No squares in the chart... but oppositions

Hey peeps

I've no squares in the chart. but plenty of oppositions!

I'm making this thread out of the interest in the differences between squares and oppositions. The main thing I gather is that squares are breaking through effect, which can cause tension and restriction, rather slow paced in nature. Whereas opposition represents a tense conditions, challenges that can only be overcome through understand and learning.

I don't know how to upload an image of my chart so i'll give time and date here if anyone wants to take a look

country: England
city: Bristol
Time: 03:15AM

the oppositions

venus in taurus(firsthouse) pluto in scorpio(7th)
mercury in gemini (3rd) uranus in sag(9th)
Mars in cancer(3rd) neptune in capricorn (9th)
Moon in gemini(2nd) saturn in sag (9th)
mars in cancer (3rd) midheaven in cap

if anyone can help me understand the nature of oppositions more i'd be very grateful cheers guys! :)


Staff member
oppositions, to life


More about the nature of aspects in Step 6 of the link below. An opposition indicates two energies "over-excite" each other. Think of a tug-of-war game, with a rope and one person at either end pulling. So each energy tries to "pull" the other energy over and each energy resists the other. This is the "excitement" I am talking about.

In your chart, the "tug-of-war" game is even more "exciting," since almost every energy is involved in this "over-excitement". This is called a Seesaw chart. From Tracy Marks' The Art of Chart Interpretation:

Seesaw pattern - "Planets are divided into two groups, at least 60 degrees or two empty houses apart, with no more than one empty house within each group, and with at least one opposition...concerned with relationships, aware of alternatives, fluctuating between different parts of...[themselves], and attempting to maintain balance through...[their] ability to synthesize and compromise."

So the challenge for you is to not get too attached to one "side" or the other and to easily switch from focusing on Beginnings (using your self-awareness to discover your "inner world") to focusing on Maturity (using your relationships with others to do things for them in the outer world) (more on Beginnings and Maturity in Step 3 of the link below).




Well-known member
It truely depends on which Planets are in opposition to each other. Some Planets are stronger in opposition than others are. Do these Planets which oppose each other reside in their essential dignities? If so which one is the strongest of the two Planets? Are the oppositions between Malevolent Planets(Mars/Saturn) or Benevolent Planets(Jupiter/Venus)? Or are they between one malevolent and one benevolent? Or are they between one Neutral (Sun, Moon, Mercury) and one benevolent/malevolent?

Before analyzing the meaning of your oppositions, you need to ask yourself those questions. The stronger planet with the most dignities in the opposition, if it be a benevolent Planet will mean that these oppositions will work in your favor and you will come out on top, where as if they are weak, you will always be brought down. If a malevolent/benevolent are mixed, the strongest will always come out on top, as stated above. If a malevolent/benevolent is mixed with a neutral, this will influence your quality of life in some way dramatically.

Finally, are these aspects 0 degree orbs? or are they more then 0 degrees? Having a 0 degree orb for any aspect increases the positivity or negativity of it by 100 fold. I hope this helps you.

Antiquus Astrologia