Weakening resolve towards potential relationships - help


Well-known member
I promised myself that I would never bother going into a relationship. However, recently my resolve has been put to the test by temptation. For now, I am able to bring myself back to not bothering, but it does slip sometimes in the face of temptation. Could someone please check my progressions and transits to see what it shows. I know there is Jupiter square Venus that can apparently mean a relationship.


I have been very much living through my aloof cap moon and the analytic Virgo ASC which is why I have kept my resolve for a long time now.
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Well-known member
I can't seem to open the attachment to see if the Jupiter square Venus is a transit or a natal aspect.

Anytime one has a Jupiter transit to one's Venus or a Venus transit to one's Jupiter one of the effects is a desire to indulge oneself in various pleasures, including things like spending, food, sex, socializing.


Well-known member
I can't seem to open the attachment to see if the Jupiter square Venus is a transit or a natal aspect.

Anytime one has a Jupiter transit to one's Venus or a Venus transit to one's Jupiter one of the effects is a desire to indulge oneself in various pleasures, including things like spending, food, sex, socializing.
Thankyou for your response and sorry you couldn't open it. I have just clicked on it and it was fine. It was a transit.