Pluto in Capricorn


Well-known member
Hi all,

I think that Pluto's transit into Capricorn might be rather grim. Capricorns ruler Saturn, formerly 'Sathan' is etymilogically related to the name 'Satan'.

Given that this planet is the Greater Malefic it is hardly a suprise. Pluto is considered by many to be malefic, and it's moving into a malefic domicile worries me.

Capricorn is symbolised by the goat. The goat is Satan's symbol, and a symbol of the satanic in general.

Pluto, mythologically, is the god of the dead and the underworld. Pluto is the lord of hell.

Pluto in Sagittarius saw us striving for the star's, but will Pluto in Capricorn drag us to the depths of hell? Given the current state of affairs in our evil and crazy world, I am not optimistic for our future as a species beneath this influence.

Pluto in Capricorn will open the floodgates to evil on a grand scale. We think we know how evil this world is? You ain't seen nothin' yet! It worries me.

Draco :wink:

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Draco, how can you still include a winking emoticon at the end of such a grim post?

I agree with most of your statements, though...the transition into 2012 is NOT going to be easy :?

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
I really would like to know what happens to Australia, since it is a capricorn itself. I suppose a lot of skeletons in the closet will be exposed?

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Hey everyone! :D

While I was searching websites to honor the Solar Return in Aries as part of my newest project for *** Happy Solar Returns ***, I found an interesting article on Parallel Worlds about Pluto in Capricorn.

By Greg Foster

PLUTO has been described by some modern astrologers as the astrological representative of the soul. Other astrologers in the "psychological" school work with Pluto as the "shadow self" that, when embraced, completes us and puts us in contact with our soul.

Another way to view this planet is as the part of us that's aware of existence beyond the lifespan of a single human being. With a cycle of 248 earth years, no human has been known to experience a Pluto return outside mythology.

A personal planet involved in a natal aspect to Pluto brings the Earth-bound ego into awareness of this soul or life beyond life. Astrologer-artist Antero Ali calls the effect of Pluto transits "deep shocks." This time perspective can show why these shocks are so deep; for instance, the entire history of the United States of America as a sovereign nation is contained in one Pluto cycle. When an intense transit happens, that's a lot of information for a single human ego to withstand, but when the force of Pluto touches a personal planet the ego indeed becomes aware of strange and powerful currents outside its realm of familiarity.

One of my favorite visual representations of the energy of Pluto is in the film Princess Mononoke. The Forest Spirit, part man, part tree, part antelope, reminds me of Pan. As he walks over the living earth the plants beneath his feet spring to vigorous life. But by the same token, a cut branch, separated from its life source, withers at his approach. That's very similar to the process Pluto symbolizes; bringing death to that which is undergoing decay and life to that which is still vital, Pluto quickens and intensifies the process of life.

Pluto spends roughly 18 of the 248 years of his trip around our local star in Capricorn. When this energy puts on the heavy lead robe of the sign of the Sea-Goat, the 10-words-or-less message is get real; change is the only constant. This is partly because Capricorn is the energy we depend upon to hold things stable; Pluto is the energy of the most compelling changes.

Even in the face of impermanence, Capricorn takes Pluto's intensity as a challenge; the Sea-Goat's nature is after all to endure for as long as possible, to establish structures that will long outlast the lives of their creators, and overcoming any obstacles to that purpose.

The part of the body under Capricorn's governance is the skeleton, that which endures even beyond death under the right conditions, and that which provides the solid structure with which the softer parts of the body hold their form and positions relative to each other. The social conventions and governments falling under the archetype of Capricorn serve a similar function in the body of a human society.

Inspirations occurring under Pluto in Sagittarius are brought into manifestation during the Capricorn phase. While Jesus preached in Sagittarius, Paul of Tarsus had his vision on the road to Damascus, converted to Christianity, and spread the Word while Pluto was in Capricorn. Paul of Tarsus is widely credited with establishing the religion of Christianity, loosely based on the teachings of the Christ, and is claimed as a saint by Christian churches of both modern east and west.

Rome got so fat that it almost imploded with Pluto in Sagittarius; Diocletian came along with Pluto in Capricorn and established a pattern that would keep the empire from falling apart for another 400 years in the West and another 1000 years in the East. He divided the empire into western and eastern halves and delegated his authority over the western half to Maximian. He also sponsored the last and most severe state sanctioned persecutions of Christians as the last pagan Emperor of Rome, paving the way for Christianity to become the adopted religion of the Emperor when Constantine took the throne and Pluto slid into Aquarius. Simultaneous with the reign of Diocletian, Gregory the Illuminator in 301 made Armenia the first officially Christian state.

Patterns from one Capricorn cycle to another can also be seen; at the time of Constantine, Christianity was a new and vital religion amidst many others. In 533 when Pluto next visited the Sea-Goat's realm, Justinian I was Emperor of the Eastern Empire that survived after the fall of the West to Barbarians. In a sinister flip-flop of Diocletian's reign, Justinian persecuted the last remaining pagans in an attempt to unify his Empire under the one religion of Orthodox Christianity.

In the 8th century Charlemagne began the first move towards re-establishing an Empire in the West in what came to be called the Holy Roman Empire. He was crowned Emperor by the Pope with Pluto in Aquarius, but established himself as one worthy of such honor during Pluto's Capricorn phase. Additionally, many of the writings from the classical world that we have available to us today are now with us due to Charlemagne's patronage of the copying of the ancient manuscripts. Between the fall of the Empire in the west and the reign of Charlemagne, book learning, fine arts and city culture were confined, hidden like seeds awaiting fertile soil in the monasteries. Charlemagne gave those seeds the soil they needed to grow, sprinkled with the blood sacrifice of the Saxons and others whom he converted to Christianity by his sword.

In the 16th century Martin Luther had his illumination that resulted in the Protestant Reformation, while Hernan Cortes was welcomed as a god by Moctezuma in South America and began the establishment of European dominance in the New World. Protestantism and the Conquistadores would uphold the tradition of blood sacrifice as they burned witches and slaughtered savages in the name of Jesus. In Asia, European merchants made first contact with China, and planted small seeds that would grow into vast colonialism by the 19th century.

Britain fell to the Romans who founded the city of London under one Pluto in Capricorn spell. By the time the next cycle occurred over a thousand years later, London was the capital of the largest empire in recorded history while its young colony in the new world threw off the chains of its rule. On the eastern edge of North America, the United States of America was founded, while on the western edge the wave given a push by Paul of Tarsus in the first century AD simultaneously hit California as the first Christian missions were established. This small colony would stretch "from sea to shining sea" in less than a century, and expand from nation to world empire in a little over two.

As Pluto nears Capricorn this time around, entering in 2009, we are approaching the celebrated end-date of the Mayan Calendar which concludes a count of time running 26,625 years. This is the approximate amount of time required for the points of the equinox to traverse an entire circle of the heavens. The Mayans begin and end their reckoning of time with the conjunction of the winter solstice Sun to the center of the Milky Way galaxy. On winter solstice 2012 this occurs with Pluto in Capricorn. Interestingly, by one reckoning, Mayan civilization was established in the 4th century of the Christian calendar with Pluto in Capricorn.

Many of us fear further oppression and the growing of a police state. To the extent that we project our responsibility for crafting the fabric of our experience onto "the Government," the police state will arise to provide the discipline that we unconsciously desire. In many ways the police state is already with us with the War on Drugs, the War on Terror and the Class War all keeping us in constant fear and willingness to hand over our rights and accept monstrosities like the Patriot Act. Pluto in Capricorn could be about taking down this tower of lies, making our desires for peace and freedom real by the force of our actions, if we have the courage to act.

As resources dwindle we certainly won't be able to maintain the levels of consumption we've grown accustomed to in the industrialized nations. Like Rome bursting at the seams at the end of Pluto in Sagittarius in the 3rd century, we're seeing an unprecedented level of consumption in the industrialized nations threatening to destroy our entire biosphere as we welcome war and ignore such grave threats as global warming and pollution. In the time of Diocletian only a portion of the Earth was covered by the gluttonous beast of Empire; the Empire now covers the entire planet with every square inch mapped, zoned, and accounted for by the landlords/warlords who would like to squeeze every last drop of oil from the good green Earth.

After the transit of the centaurs Chiron and Nessus through Capricorn many of us are beginning to wake up to the fact that business as usual is killing us. "The Environment" is already establishing itself in our awareness with hurricanes, earthquakes and weird weather planet-wide. Some of us are getting the message now with Pluto in Sagittarius; Capricorn will be the time to establish our inspirations, to make them real or die trying.

Rulers of Capricorn

Capricorn is associated with two planets, Saturn and Mars. Saturn is called the ruler, which means that this planet's energy has an affinity with the style of Capricorn. Mars is said to be exalted, which means his impulsive intensity works exceptionally well when expressing itself through the mask of Capricorn. Saturn represents the familiar government and social side of the Sea-goat while Mars represents the force of individual will. There is no society without a bunch of individuals. Even an emperor is a single individual given power by the force of social conventions.

Under this influence an individual can be brought to unavoidable awareness of present time purpose and integrity, making just the right move at just the right time to have far reaching effects on the fabric of humanity's collective experience.

Saint Paul of Tarsus, Charlemagne, Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther were mere individuals, specks of animated dust on the surface of the Earth just as Pluto is a mere speck of ice and rock so far from the sun that our local star appears not much brighter than the surrounding stars from his distant orbit. One individual, a virus, an atom or Pluto are small indeed, but with the right timing you can get a world religion, a plague, or an atom bomb from even such small things as these.

Another 10 words or less distillation of Pluto in Capricorn's message might be, "every oak began as an acorn." To the extent that we recognize our own power to have an effect on the seemingly impervious tower of social convention we can get real and maybe, just maybe convince our biosphere that we're capable of getting along with the rest of life after all.

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
That's very interesting, Charmvirgo.

I did not know that Pluto's home was Virgo. I have the generational Pluto conjunct Uranus in Virgo in my 8th house. I had always thought that Scorpio was Pluto's home sign. Why is Pluto so strong in earth signs? This is a fascinating view of things for me.


Well-known member
Here's an interesting article on the 26,000 year, or "Great Year"(Plato). It relates very well to the ages and our movement through them starting at 13,000 BCE, a time around the Great Floods known geologically to have occured, the Disappearance of Atlantis and quite possibly Noah's Ark. It talks about the four horseman in the sky, or the Keepers of the gates- the fixed stars of Regulus, Anatares, Aldebaran and Fomaulhaut. These are also known as the four arch angels in the Bible. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius from that of pisces according to ancient astrologers and modern scientists, and aquarius is opposite leo and square to taurus and scorpio, thus according to the Bible the trunpet will sound and the archangels will appear and this is happening. We are on the cusp of this transformation which has long been recognized as an axis of power in the skies around us. Regulus, sits in the head of the lion at 5 degrees sidereal leo and is the only one of the four "gatekeepers" to aspect our galactic center at 5 degrees sid. sagittarius. And earth's vernal equinox( the point where the sun rises at our spring equinox) is calculated at 5 degrees sidereal pisces. These points are creating a grand square with the center of our galaxy at this time. This is what is blowing reality for me. The divine is at once, within and sublime.
Actually, i feel i should thread two different articles into this as i found them both inspiring. and


Well-known member
I think it will bring us back to the earth & her resources. I feel peak oil could play some part. Whilst there are plenty of alternatives for petroleum to run a car there are no alternatives to get planes off the ground & no alternative for plastic which is a bi product of oil

I think AUstralia will get a rude awakening which we deserve. Did people know we ozzies are the highest producers of CO2 per capita. If you live in the cities you would not be surprised. Unecessary car use (& big 4wd in inner city) to drive to the milk bar or take kiddies to school goes on. Our cities have abundant public transport but many have the mistaken idea the car is quicker. Also image plays a part.

Also the southern states cities (Melbourne is the worst) have a love affair with air conditioning in corporate buildings & public transport & restaurants & movie theaters etc etc. Our climate is cool temperate but they have the aicon going 24/7 - often when its only 14c and always when its over 18c.
People can no longer cope with anything over mid twenties and the streets are virtually empty if it goes into the high twenties in summer.
So we will get a rude awakening I think when Pluto goes into Cap

Since we had Pluto in Sag we have thought that we are better than mother nature & can control her & defeat her with our science but when Pluto goes into Cap I feel we will be reminded that this is hubris.


Well-known member
Hey Natasha, If it makes you feel any better, people are already starting to get on the band wagon and take actions to improve the environment. I can't talk much now, but the state I live in has finally gotten the balls to start standing up to the oil industry. Hope is in the air. Personally I'm going to school now with the hope I can make a difference in environmental issues. If we can get more politicians to back us up with laws then real change is possible. Maybe with pluto we will see a transformation in a positive way. L


Well-known member
Amen to the power of the people in finding sustainable ways to live. I think a return to simpler way of life will be good for all and alot easier for some than others. You know, i was looking at the newspaper from my birthplace on the day i was born and one of the headlines said that oil had reached its peak in quantity, and that was 36 years ago! Our cities in US are so sprawling that it will be a big issue here to limit auto transport. I see smaller communities in the future working together to sustain themselves by working the land where they live. I can't believe we import so much food to this country and paved so much farmland to "put up a parking lot." The end of this "hubris" is at hand and i rejoice in this.


Well-known member
Natasha said:
Plutos transit into a sign brings to the surface, all that has been hidden in the 'swamp'
Governments & the big corporates dirtiest dealings are sure to be brought to the surface one Pluto goes into Cap.
Look how all the issues about the Church have come to the surface with Pluto in Sag.
And people cant stop talking about the fanatical end of various religions. They have been around for a long time but are very obvious to the world now.
Similarly once Pluto goes into Cap the world will focus of government & big Corporate extremisms & bad behaviour. We hear whispers of it in the wings now slightly while Pluto transits thru the last decant of Sag.

well said.........i was going to say the same thing when i saw this thread......ive seen many churches exposed for what they are, especially the mormon church. i think the whole corporation of mormonism will dissolve too. hence the entrance of pluto into capricorn

p.s its good to see another aussie on the forum, im from sydney now living in utah, u.s.a.......i miss oz
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Well-known member
Any thoughts about "New World Order" in Pluto in Capricorn? I was watching an old clip of the Twilight Zone today: The Obsolete Man. It played an interesting theory,

"The chancellor, the late chancellor was only partly correct. He was obsolete, but so is the state, the entity he worshipped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for mankind.


You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advancements, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth, in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He's a citizen of the State but will soon have to be eliminated, because he's built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths—in the Twilight Zone."


Well-known member
I think Pluto occulting the G.C. in DEC.2006 will certainly accelerate the process...(which actually has already begun)......that of which Lapis has stated .."the fall of Atlantis".
However, the transit through Capricorn will certainly see more of the physical process, of the great death.
Draco, I don't see things quite as dire as your concept..perhaps it will be a matter of perception?

Something to consider...whenever there is great death...there is also great rebirth.


Well-known member
...and just one more thought as I reread the previous posts...
thinking of 144,000...I feel very strongly a concept of this being very alchemical.....thinking of 144,000 symbols within our own consciousness that are being at this time activated.....ancient and hidden information coming forth through various explosions of energy..(GRB's, CME's, Supernovae), and other cosmic events within our own solar system and galaxy.
Just a thought..knowledge is power.
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Well-known member

Joyce Hoen DF Astrol S ©

published in The International Astrologer in January 2006

Pluto was first discovered when it was in the sign of Cancer, where it started its journey in 1913, just before World War I (WWI). After WWI the power factions in for instance Russia were in complete disarray, first after the collective murder of the entire family of the Tsar, and the rebellion of the suppressed nation; the result was thorough and lasting, a true Pluto action. Pluto remained in the sign Cancer for 25 years while the European world, its countries' boundaries, its empires, were being ravaged. The power of the aristocracy and monarchies belonged to a previous zodiacal cycle of Pluto a completely new cycle of power had started the power of the "common people" (Cancer). In a way, it's easy to compare the sign Cancer to the fourth house, especially when mundane astrology or the 'astrology of the world' is being discussed. Toward the end of Pluto's sojourn in Cancer, the forerunners of the Second World War (WWII) could be noticed, a time in which a dictatorial demagogue (Pluto) tried to control the masses (Cancer) who didn't shun collective murder of those who in past times were thought to have had power.

In Western Europe the passage of Pluto through "the fourth house" of the mundane chart thus correlated with the rumbling of wars, although WWII did not truly start until Pluto entered Leo
In 1937/1938 Pluto began a 20-year period in the sign Leo. If we divide the horoscope circle in eight phases - like the Moon's eight phases- one can compare 0 degrees Cancer with a New Moon, a moment at which all is still unaware and the fundament of the entire following cycle needs to be build first - or shaken up as was the case with Pluto when it was in the lowest 'house' of the world's horoscope. The most dramatic period coincided with the point 0 degrees Cancer - 15 degrees Leo, for after that point, when Pluto had arrived in the next (waxing) phase of its total cycle - after WWII -, renewed building and a collective baby boom started. Of course 'children' also fall under the sign Leo.
After Pluto's ravaging at the lowest point in this western "world's horoscope", when for instance weapons were discovered for mass destruction (the atom bomb), Pluto began to proceed upwards in the world's horoscope, rebuilding from the 15 degrees Leo point or, putting this differently, from the first semisquare of Pluto toward the turning point, the first square, at 0 degrees Libra.
The second phase thus started at the first semi-square and finished when Pluto reached the point of the square.i.e. at 0 degrees Libra. Rebuilding was continued during this entire period; people worked very hard, and the nations (Cancer, with which it all started) achieved more and more power over their destinations. Power and money go together, and people continued to earn more to spend. Around the 1960s earnings became higher still, and slowly but surely the people who in a previous Pluto cycle were suppressed, began to earn enough money to obtain power and, ultimately, also status.
Thus, while Pluto travelled through the first quadrant of the new cycle -which started at 0 degrees Cancer- a total turn-around of the powers that were took place. In Russia and Eastern Europe a new dictatorship had risen: that of the people's collectives with a lot of mutual espionaging going on. The time had arrived for the next phase, namely the one from 0 degrees Libra to 0 degrees Capricorn, from about 1971 - 2008. Halfway through this quarter-cycle this new dictatorship in Eastern Europe would start to fall as well, with Pluto in the 8th sign (Scorpio), midway in this second quadrant from 0 Libra to 0 Capricorn.
Matters concerning Pluto often appear to be bloody events, but alltogether it seems that we are in a Pluto-cycle during which "the people" no longer are suppressed.
Right now we have reached the end of this 'waxing' phase of Pluto, halfway through the horoscope's zodiacal circle. During the latter part of Sagittarius we notice that all over the world people hanker after safety, certainty and freedom, and wherever in the world people still are suppressed, they want to escape to the free West, which by now feels nearly inundated by the suppressed of other countries.
What will happen when Pluto will reach yet another new quadrant? To stay with the Moon cycle terminology, this will start in 2008 when the waxing phase has finished and the waning phase starts, i.e. the Full Moon point.
On January 26, 2008, Pluto will move into Capricorn for the first time, to then travel retrograde into the tail end of Sagittarius between June 14 and November 27 of that year. From November 27, 2008, Pluto will stay in Capricorn for 15/16 years 2008-2024.
The increase of population is now at its peak, and if Cancer means birth and Pluto is -of course- the most important and collectively strong factor, we may presume that this increase will last until 2008 and will decrease thereafter! Because unfortunately, the populationgrowth creates tremendous problems in Western Europe, living space (Sagittarius) becomes smaller and smaller, with the result that collective migrations are now taking place, looking for space and individual possibilities to expand. The population growth keeps demanding more and more regulations for the simple reason that we, 'the people', can't always cope with the concept of freedom and misuse our planet and the still open spaces so badly because we're still fighting for our own safety, thereby endangering the safety of others and of nature itself. Pluto is now still in the quadrant of 'mutual relations' between people (Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius), but the planet will move into a more collective quadrant (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) - the quadrant which asks us 'how will we all find a space that keeps us individual yet together; how will the world work it out on a grander scale?'.
A new kind of suppression is noticeable already the suppression by rules that are imposed upon us by outside forces, the authorities (Capricorn). It is also possible for us, individuals, to try if we can work with fewer rules by using our own disciplines better, by taking responsibility ourselves, as members of 'the people'.
Action is always followed by reaction. Whenever we take too much freedom individually, without regard for others, there will be a reaction. This may be imposed upon us by the ruling powers. During the sign Cancer the people murdered these rulers in order to claim power for themselves.

Now the people (that is, 'we') have gained power and occupy positions of political influence and authority. Will these same authorities this time be killed in a hostile manner, or will the people (we) show that we can handle individual freedom by actually accepting responsiblity?
Responsibility or rule? Rules originate when people don't take personal reponsibility; where there is chaos rules need to be created in the interest of the collective safety. Whenever we accept personal resonsibility, we'll need far less rules. Will it become possible during the Pluto in Capricorn period to have global governments that are formed by us, i.e., governments we personally created - apart from a collective new global dictatorship (also created by us) which will impose all sorts of laws and rules? The promise Pluto in Capricorn gives us is not at all a bad one - but are people capable of listening to their inner voice, or will they only take liberties and permit themselves to do as they like, at the cost of others? That is the question. Can we, "the people" who wanted the power in fact handle power? That is the question. This is always the question when Pluto occupies the tenth house of an individual's chart; power and the lack of it in relation to our social status are the order of the day in such cases. This theme exists because Pluto tries to use power in a pure, clean way, NOT at others' expense. Will it become possible to observe that our global governments will show far more prudence? - that people will take reponsibility for their own actions? - (just listening to our inner voice and our conscience should be sufficient) - so that all the objectionable rules will no longer be necessary? We will be tested from 2008 onward, and to begin with we might experience lots of noise and violence before we finally understand and can put it in practice - for Pluto is not a surgeon who leaves festering wounds. On the contrary should wounds occur they will be noticeable and they will cry out to be cleaned.
What can we do as individuals, when we are powerless and feel bullied by the collective powers? Just this: bring the power back to where it belongs - to ourselves. We, as people, have no power over circumstances beyond us, no matter how much we try to attain omnipotence to cover our fears. All we have is power over our own reactions and our inner life. Every individual is able to make a difference in this world. Our inner voice is far more important than any dictatorship - no matter whether this is a dictatorship of the times, of fashion, of status, or of entire global governments. Let's free ourselves of the dictatorship of status, of striving and distancing ourselves from ourselves. Take the power back and keep it with you; lead your life in harmony with your inner self, with nature and the people around you. Let's busy ourselves with all this rather than perish in the maelstrom of the collective force of social status, positions and powerful respectively powerless relations. We are in a prolonged Pluto cycle in which we must learn how to handle power, a cycle in which individuals ultimately need to be free to be their own self, without this happening at others' expense. Pluto in Capricorn appears to be the culmination of what was happening during Pluto in Cancer, when the planet was discovered and showed us that power belonged to the people. The people, that's us, you and me and all the others. Can we create a better world with Pluto in Capricorn by showing that we need fewer rules from the outside world and simply listen to our inner rules - the rules we all possess anyway?
We haven't reached that point yet in the coming year Pluto will first be making a conjunction with the Galactic Centre (at 26 degrees Sagittarius). In 2008, times will have changed again, and personally I definitely feel I'm still in the Pluto-in- Sagittarius phase, so that I cannot do better than speculate what will occupy us in the future. Still, astrology shows us in theory which themes will become of importance. It is evident that from 1995, when Pluto began its journey through Sagittarius, a huge revival of near "obligatory success" in the world took place. Sagittarius is rather expansive, very enthusiastic and full of vision. The economy continued to exist by the grace of all sorts of slogans regarding visions of the future that, for a great deal, rested on pantomime and balderdash. All this took place in a world full of advertisements of succesful power brokers making telephone calls in the streets for instance. Reality will overtake them all from 2008 on. I will be breathing with considerable more ease when all this economic coaching and all the balderdash about huge sums of money will become more realistic. However, I will also sadly say farewell to that part of the period Pluto-in-Sagittarius that brought us a great stimulant for meeting other peoples, other cultures, much travel, and the adventures of new worlds.
Living 'in the Now' is really better suited to Pluto in Capricorn than to Pluto in Sagittarius, for Now we live in the Future (Sagittarius). Capricorn is Time itself. Collectively we will be living in the Now more and more our future depends on it. The past and its abuse of power will certainly be brought to light and cleaned up, but unrealistic visions of the future will also belong to the past.
We will handle the principle of living in the Now better; day after day we need to be aware of how we regard the world using our own reponsibility rather than someone else's, which is helpful to others. By the year 2008 I will start living in the Now, and I'll be discovering how this feels, this new period with Pluto in a new sign and in a new quadrant. My quess is that it won't be easy-going during the first few years as large 'tension aspects' will occur with Uranus, Saturn and Pluto in the cardinal signs in 2010. The world will change, that's a certainty.
Hopefully we will witness large corporations, so powerful now and misusing these powers, (and made up from the people who took over the power at the beginning with Pluto in the "fourth" house) go under in favour of a better use of power. A better use which is not at the cost of others, and which will show more responsibility for the environment in which we live and which we share with each other, and this will not depend on outside factors, but on us. Our status might become ruined, but that is 'only' ego.
Our soul will want to express itself and will call for us to join our inner being so that we will be able to stand strong and whole in the outside world - not with a false status, not under the yoke of leaders or even boards and committees busy only with attaining status. Actually, 'status' will be out of fashion once Pluto will be in Capricorn ... ah, what a liberation!



Well-known member
Ke, ke, ke. All this talk of death and destruction is interesting as in my chart when Pluto moves into Capricorn, it will be in my 8th house (the cusp is actually at the end of Sagittarius), the house of...death.

Anyway, I seem to be very sensitive to the movements of Pluto. I can track the major transitions of my life to Pluto transits or Pluto entering a new house. The other thing is everytime Pluto enters a new house or conjuncts one of my natal planets someone seems to die. Either a relative or the relative of a friend. They don't seem to die any other time...For example I was just informed by by boss that his dad who is dying of cancer is going to die in a few months, incidentally this is going to be exactly when Pluto enters my 8th house and when I plan to make a drastic career change. Pretty bizarre. Anyone else find this about Pluto? Also when Pluto enters a new house and sign my focus tends to strongly shift somewhat obsessively to whatever that sign or house is about. Hey I just noticed the Galactic Center is close to my 8th house cusp.

Anyway, I don't think there will be any sort of revolution/disaster. Capricorn is about status, hierarchy, but also about gaining wealth through hard work. Capricorn is also about tradition and discipline. In the last couple of decades with globalization we have seen a wider rift between rich and poor in developed nations and I suspect less vertical mobility, a freezing of caste so to speak. Those developed nations with heavy amounts of debt e.g. the US may finally find that payback time occurs. Similarly the increasing autocratic tendencies of governments will increase. However this is not the late 19th century or early 20th century. There is no fire for revolution in developed nations. On the other hand, in developing nations, hard work and discipline will lead to a rise in ascendency. Capricorn is also about tradition. The two main contenders for ascendancy are India and China, which used to be two of the greatest powers of the world until the 18th century. Hence the rise of India or China will be a return to tradition and the way the world used to be. Personally I'm putting my bet that Pluto entering Capricorn will be the signal for the true rise of China (sorry India). First of all, if there is any philsophy/religion that is ruled by Capricorn it would have to be Confucianism. Another thing is people keep on talking about 2012. That according to the Chinese zodiac is the Year of the Dragon. Fortunately it is the Water Dragon, the most calm, kind and level-headed of the Dragons instead of say a Fire (impetuous) or Metal (selfish) Dragon. The symbol of China is the Dragon.
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Well-known member
Pluto is an *sshole
Forgive me my immature comment
Well... I'll book a ticket for train 'intensity & transformation' i guess
Squaring my natal Moon right now, opposing my natal Sun & Mars in a few years...

And indeed, some transformation in power relations (as Cap relates to power, status) on a mundane level... This can be mundane (governments) or more personal (father child relations... redealing of the power structure within that kind of relationship) May be parents will begin to raise their children more severe...


Well-known member
Pluto is the great ''level-er''
This energy will bring us all into to our true essence
We will way or another.

time is never time at all......


New member
I just joined this online community so my response is a little late... :)

What you said is very true. When you get to the center of it all, this is what you will find. We are all here for one purpose and that is to find understanding, compassion, and tolerance. We may be all different, we may come from different places, our cultures may be different, but essentially we are all the same. We are all human and we all want to love and be loved.

With the Pluto generations, we tend to get caught up in the little details. We forget that a lot of good can come from Pluto transits. Especially with Pluto, it is a very powerful planet and it's energy influences every generation. I'm slowly beginning to understand it's significance but so far, from what I've read, Pluto has a great deal of influence that cannot be ignored. While there may be a lot of fear and tradegy tied with this planet (depending on which sign it is in), we can also remember that a great deal of good can come with it as well. We just have to be strong and remember that in the end, whatever happens or whatever that is endured, it's for the better. The Earth has hiccups every now and then...

sita said:
Lapis did you catch when you posted:

Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:11 pm

Sat(urn) Mar(s).


I have much to say on this matter, but my thoughts in this area are going a mile a minute and I need to redraft them before I spew in everywhich direction. Let me just say that in the past. I have seen a pretty gnarlly visions of potential changes coupled with a definitive resurgence in the power of the peoples. THE PEOPLES. Which are every last one of us here on this forum. We come from many many divergent tribes but we are all here for the same reason. We all have different skills, different powers, different responsibilities, and different roles to play at different times. Whether we realize it or not, we're all doing exactly what we need to do. I feel that in "the end" we realize we are all playing for the same team all along, but we just couldn't see it. We have all come here for the spectacular challenges and rewards of what we are faced with. Sort of like the Spiritual Olympics where we all go home as winners, but a little tired and sore.

I do see this play out as a collective conflict and a collective rising that coincide as we come to understand the principle of harmony in conflict. I don't see harsh Earth changes anymore, but we do have to take every opportunity to redraft our vision of the future into something we want to see. Don't just take the apocalyptic news and the "predictions" at point blank here, folks. This is key

Nature will respond to what we send out. Tell Her she is beautiful and appreciated and you're sorry. Tell her her waters are beautiful, and you appreciate what she gives you. Tell her you love the stability she provides you wilh, and you think what she does everyday is just outright miraculous. Because it is. Give thanks to the for your food, and do your best to honor what we all have in common. We might all come from/be on different planes, but we are all here, together.

We don't have to be perfect to be here and we don't have to be the same, and that's a gift worth cherishing.

May the Universe Bless Us All, and May We All Bless One Another :D
