someone please read my chart


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Someone please read my chart and give me remedy


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You are a super grounded and practical person. Earthy - ala Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, personality, here to live a Taurus Rising sort of life. With a Capricorn Midheaven, your career and calling is to be an incorruptible leader, authority, boss, author, voice of the teacher, positive Papa energy.

You don't "believe" in astrology do you? You are testing me? People with charts like yours don't often show up on astrology forums. Double Taurus, Virgo Moons, with Capricorn Midheavens, are always off working. They build stuff, or run banks, or are CEOs, or generally are top in their fields. Which makes me suspect you are actually working while testing out astrology - you writing a book or something? Hmmm?

On the other hand Saturn in the sky has recently hit your SouthNode on your Descendent, and Uranus in the sky is on top of your 12th House Saturn, square Pluto in the sky in Capricorn hitting your 9th House - which means that I think you may have just lost your job, or some other big trauma like that - right? So you are really searching right now? Enough to even try astrology?

Earthquakes are particularly hard for earthly people. But falling apart is falling together. Were I an investor, I'd back any business plan you presented me with. Bound to succeed.

Trick is to succeed in a soulful way, not simply materially.

The Taurus Rising tribe is here to be rich, BUT, particularly at this time in history, this may not have much to do with money - because the mega-rich have stolen all the money. Taurus energy is about REAL value and living high integrity lives. Taurus energy loves tools and good tools, that last forever. Taurus energy loves quality and craft and TRUTH. Not into waste. Taurus energy invented recycling long long ago.

The Taurus Rising tribe are a particularly important tribe at this point in world dynamics. They model for us how to live simply, in tune with Nature, in love with Nature, and beauty - lives of comfort, lives full of real riches, a deeply bonded mate, friends, and vibrant food and music - really rich lives - by-passing corporate domination, refusing to live in a cubical and put others in cubicles.

According to Tropical Astrology, your soul this life has an agenda that you need to fulfill to be really happy. Here is Elizabeth Spring on:

NN in Taurus:
NN in 1st House: