sex and mars and pluto


both planets are related to it what is the difference? i read pluto is highter octave of mars, i dont get that either, pluto imo doesnt have many roles just the one, it intensifies and deep mines any planet, its very impersonal, so why is it a sex keyword


Well-known member
Mars likes the thrill of the chase - the obtaining of the good catch ahead of the competition. Mars also needs to feel potent, and bringing someone to orgasm can satisfy that need. And for many people, physical exercise is necessary to relieve tension and get rid of excess adrenalin - in such cases sex could be seen partly as simply exercise. Orgasm is also a way of releasing hormones (or neurotransmitters or whatever) that balance out too much adrenalin and leave one feeling more relaxed and less aggressive.

Pluto is not a personal planet and doesn't have anything to do with an individual's desire to pursue a desired object. But the Plutonian process involves breaking through barriers to hidden facets of consciousness - and this is readily achieved through the emotional intimacy of sexual contact and the loss of control experienced during orgasm. The sense of power struggle and jungle law that we experience where Pluto touches more personal parts of the chart can also bring out the possessive side of us, and most people see an exclusive sexual relationship as the marker of being in possession of the partner, regardless of the quality of the emotional intimacy in the relationship. Also, there are many sexual taboos in any given society, and part of Pluto's job is to force us to become more conscious of the what and why of these taboos, so a personal planet or point touched by Pluto might be drawn to probe this area.

Mars was described by Howard Sasportas as 'The Henchman of the Sun' - Mars is the agressive 'me first' energy needed to clear the path for the individuation process symbolised by the Sun. I see Pluto as the henchman of the Soul - the 'collective survival instincts' (Greene) which, irrespective of our personal will, move us to do that which perpetuates the survival of the species/tribe/family to which we belong.

The other two 'higher octave' associations (Mercury Uranus, and Venus Neptune) involve the personal (lower octave) planet being exalted in the sign of the higher octave planet. But Mars is the traditional ruler of Pluto's sign - which perhaps is just as good?

I do have as much sympathy for the idea that Mars is the lower octave of Pluto, as I do for the other two associations. Mars can struggle greatly when in hard aspect to Pluto, as the personal will is forced to learn to yield when necessary to something beyond the awareness and control of the conscious ego. But then Mercury square Uranus people often find it difficult to come to an individually thought out opinion on something, and people with Venus square Neptune might struggle to develop a sense of personal tastes and values. With the trines I think the positive potential of these associations comes out much more readily. (Though of course as always with trines one has to watch that one doesn't relax into a rut of bad habits).

I hope this helps. Its just some thoughts. I don't think a truly definitive answer to your question necessarily exists.
I agree, Mars just wants your body, for one night only is just fine for him, it's about the conquest, and the notch under his belt.

Pluto wants your soul, he wants to own you, forever. He wants you to be as obsessed with him, as he is with you. As for orgasm, Mars is for the physical release of tension, as Miquar showed, but Pluto is the result of that orgasm, which is impregnation and carrying a new,mysterious human being in a woman's belly for 9 months. (Un)Coincidentally, Pluto is the 9th planet. That baby will grow up to have an orgasm someday which will produce more babies, which will grow up to have more babies, giving birth to nations.

So Pluto is the much deeper result of sex. As u said, it intensifies everything. Sex is not a game for Pluto, it's not just a physical, fun thing, it's a serious thing, involving merging souls, bloodlines, DNA etc.

I would also like to add, that (I think) Pluto rules marriage (as opposed to the common belief that it's 7th house and Venus. I think those rule all basic social interactions. Divorce would move that person from 8th to 7th, from deep connection, to just another person). 8th house rules shared resources, dowries, inheritances, joint bank accounts, etc. It's a very deep complex house. The difference between the 2, Mars and pluto is, Mars is that one night stand u forgot about, Pluto is the one you're connected to forever thru some type of ancient past, and distant future thru the miracle of reproduction thru sex.
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Well-known member
I kind of just found this thread as it seems to be in line with a question I have, so I hope I can still ask the question.

Pluto rules orgasm, so does the sign, aspects, and house give clues as to what brings a person to orgasm or is that Mars' role?

I know that Venus is what we want to receive (though it's more about love) and Mars is what we want to do (active sex). Where is Pluto's role in this? Is it giving or receiving?
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Well-known member
Hi Emma,

I find it very helpful to think of planets and the houses as similar to the sign that is associated with them or ruled by them. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and Scorpio is about deepest penetration, about exploring and experiencing the deepest recesses of the psyche which includes our most primitive and instinctual drives. Sex is perhaps the most powerful of these instinctual drives. Freud thought it was the strongest one When you start having sex with someone usually that changes the relationship in much the same way that lending or sharing your money does. This is why astrologers, in their great wisdom, put sex and other people's money in the eight house. Both are symbols of a deeper sharing that involves trust and often commitment. Another very instinctual drive is for power- we all want to feel we have control of our lives and have the power to keep ourselves safe. To feel this way we have to have a certain amount of power over others. Pluto is the planet that rules these powerful often unconscious drives for power, control, mastery, deep investigation and exploration. The Eighth house is about the power dynamics that ensue from any relationship it another. Liz Greee called the eighth house "a battleground" for inevitably when in a commited relationship where money or sex is being shared,or loaned boundaries must be established and power is shared. The eighth house is about the energies and products that are generated by these types of intimacies - thus power struggles and the power dynamics that are part of any relationship. Pluto is a planet that intensifies many things because it triggers these deep and powerful drives all humans have. It is often said that the most erotic part of the human is the mind, that the key to sexual attraction and arousal is more in our psychology than anywhere else. Marriage counselors will tell you that sexual dysfunction problems are rarely physiological but a result of lack of trust and deep emotional connection.

The seventh house and Venus is about the niceties and formalities of partnership and marriage. Pluto and the eighth house is about the deep and often difficult issues that happen when one must trust another. Often it is only throughan intensely comitted relationship that we will learn about our worst faults - the other, the partner is the one who will see them when we cannot.

If you want to understand Pluto better from a psychological perspective I would recommend reading Liz Greene.

Hope this is helpful
Saggy Barb