Will we like me, will he make a move?


Well-known member

My question is if this new guy I met at work likes me and if he ask me out? We have been hanging together already. There is applying square between our significators Mercury and Jupiter. But as I’m faster moving planet is it so that I will ask him? Venus is on asc and it’s ruling my house of communication. That’s beneficial too or? Sun would be translating light but my significantor is on a way of that..is Mars translating light here...puzzled..? Moon next and last aspect is sextile to the Venus..that’s not strong but it’s on asc. What’s that?
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Well-known member
It looks like you will be the one asking him.
Check out the moon and POF in the 3rd. Keep talking to him, rather than make a move.


Well-known member
Thank you 🙏 and why just keep talking? Moon is making conjunction to POF. That’s beneficial too for the communication. Can it be seen if we actually go out or what is the outcome in this chart?


Well-known member
Because you mercury are opposing him Neptune in his own place and squaring Jupiter his other co-ruler at the end of the matter. If you just keep talking you will avoid turning him away.


Well-known member
If he’s going to turn away I don’t think that anything can prevent that from happening. Isn’t the end of the matter 4th from the subject so it’s 10th house not my 4th. I’m feeling so much in pain right now as I feel my affection isn’t good enough for anyone.


Well-known member
We're only talking about a colleague of yours, potential maybe something more, not the whole world! Never fear, yours is waiting for you.