Escape! From the Cult of Materialism

Cold Fusion

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Schrödinger's Bacteria? Physics Experiment Leads to 1st Entanglement of Living Organisms

...Look at yourself, then look at the person next to you. You're physically separate beings, right?

But quantum mechanics tell us that this doesn't have to be the case. Particles, or collections of particles, can become bound up in one another, "entangled" so that their waveforms are entwined. Neither particle can be understood or described without also describing the other. And measuring a physical trait of one particle "collapses" the waveform of both particles. Separate the particles by thousands of miles, and you could still instantaneously learn the physical state of one of them by measuring only the other one.

According to current quantum theory, there's no limit to this effect. What works for a proton should work for an elephant...


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