having issues coping with my 'uniqueness'


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I have moon conjunct neptune and uranus in the sixth house, neptune cusping seventh. I'm really really really weird. All three oppose my cancer ascendant.

I don't own a car, so I walk everywhere. as you can imagine i get really bored really fast and start daydreaming hard core. I find myself looking up at the sky and the tree line most of the time with some stupid smile on my face laughing and talking to myself just to make time go by faster. In fact, I talk to myself A LOT when I have nothing better to do, as if I'm having a conversation with someone else. Mostly I will imagine really funny scenes in my head that sort of pop out of nowhere, like slap stick humor which makes me totally laugh out loud. I have a really expansive intense imagination that never stops, it just keeps going and going and frickin going. I'm moody too, which is what you can expect from uranus, so I make faces all the time. it can go from a blank face to a pissed one to a stupid smile in the span of five or ten minutes. I think so much and my face has a serious problem with going along with my emotions and thoughts.

I fear though that in doing this I look absolutely insane to anyone who sees me. The town I live in isn't THAT big... I just wonder if because these planets oppose my ascendant, does it make me look unstable to people around me? will this hinder me socially or otherwise? when I'm at work if it's not slow I don't geek out like that because I have no time. My mood changes are far more subtle because I'm so preoccupied... I just don't want other people convinced I need to live the rest of my life in a sponge filled room.


Well-known member
Yeah, what you described here is a mark of Uranian people... all Aquariuses i knew (my uncle, my deskmate, and 3 other classmates) have this tenency of talking to themselves at one point :lol: They don't do it often or visibly though, and i don't think it's bad, being able to enjoy yourself and not feel awkward when letting your thoughts slip sometimes.

I also have Moon (in Aquarius too, and with Venus too) conjunct Neptune and Uranus(in Capricorn), all in the First House, and i have predisposition to the same kind of things...well, in a way. When i was little, i liked to retreat in my world of fantasy, although, i don't know how to describe it, i was also very... dutiful, responsible, you know, the serious kid, but open in my perceptions. The thing is i diminished this tendency, or rather started channeling it a lot as i grew up and I was very careful not to seem airy in public (big Capricorn here too) as the image mattered a lot for me. BUT after always trying to surpress the moments when i let myself go and imagine and live stories and endless possibilities inside my head, i found out that it affected the quality of my drawings and that my inspiration wasn't flowing so easily anymore... and so i started seeking a balance and observed that too much constraint and realism is a key that opens only a few specific doors.

Like you said, i can also be pretty moody. But in the way that i am aware of other people and my environment, and that i think too much about others, more than from an internal sense/source of moodiness/conflict. About boredom, i experience that too, i simply have to keep my mind preoccupied with something, and in fact I'm starting to get bored even with european astrology after only 3 years of getting (or trying to get) in touch with everything, and i have recently started studying the Indian & Chinese branches too (it has actually become a hobby, and people here are helpful and provide useful information :D). I also draw a lot in order to express images or feelings that i accumulate. Sometimes i feel misunderstood, and people wrongly interpret my intention in a bad sense when i'm just trying to be neutral and understanding, and it frustrates me to see people literally afraid to jump away from their old preconcieved conceptions to see the the reality as it is, not transform it into something bigger or smaller according to what fear dictates. And people that do not get the non-verbal part of communication and don't know how to take an advice are also annoying. Because it's sad :( and there's no reason for one to constraint their ability to perceive stuff or use intuition when needed (it is the best compass my opinion; and yeaah, coming from my country in which communism still has visible effects, it is a problem!...). Of course, i take many facts into consideration before jumping to a conclusion about anybody i don't know : )

Ever got quick flashes about stuff? At school, at home, with friends..? about situations that are to come (like 5 seconds before it happens but you already know it), about a subject, about someone? Other get that too, and Aquariuses have predispositons to it (i'd say air signs too, Aqua more than Gemini and Gem more than Libra though) Learning to aknowledge and accept them can prove to be healthier. And yeah, i pointed them out because, strangely enough, many people say and write about how they experience these kind of things

Also, I just bolded the key words for Moon-Neptune-Uranus aspecting the 1st house believing they are a similarity between people with similar placements ; ))

--> But about the position of your planets, yes, an opposition to the ASC traditionally means that the energy these planets create can get in the way of your public image. This suggests you should be very aware of people taking advantage of you, emotionally, and cancer there gives a little bit of insecurity due to which you are prompted into being more careful with the dreamy attitude, which is good. You probably also seek understanding and being able to get in touch on a personal level with others. Work does good for many cancers as far as I've seen and it provides a social environment in which one can function well (your planets being in the 6th House representative for carrer), but with uranus in the mix you probably want some freedom too, and this trait is there to protect you from an undesired type of sensitivity& sponginess to other people's feelings. I believe that being responsible and channeling erratic impulses (and soothing them, rather than blocking them) can give good results. It depends on other aspects too: how willing are you to work with the planets in friction? A good Mars can provide some nice energy you could use(or good aspects to it); a good Saturn in relation to the MC may provide, again, good chances for giving a purpose and a good direction to the self or relationship sector (or other sectors, depends on where it is in your chart, what sign?) in relation to the Career...
This is my interpretation as a novice ; )
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Well-known member
Hi. What you've described does sound like Uranus and Neptune aspecting your Moon and Cancer ascendant, but your self-consciousness about this will be shown elsewhere in the chart (though to some extent by the Capricorn descendant), so it would be useful to see the whole chart if you can post it.


Well-known member
I'm going to try hard not to take offense to that medication comment, though it's pretty tempting. My pluto is in the fifth. I really think you are right about the need for an outlet. for awhile I painted and sometimes I still do but it bores me for the most part now. What I'm really into is skits and strange humor, I was thinking about starting to film myself doing weird slap stickish things then stringing them all together and making a film.


Well-known member
and yeah sometimes I can totally hear what someone is thinking or know what they are going to say. alot of people around my age have neptune conjunct moon with me, I'm sure that has something to do with it as well. I also get really bad vibes before something bad is going to happen, sometimes it knocks the wind right out of me. or it could be the other way, I'll feel really good for no reason until something great happens.


Well-known member
I wanted to know about the oppositions to my ascendant and how they might effect the outside world viewing me. Plus any other advice from others who know someone with, or have themselves, uranus and neptune aspecting a personal planet and how they may handle it which is the feedback I got from Andrea, who I found to be extremely helpful. 'UNIQUE' is code for WEIRD.. I was putting it delicately. you can keep your brownie points, zarathu, I don't want them. I find it extremely irritating also that you would insinuate that my intentions for this post were to get credit and praise for aspects that i was born with.. that's ridiculous. Andrea pointed out sudden hunches and esp phenomenon and I was fallowing up on that. Also, you need to stop second guessing when I was born, you've done it on almost all of my posts. Having a personal planet aspected by two outer planets, especially Uranus and Neptune can get pretty 'far out', sometimes dealing with it isn't very easy particularly with the hard aspects. I was simply looking for other people who know the feel. THAT'S IT.
I'm going to try hard not to take offense to that medication comment, though it's pretty tempting.
I apologize if I offended you. I am someone who went for a long time trying to use astrology to self-diagnose and treat. The diagnosis was satisfactory but treatment was beyond astrology's reach IMHO. That's what the meds are for.


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Hi. Obviously one of the most striking things about this chart is that so much is concentrated around the descendant. I think this is relevant to your tendency to talk to yourself. The ascendant is the most subjective point on the chart - it symbolises consciousness of oneself as a subject of experience. In other words, everything else is an object to be experienced and we are completely wrapped up in our own take on things. The descendant on the other hand is the point at which we are most conscious of ourselves as being the object of someone else's the experience. Placements here affect our sense of what others will expect from us, and it says a lot about our most natural way of relating to other people on a one-to-one level. Of course we often stay mostly at the ascendant side of the axis, preferring to let the other to live out the energies found at the descendant.

Although it is the 7th house which typifies the descendant, the 6th house is also equally 'westerly'. An important difference between them is that the 6th house is a personal house, so there is more of a sense of being a separate unit trying to synthesise oneself with the rest of the universe. The 7th involves a stronger sense of being an inseparable part of the whole, but both houses involve a kind of self-scrutiny which involves assumptions about the requirements and expectations of those we interact with.

With so many planets around the descendant, two things seem to be happening. Firstly, you are tending to converse with yourself as a way of replicating the self-other interaction. And secondly, you tend to focus on how others may perceive you - at least you probably do this significantly more than you would if these planets were around the ascendant.

Multiple conjunctions like this are inherently subjective in nature - they are the aspect equivalent of the ascendant and the first point of Aries in the astrological alphabet. So there is a curious mixture here of the subjectivity (i.e. one-sidedness) of the conjunctions, and the need to experience these energies in a way which gives you an outside view of yourself.

An additional emphasis which must be taken into account is that involving the sign Capricorn, including Saturn in this, its own sign, conjunct the Sun and north lunar node. Capricorn symbolises the facet of the solar life force which fuels the integration of individuals into some focused and crystallised structure such as a society, a corporation or a body of people who are part of the same profession. At the point of the zodiacal cycle where this focalisation takes place, the tide turns towards the expression of individuality. There is thus a need to distinguish oneself as a respected member of the group and yet a need to conform to the group in order to continue to maintain, and benefit from, its stability and productivity.

I've noticed that people with a strong Saturn often ask about whether they are special - or even enviable - in some way. I'm not saying that this necessarily applies to you, but in any case you can see that Capricornian self-consciousness can be helped to some extent by thoughts of being a particularly special example of a group member. This may be exaggerated by the presence of the Sun, which desires to stand out, and also Uranus and Neptune, which both need to be a vehicle for something 'beyond the pale'

So without even looking at the individual close conjunctions, we can see themes in this chart that are relevant to this thread. In teasing apart the themes, it is perhaps best to distinguish the needs of Moon Uranus Neptune in Capricorn, from the needs of Sun Saturn in Capricorn. It would also be very useful to note the opposition of Chiron to the Sun Saturn conjunction, keeping in mind that the house axis across which this falls is that which carries the meaning of the ascendant-descendant axis. Another point to note with regard to the overwhelming importance of this axis in this chart, is that the Moon rules the ascendant and is conjunct the descendant.

I don't have time to go into any of that though, and you might already feel you've had to read enough already! Hopefully others will add their comments too.


Well-known member
Its worth keeping in mind though that the intuitive function corresponds to the fire element. This chart is extremely earthy, suggesting that the sensation function is strongest by far. The dreaminess in this case would perhaps be due to the strength of Neptune in the chart, which is a watery energy corresponding to the feeling function.

Its interesting that in your self-entertainment, you use slap-stick comedy a lot. This involves a close adherence to the nature and behaviour of the material world (the concern of the sensation function) with an infusion of chaos and unpredictability (Uranus and Neptune) at key points.

Of all the earth energies, Saturn and Capricorn are most aware of the expression of earthy consciousness which we call social etiquette. Slap-stick comedy often disrupts attempts to adhere to such etiquette.

So you're basically a sensation type with a need to play around with the material plane in your imagination. Its a very creative combination. The thing to watch out for is the tendency of earth-water types, to stay within a circumscribed reality, rather than try to branch out in new directions where new potentials can be realised.


Well-known member
Jupiter in Leo opposite Venus in Aquarius is something I overlooked before. This dynamic feature can help you pursue new potentials, and it would be worth you reflecting on how it manifests in your life at present so that you can cultivate it. Interestingly, this sign axis is also concerned with issues of uniqueness and how to serve the collective through creative expression.


Well-known member
My daughter has Moon/Uran (a little tighter than your already tight orb) and displays excitability and over-enthusiasm but not some of the darker behavior/experiences you mention.

For them, I'm looking no further than your Moon/Nept 135 Mars.


Well-known member
I am an INFJ, it's really funny you mentioned that! I think I need to lead a really active lifestyle in order to balance myself out. I can drive and really enjoy it but it's just a lack of money right now that is keeping me from a vehicle. I used to drive in order to unwind, it made me feel free and in control.

what about my moon and neptune in relation to mars? Moon/Nept 135 Mars... those are considered semi-squares, correct? how relevant would that be? everywhere i read it doesn't seem to be such a big problem, especially if they are in the same element.

I've been working out alot more and it's been helping me alot, it gives me the energy to act out some of the things that pop into my head besides just fantasizing about them. when i record my visions people seem to really enjoy them. It makes me feel better about myself. Also being active seems to ***** the bolts in right, I can realize what is a rubbish idea and what is worthy or channeling.


Well-known member
I appreciate those articles but it irritates me when astrologers focus on the pain of chiron and not the positives... I think chiron is alot more then a teacher that can help others out but not himself.


Well-known member
I appreciate those articles but it irritates me when astrologers focus on the pain of chiron and not the positives... I think chiron is alot more then a teacher that can help others out but not himself.

Two-sided coin.. isn't it.

There is alot of trouble until the teacher manages to make his points come through, don't you think?

For those who can pass the lesson, yes, it is rewarding. Yet think of the procedure and those who haven't been able to "get the message"..

Meh, it is just the same with N.Node and Saturn -maleficness and such...