911 was an inside job and so was...



Trump KNOWS 9/11 was an inside job — yet lies and blames Afghanistan

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were not planned and directed from Afghanistan, as US President Donald Trump has claimed; rather, they were orchestrated by certain elements in Washington, DC and Tel Aviv, an American scholar and journalist in Wisconsin says.

but during his speech, Trump said,
The consequences of a rapid exit [from Afghanistan] are both predictable and unacceptable. 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in our history, was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country was ruled by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists. A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda, would instantly fill, just as happened before September 11th.”

It is amazing how this gift of 9/11 keeps on giving. And Trump is the last person one would have normally expected to do this,” he stated.
“When Trump was running for office, he was skeptical about foreign wars, open-ended engagements. He recognized that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have destroyed America’s economy and infrastructure




A Rare WTC 911 Conspiracy Documentary (Video)

“This is probably the best video clip I have come across on the subject on 9-11. A panel of experts and researchers met to discuss on the probable causes and effects of the event, not so much on the event itself. It is rather long at 2 and a half hour, but never a dull moment.”
Its good to see 3rd party independent research conerncing 9-11. It is what is needed to be seen over here and so here you go. -Mort


Richard Gage founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, takes us back to the morning that changed America, Judy Wood is she correct? Was there a plane? WTC7 examined *Must Watch*

Richard Gage, details his background as an architect and provides an update on the status of Architects & Engineers. Richard tells us where he was, Tuesday Morning on September 11th. So what is Building 7 and why is it important in 9/11? Has any other building been destroyed? Is there evidence of controlled demolition at Building 7? Did anyone know that Bldg 7 was coming down in advance? Remarkably CNN had reported prematurely, that building 7 was going to collapse. Rumors of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, also knowing well in advance, that the buildings were going down. What does Richard Gage think of the work of Judy Wood? So much information, that just raises more questions. When will we ever get the absolute truth, of what occurred that morning



The Horrifying Details People Still Don’t Know About One of America’s Most Important Days!

Monday, September 11, 2017 14:59

Sadly as HORRIBLE and HORRIFYING as this day was, it was only a spark that initiated larger and more historic atrocities including the loss of freedoms here at home (think “Patriot” act, and TSA), the invasion of other lands under false pretenses, the outright murder of people in foreign lands, the slaughter of military personnel, the strengthening of the military industrial complex, the loss of personal savings when the stock market took a plunge, the loss of life during and in the years following the attack because of all the **** people at ground zero were subjected to and the expansion of government powers. No doubt this is an abbreviated list. Thank you guys for watching and sharing. I HATE having to make videos like this. My heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones in this senseless and heartless attack! If you haven’t, follow me on instagram…I’ve got some things planned for the channel in the future that will include communicating with you guys through instagram. Here’s the link: https://www.instagram.com/highimpactflix/


http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/09/11/911nyt/ 737

NY Times op-ed: Mainstream 9/11 narrative “totally false, literally from the first minutes”

Today, on the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 neocon coup d’état, the New York Times editorial page has published a column by economist Paul Krugman calling the official narrative “totally false” – and accusing the Bush-Cheney Administration of “rejoicing” at the successful attack on America.
Here is Krugman’s key passage:
In the weeks and months after the atrocity, news media had a narrative about what it meant – basically, that it was a Pearl Harbor moment that brought America together with a new seriousness and resolve. This was comforting and reassuring. It was also totally false, literally from the first minutes.
The truth, as we now know, is that Bush administration officials rejoiced, even as the fires were still burning, at the opportunity they now had to fight the unrelated war they always wanted.”

Krugman does not come right out and say that the Bush-Cheney gang “rejoiced” because they were celebrating a successful covert operation. Nor does he mention the many Israelis who were even more blatantly celebrating their New Pearl Harbor deception:
*The “dancing Israelis,” Mossad agents all, who according to the NYPD had been pre-positioned to film the attacks, and who photographed themselves cheering wildly and flicking cigarette lighters in front of the burning and exploding Twin Towers.
*Benjamin Netanyahu, whose first reaction was that the attacks were “very good,” and who reaffirmed that years later by saying “We are benefitting from one thing” – 9/11.
*Mike Harrari, the legendary Mossad chief, who threw a celebratory party and openly claimed credit for 9/11, according to self-proclaimed eyewitness Dmitri Khalezov.
From ex-Chief Harrari to its agents on the ground in New York, the Mossad wildly and openly celebrated 9/11. The CIA’s reaction was somewhat more ambivalent. According to CIA Iraq Desk asset Susan Lindauer, her Case Officer, Richard Fuisz —who had known ahead of time that a big terror attack would be hitting Lower Manhattan — was on the phone with her on the morning of 9/11 as live television showed the Towers burning and then, suddenly, exploding. Lindauer says that as the Towers exploded, Fuisz’s reaction was an anguished scream: “The goddamn Israelis!”
But just a few weeks later, Bush called a celebratory party at the CIA, broke out the champagne all around, reassured everyone that their jobs were safe, and called 9/11 “just a memory” amidst an atmosphere of relief and rejoicing. (T.H. Meyer, Reality, Truth, and Evil.)
What does “liberal with a conscience” Paul Krugman know about the Bush Administration’s (and Israel’s) celebrations of 9/11? Presumably more than he’s telling us.
Why won’t Krugman just come right out and tell us what he really thinks? Presumably because he knows the New York Times would never publish it.
So Krugman’s breakthrough op-ed — the most truthful assessment of 9/11 ever published in a leading American newspaper — uses the kind of double-speak championed by neoconservative guru Leo Strauss. According to Strauss, ordinary people cannot handle the truth, so “philosophers” (i.e. neocons) should feed them comforting lies…while at the same time letting the truth slip through, from between the lines, in such a way that the philosophers, who are careful readers alert to multiple meanings, will understand the half-hidden message.
Krugman passes the buck for his, and the rest of the liberal media’s, failure to report 9/11 honestly:
The thing was, people just didn’t want to hear about this reality.
Maybe they didn’t want to hear it. But if the New York Times had published screaming headline after screaming headline from 9/12/1001 onward about…
*the controlled demolitions
*the bizarre “failure” of America’s air defenses
*the Israeli celebrations (and huge pre-9/11 operation in America)
*the Secret Service’s behavior in the Florida school where Bush was reading about pet goats
*the absurdity of the “hijackings” narrative
*the grotesquely un-Islamic behavior of the “Islamic extremist” alleged hijackers
*the complete lack of evidence of a plane crash at the Shanksville “Flight 93 crash site”
*the fact that at least nine alleged hijackers turned up alive afterwards
…the American people would have listened, risen up, and overthrown an evil regime that was bent on shredding the Constitution, doubling the military budget, and bankrupting America with wars aimed primarily at genocidally destroying the Middle East for the benefit of expansionist Israel.
The biggest and worst failure after 9/11 was the failure of the media to report the facts. Krugman and the rest of his liberal media colleagues who dropped the ball are complicit in the worst crimes against humanity ever perpetrated: The murder of 32 million Muslims in a genocidal war aimed at utterly destroying the Middle East, the annihilation of American Constitutional democracy, the bankrupting of the US and global economies, and the wholesale shifting of scarce resources away from taking care of people and building sustainable infrastructure, towards ever-escalating technologies and practices of wholesale destruction and mass murder.
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With the anniversary of 9/11 just a day away I want to outline some important points that illustrate how we arrived at where we are today in America. I’m referring to, of course, the America we live in today where Communists and Anarchists under the umbrella of organizations like “Antifa” claiming to be “anti-fascist” are now under a falsely assumed morality violently attacking Americans who disagree with their point of view, predominantly conservatives, Christians, patriots and Trump supporters among others. These attacks of course are not random, they are very much planned and provoked for political reasons.
If we were drawing lines connecting key events starting with 9/11/01 to the present day we would want to consider some important points and key events. Below are just a small list of things to consider.
1- Start with the September 11th 2001 false flag attack on America by the globalist ruling elite. As most of humanity already knows today 9/11 was a false flag military operation, a coup d’etat on America, a day when a lot of money and wealth changed hands and no one to this day has bothered to hold anyone accountable. Among many things 9/11 set the stage for the surveillance state, the endless war on terror and paved the road for Obama to act as the savior in a post-Bush era only to destroy America much more than Bush could have ever dreamed of and roll out the new global order agenda overtly.
2- Many things changed over the course of the past 8 years of Obama. One huge concept I want to bring to your attention to is the notion of “civilian armies” as it compares to the historic view of scary military armies. You may wonder, what could be worse than the notion of an armed military oppressing its own people? We’ve seen this throughout history and no doubt military power under the control of tyrants is a fearful thing. But modern times has shown us that there is another scary reality that can unfold when allowed to do so with the funding of deep state criminals who are trying to overthrow nation states that don’t cooperate with their planned global order and that is armed radical militant civilian armies. Yes, armed uncontrolled radical civilian armies or “militants”, “rebels” or terrorists, as we have seen today can impose just as much misery and chaos on civilization as any military army. We’ve seen this also throughout history and we know that this also doesn’t end very well.
3- Thus when you think of the new global world order rooted in collectivism and cultural marxism think “civilian armies” and remember that Obama promised in his 2008 campaign that he would create an “army of civilians” who he promised would be “just as strong” and “just as powerful” as our military. Ask yourself, what did he mean by this?
4- Globalization and the undermining of all Western values has accelerated beyond belief. Using a global propaganda campaign to indoctrinate the young and using multinational corporations redefining what constitutes, for example, “harassment” the globalists have become the new thought police attempting to dissolve and override all reason, science, conservative values and natural law itself. This massive global attempt to redefine reality is all part of the war on Truth, the war on the individual and the war on nation states. Many argue this is also a war on god, on faith, on science, reason and logic as well. Christians argue this is clearly synonymous with the so called “mark of the beast” and admittedly the symbolisms and similarities are definitely there.
5- Because of the above redefining of language and meaning of things this new thought police has gone from mocking those who exposed the 9/11 crimes as “conspiracy theorists” to now outright accusing those who disagree with us as guilty of “harassment” which unlike the accusation of “conspiracy theorists” carries with it a presumed guilt and an “act” of criminality to it. If you are “harassing” you are committing a punishable crime. This crime of course will then lead to a loss of wages (getting fired), loss of freedom (jail) or worse. Much worse consequences than being called a conspiracy theorist don’t you think?
It is very important to stop this madness that now threatens humanity and America and see it for what it really is. It’s censorship re-packaged as “anti-fascism” and anti-hate. It’s the rolling out of the thought police and the ushering in of the new global order. The video below ties in the road from 9/11 to Antifa.
Related video


http://humansarefree.com/2017/09/2-year-study-refutes-official-wtc-7.html#more 786

2-Year Study Refutes Official WTC 7 Report, Supports Controlled Demo

On September 6, 2017, the University of Alaska Fairbanks Dr. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of UAF’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, presented some damning findings and conclusions detailed in his team’s September 2017 progress report regarding the collapse of World Trade Center building 7.

Over the past 16 years many highly respected academics and experts have come forward to challenge the official narrative on the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers forwarded by the U.S. government – with particular interest given to the collapse of WTC building 7.

The official government position elicited in the 2008 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report holds that the collapse of all three towers was due to intense heat inside of the buildings.

Now, for the first time, an ongoing peer reviewed academic study, WTC 7 Evaluation — is being conducted by Dr. J Leroy Husley of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering – and it directly challenges the findings of the official NIST report.

The NIST opened an investigation into the collapses of WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7 in August 2002. NIST released its final report on WTC 7 in 2008, finding that the fires that were ignited by falling debris from WTC 1 caused the collapse of WTC 7.

Independent researchers, however, have assembled evidence that has raised profound questions regarding the notion that WTC 7 collapsed because of fire.

While many in the mainstream have attempted to label anyone that questions the official narrative as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorist, many highly respected experts have come forward to lampoon the unbelievable idea that the buildings collapsed due to the intense heat and fires following two terrorist-directed plane crashes.

In 2002, NIST remarked that the case was exceptionally bizarre, as there were no other known cases of total structural collapses in high-rise buildings caused by fires. What’s more, it had to document the fact that this never before seen anomaly happened three times in the space of one day, noted NIST.
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David Chandler – The Physics of 9/11 – This Guy Nails It

https://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?...ler – The Physics of 9/11 – This Guy Nails It
http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=ht...ler – The Physics of 9/11 – This Guy Nails It



I realise many of you might have seen clips from this video for a number of years, but if you haven’t seen the full video LISTEN to the efficiently critical tone that David Chandler brings to HIS (physics teacher) ANALYSIS of the video data of buildings 1, 2 and 7 of the WTC receiving little to no RESISTANCE from the tonnage of steel and concrete below the falling upper parts of the building.​
It’s astonishing how we’ve been conned by 9/11, and now have Cognitive Dissonance like ‘it never even happened’.

Source: http://mikephilbin.blogspot.com/2017/09/david-chandler-physics-of-911-this-guy.html


Never Shown Before Footage of 9/11: Entire Pentagon With Missile Impact


Now, since I’ve been researching into September 11th, 2001, I’ve noticed peculiar things about the Pentagon that are very interesting like the Pentagon confiscating the video from the gas station across the street, and the video from a hotel had their video confiscated as well. That was the rumor online anyway.

The gas station ended up suing to retrieve their video.

Now, the Pentagon has many videos outside focused in on the parking lot and other aspects surrounding the building.

Supposedly, there are 86 outside cameras. Only one 5 frame video was released to the public, and it barely showed a plane.

Many people wanted the Pentagon to release the other security tapes that was shot outside of the Pentagon. Well, that never happened.

Now, why would they confiscate video from the Gas Station from across the street on 09/11/01?

Of course, they also confiscated video from the Sheritan National Hotel as well from what people have reported online.

Why confiscate their surveillance videos? Don’t they have enough cameras at the Pentagon?

The most credible witness seems to be Samuel Danner:

When he was in front of the Pentagon, traffic began to slow down. Danner noticed an airplane in the distance. He knew about the attack on the WTC, and he pulled over and got out of his car.

He noticed a small aircraft in the distance coming towards him [...] A couple seconds later the [...] aircraft passes in front of him.

He describes it as a white aircraft about the size of Gulfstream 300. The front was like a humpback whale. It was flying very low to the ground [...] There was only one engine, and it was in the tail.

He is describing a military UAV, the Global Hawk:

As other witnesses have said, the airplane seemed to be under perfect control. He did not notice any windows on the plane. He felt the air move as the aircraft flew by, but the aircraft was amazingly quiet.

He saw some of the light poles that had been hit by the aircraft, but they seem to have fallen in the wrong direction, as if explosives knocked them down.

Danner walked onto the Pentagon property to help the survivors, but he didn't find any bodies or luggage.

Shanksville Coroner: No Bodies Found at 9/11 'Crash' Site


NIBIRU PLANET X Update Today 17th October 2017, MUST WATCH
(interesting video, a woman who was a CIA asset in Iraq, before and during 9/11, tells the narrative behind 9/11. it is labeled nibiru but has nothing to do with nibiru? rahu - 1:27:22 a bit long but I've never seen this stuff before or heard of it)
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Was the 9/11 attack a false flag operation? (Part II)

Jonas E. Alexis -

October 24, 2017 1

…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof

Mark Dankof is the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.Dankof has been disturbing the Zionist party for many years through his podcast (The Ugly Truth) and political activism.
Jonas E. Alexis: Let’s continue our discussion on the 9/11 attack and some of the diabolical forces that have come to dominate the West in general and America in particular. Expand on these issues for us here. What’s your take on how people who are of the truth should take action?
Mark Dankof: The only course of action is to continue to present the known facts, first on the scientific evidence, secondly on the party that had the motive, the means, the opportunity, and the resources to cover up the deed after the fact.
We are less than candid when we fail to acknowledge that the Zionist control of the six major American media conglomerates is monolithic, and makes Corporate Media a purchased accomplice in what is going on.
This fact, and Zionist control of the Federal Reserve Board (money supply) and Presidential and Congressional elections through PAC money and media control, makes for a completely unlevel playing field. In the case of the 9-11 Truth Movement, the chief strategy is clearly the utilization of the Internet, and foreign media outlets and journalists, to get the word out domestically and internationally.
We have to do an end run around Corporate Media, their ownership, their agents of influence, and pursue guerrilla strategies. This is what Mark Glenn and I are doing with The Ugly Truth, and with our occasional appearances on Press TV and Russia Today. We have no money, no corporate benefactors, and plenty of adversaries with a lot of animosity toward us and plenty of their own benefactors in marginalizing us professionally with demonization and malicious untruth on the Internet.
The job that Republican congressional candidate in Maryland, Kenneth R. Timmerman, attempted to do on me with the help of an ex-friend of mine, Howard Phillips of the Constitution Party and Washington’s Conservative Caucus, in a piece for the Richard Mellon Scaife-financed Accuracy in Media entitled, “Tehran TV Loves Ron Paul,” is a case in point.
This goes back to an article I wrote in 2007. Timmerman threatened to sue me if I didn’t withdraw the piece. I didn’t withdraw. He then resorted to the sort of thing that appeared in Accuracy in Media. This is the way it is. I have since commented on Timmerman in a radio broadcast of September 5th, 2012. I have also responded to Howard Phillips in writing. You can evaluate the evidence for yourself on what is going on here.
Mantiq al-Tayr covered some of these shenanigans in Stealth Zionism. What is important to see here is the extent to which the American Right specifically, and the American political and journalistic enterprise generally, has been hijacked by these Zionist Agents of Influence. This even includes elements of the Libertarian Party, as I recently demonstrated in my piece on Wayne Allyn Root.
It all points to Israel. The American public needs to understand that the entire history of this State is rooted in racism, terror, racial genocide, theft, and False Flag Operations. Look at the King David Hotel Bombing in Jerusalem in 1947; Deir Yassin; the Lavon Affair; Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967; the Pollard spy case and the subsequent AIPAC, Ben-Ami, and Stewart Nozette spy cases.
Your readers and viewers need regular acquaintance with a resource like Grant Smith’s The Israel Lobby Archive, for the Institute of Research: Middle Eastern Policy where these topics are concerned.
This is clearly a State that would have no hesitation to pull off a False Flag operation in New York on September 11, 2011, if they felt it benefited them, as Benjamin Netanyahu himself has stated it did. He said the day after 9-11 that [where Israel’s interest is concerned], “It’s very good.” He also stated that “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq. . . . these events swung American public opinion in our favor.”
I have a suggestion for those interested in the truth and international dissemination of the truth before time runs out. It may already be too late. One is to see that the independent film producer, Merlin Miller of Americana Pictures, gets the funding he needs to produce his completed movie screenplay on Israel’s premeditated attack on the USS Liberty, entitled “False Flag“.
The second is that the funding be brought forth to put Michael Collins Piper’s book on the Kennedy Assassination, Final Judgment, into cinematic production. Why? If the American public ever discovers what the State of Israel has been doing at their expense, and why, the Zionist enterprise will be finished.
This is why Merlin Miller ventured into Tehran for the New Horizon Independent Film Festival hosted by Director Mohammad Tayyeb and a host of others. Miller is a West Point graduate, former American Army Officer and Paramount Pictures producer. He is sick of what the Zionist Lobby is doing to this country, and to the rest of the world. He needs our help to level the cinematic playing field with this project. Decent people everywhere will profit if it comes to pass.
I want to make something absolutely clear. Involvement in this is not for the faint of heart. Dr. Philip Giraldi, former CIA Station Chief, head of the Council for the National Interest, and columnist for The American Conservative and Antiwar.com, has warned Mark Glenn and a few of the rest of us that we may want to join Giraldi in being abroad after the American elections. Why?
Draw your own conclusions regarding what may well be soon upon all of us. The clock is ticking. It is terrifying. And Israel’s propaganda machine in the United States is kicking in to make it happen, everyone from Rupert Murdoch and Fox News to John Hagee, the rotund Zionist-mouthpiece of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio.
Jonas E. Alexis: False flags have been used by the Powers That Be since the beginning of time. For example, three quarters of the city of Rome was burned down by what is now called the Great Fire of Rome in the summer of A.D. 64, which lasted about six days. All historical documents indicate that Nero was responsible for the fire, but he blamed it on the Christians, whom he ended up torturing and liquidating.[1] First-century historian Tacitus recounted:
Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace.
“Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.
“Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths.
“Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.”
One historian writes that the Great Fire ended up damaging Nero’s “moral reputation and financial viability,”[2] largely because Nero used that excuse to burn alive “a despised minority, the Christians.”[3] So, do you think 9/11 was a false flag?
Mark Dankof: This is clearly my interpretation, both in terms of oil and natural gas resources and pipelines, as well as providing Netanyahu and his Likudniks the pretext to expand the borders of Eretz Yisrael from the Nile River to the Tigris and Euphrates.
The position papers of the Project of the New American Century (PNAC) entitled, “A Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm,” and the September 2000 PNAC production of Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Company entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” are prima facie evidence of this, in my opinion.
It is noteworthy that in the September 2000 release, the authors advocate another “catastrophic and catalyzing event–like Pearl Harbor” to get the American public behind a perpetual war footing and military presence in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Reading these PNAC releases in conjunction with Robert Stinnett’s book on FDR and Pearl Harbor entitled, “Day of Deceit,” and Pat Buchanan’s review of Herbert Hoover’s diary on FDR and Pearl Harbor, should contextualize how ominous this reference really is.
We are headed for a Third World War spearheaded by the Zionist/Talmudic Ideology of Racial Supremacy, Jewish International Banking, and Oil and Natural Gas Consortiums. It will be sold to the American public as something in their own interest and in the interest of protecting the homeland. This is absolutely absurd.
Jonas E. Alexis: Let me get this straight. You think Israel is connected to all of this?
Mark Dankof: There is a direct connection of all of this to Israeli money and Jewish interests. The Think Progressreport proves it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The plan is to desecrate the Islamic faith, as Jewish interests subverted and financed the earlier American Christian cultural demise and eclipse with pornography, abortion-on-demand, the homosexual rights movement, and movies and TV shows that trashed orthodox Christianity, the substitutionary atonement of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the New Testament.
When there are angry protests against this desecration of Islam in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent, the Zionists will have succeeded in demonizing Islamic people of faith as violent, irrational, dark-skinned extremists.
The subliminal message in the West is that Arabs and Iranians aren’t truly human beings made in the Image of God and that invading and occupying their countries is legitimate and honorable, while killing them and destroying their families and communities isn’t a problem for a “civilized” society that wants to help itself to their property and natural resources.
This all serves the Zionist Eretz Yisrael agenda, the Oil and Natural Gas Consortiums, and the Bankers. It also serves to weaken legitimate Christianity and Islam by pitting them against each other when they should be in natural alliance, facilitating the destruction of the opposition to the New World Order Ben Gurion envisioned.
We must not fall for this. Decent people in the West and in the Islamic world must join forces against this evil Divide and Conquerstrategy. This is why my radio partner, Mark Glenn, started his Crescent and Cross outreach some years ago. Glenn was one of the first to recognize how the Master Plan of the Hidden Hand was being put together. He’s been proven right through time, as the Sam Bacile film release corroborates.
Eric Margolis clearly tagged this latest piece of cinematic trash “Neo-Conservative pornography” serving the interest of those promoting the War of Civilizations. That War of Civilizations is clearly synonymous with the Zionist agenda and gameplan. They are one and the same.

Jonas E. Alexis: Was the 9/11 attack good for America? Who benefitted from that bloody event?
Mark Dankof: In the short term, 9/11 created the climate of American public support for the idiotic and destructive policies which followed September 11, 2001, including using the American military as a Janissary Force in support of the Likud/Netanyahu agenda in Palestine, the Middle East, and Central Asia, while heading for national economic bankruptcy while doing so.
This policy of Likud is an extension of the earlier Irgun and Stern Gang policy shared by David Ben Gurion himself: to “restore the Kingdom of David and Solomon to its biblical borders,” the so-called Eretz Yisrael, or Greater Israel vision for not only controlling the territory from the Nile River to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, but governing the entire planet from a Jewish-controlledJerusalem in global control of the International Banking System and all the nations of the earth in subservience to it.
These pro-Zionist zealots in John Hagee’s “Christian” cult are operating in self-delusion and self-contradiction at precisely this point. How does support of World Government and the New World Order equate with being “pro-America?” How does commitment to Jesus Christ and his Kingdom equate with support for something rooted in a doctrine of racial supremacy, violence, theft, and deception? What is the New Testament’s understanding of the composition of the eschatological evil of 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13?
Exposure of the nature and methodology of Zionism, combined with the catastrophic consequences for those who support it in the United States and Europe, will change Israel’s status as a cunning beneficiary of 9-11 to its ultimate victim.
I predict that there will be a backlash against Zionism and the Israeli Lobby once the disaster they have crafted for everyone else completely materializes. It may take a Third World War and a global economic collapse to facilitate that. But it will happen. It will make Iranian backlash against the American and British policies in Iran from 1953 to 1979 look like child’s play by comparison. Those who truly planned, plotted, and implemented what happened in New York City on September 11, 2001, will rue the day they did.
Jonas E. Alexis: Your assessment on the mainstream media.
Mark Dankof: The mainstream U. S. media, as we have already seen, sustained the myth regarding the perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks and the legitimacy of American military operations in the Middle East and Central Asia thereafter. They did so as agents of Zionism, Banking, Oil, and Multinational Consortiums and Interests.
This is why the employment of Alternative Media, the Internet, and Foreign Media is so essential in removing the veil regarding the role of the U. S. mainstream media in perpetrating fraud and tragedy.
The falsehoods and mythologies they continue to perpetrate on Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassination, the USS Liberty attack, and 9-11 must be absolutely exposed and debunked, not simply in the interest of a recovery of historical truth, but to accomplish the defenestration of Mainstream Media once and for all.
This would remove them as an effective force in selling the False Flag incident soon to come which is being planned to legitimize and sell a preemptive military attack on Iran. Their absolute defenestration forever would be a prelude to a cleansing of all of the other corrupt American and global institutions corrupted by the Mark of the Beast. Their comprehensive discrediting and defeat would give the rest of us a foothold in regaining control of our respective houses. Let the effort begin.
Jonas E. Alexis: I look forward to discussing the Pearl Harbor debacle with you at the end of this year.

[1] See for example Phillip Carrington, The Early Christian Church (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957).

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Ground Zero 1,100 People Not Found Explosives Evidence – Video

(check the video.. in the firemans own words rahu)

FROM “Report From Ground Zero”
Jay Jonas, Ladder Co. 6, is in a stairwell of Tower One when the crippled skyscraper begins vibrating like a 110-story tuning fork. As upper floors rapidly implode, it is “almost like I’m being bounced like a basketball,” Jonas says. “I am literally bouncing off the floor, like if a train derails and the wheels are hitting the railroad ties.
“It was that kind of boom, boom, boom, boom in loud succession.” page 97
Over 1,100 victims Not Found without a trace 2017 9 11 Explosives Cover Up C-span Rushed Evidence Removal on 9_11 9-11 Jay Jonas Explosive Cover Up 9/11 Firefighter Speaks
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