

New member
I just wanted to know what does an astrologer really mean by saying that "you have good horoscope"? It's not like I'm all lucky and haven't faced any troubles or hardships in my past or present, but I had refered to few astrologers lately, in the end they all said "you have a good horoscope".


Staff member
Where did you find these astrologers? Chat sites? Discussion boards? Psychic hotlines? Or did you do a full sit down consultation with one or more professional astrologers?

I'm guessing it was something less than a full sit down consultation, because "you have a good horoscope" doesn't sound like anything a competent professional astrologer would say.Even using the word "horoscope" in a consultation doesn't make sense. I would never say that to a client. Instead, I would be talking about their chart--not horoscope, that sounds like just schlocky newspaper columns--and I wouldn't vaguely say, "Yours is good." It would be about what exactly I'm seeing in the chart, in relation to whatever the client is asking.

If you have had a professional consultation with an astrologer and you still don't understand why they said what they said, then they haven't done their job. A good astrologer would tell you why they're saying what they say about your chart, and do their best to make it understandable to you.


Well-known member
I think I might sometimes discuss what I see in the chart without talking about astrology.

Here, on the forum, I talk astrology because it's a place to learn astrology.

Mars doesn't do bad things to me. But my anger, or impetuosity, or impatience, or ego and arrogance do.

So if I use those ideas, rather than saying "Mars", it is more constructive, more helpful.

If we face and deal with reality, with what IS, there is no "good" or "bad". There simply "is". My dogs taught me that, and they lived with a good deal of wisdom.

The Buddha set off on his quest for enlightenment because he saw that all of mankind, great and small, suffer.

To say a chart is "good" [meaning it promises relative ease, pleasure, accomplishment or whichever values you see as "good"] ignores the universal of human suffering, addresses the superficial (which is important, or can be).

A turd is Heaven to a scarab, but filth to a human. Life depends on perspective.
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New member
Hi Osamenor!
Thanks for the reply. The astrologers I referred were the ones I took full sitting consultations with, they indeed talk to me about my natal charts and the changing dasas and why I was facing any sort of difficulties; all my doubts were cleared it's just that in the end they would say ,"you have a good horoscope"or I should have said "jhadhakam" to be precise. My bad that I never asked them directly what they meant by having a "good jhadhakam".


New member
Hi greybeared!
Thank you for the reply. So you mean that its just not changing positions of planets but also our character based attitudes towards certain situations that results in situations that we are in?