good proportions Over all not to sound arrogant...I do have physical features that people often pay large attention also giving positive comments. Everyday at work seeing patients and workmates they often talk about my figure. I would believe something to do with Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn aspects all in feminine signs and having Venus in libra trine out of bounds moon. Though being an Asian helped my skin is golden olive colour which people also said many times they will die for that tone. Also myhair as well these are ruled by Capricorn cheekbones, skin and hair, has a lot to do with my Moon even most will quickly thought of detriment moon not good looking which is not true or may be because is Moon ruling all earth signs at night and being out of bounds in the 5th.
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Well-known member
Is your sun sign supposed to influence your appearance at all or is it mostly rising? I'm Scorpio Sun Sag rising and I don't think I look like a Scorp. I have large eyes but my features are all very light, blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. I have an hourglass build, maybe that's Scorpio? I don't know.
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Well-known member
Rather these are accurate or not this random link had me laughing a bit lol's-Astrological-Sign

I've participated in threads like this and no one has ever guessed my sun or rising. They have guessed my moon sign, but just not in respect to mentioning it was my moon. I have been told I look fiery a lot and I have no person planets in a fire sign.

I'm not sure I look like my Sun (Pisces) but I do have large eyes and have received compliments on them since as long as I can remember. My rising is Capricorn and I generally dress pretty classic (rarely show cleavage. Think it looks tacky) but sometimes dress a little edgy. My moon is Gemini and I'm not sure how that has come across but I am tall and relatively lean. My boyfriend is a Pisces Sun with an Aries rising and he fits the Aries description quite well.
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Premium Member
I've participated in threads like this and no one has ever guessed my sun or rising. They have guessed my moon sign, but just not in respect to mentioning it was my moon. I have been told I look fiery a lot and I have no person planets in a fire sign.

I still think for a woman's chart, should pay a lot more attention on the Moon and Venus as these will tell a lot of the feminine expressions in body languages as well as physical features.


Premium Member
Is your sun sign supposed to influence your appearance at all or is it mostly rising? I'm Scorpio Sun Sag rising and I don't think I look like a Scorp. I have large eyes but my features are all very light, blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. I have an hourglass build, maybe that's Scorpio? I don't know.

I am not so sure if Scorpio Sun does give hourglass figure maybe it does. Water signs are relevant to the Curves.


Well-known member
I still think for a woman's chart, should pay a lot more attention on the Moon and Venus as these will tell a lot of the feminine expressions in body languages as well as physical features.

I added on to my last post, sorry! :) I have a Gemini Moon (4th house) and a Venus in Cap (1st house). How should that influence my appearance? Haha outside of looking at my avatar!