Career - my company?


I have a question. I have recently started my own business cause I've changed about 10 jobs before(I was bored, behind the desk), so I'm asking you if that is correct decision? For what kind of business I'm suitable? I feel that I'm on right track but I'm asking anyway. I won't tell too much what I'm doing right now I'll see f you predicted correctly.

My date:

12.6.1980, 14.55(2.55 - PM), Jesenice(town), Slovenia(country):)
Do you remember the exact time and date of the question? I wrote down the time that I read your question but I'm not sure how accurate it would be.
what i mean is that when asking a horary question you have to go by the exact time and date of the question itself, not the natal information


Well-known member
what i mean is that when asking a horary question you have to go by the exact time and date of the question itself, not the natal information

When this occurs, I always feel that you should just use the time at which you feel that you are ready to answer the question. This is the proper way of doing it anyway, the only reason we do otherwise on the forum is so that we can all be referring to the same chart, but when this situation arises, I take the opportunity to set the chart for the time I saw the question.


I saw this question and decided to respond at 15.37 GMT @ 53n45/3w3 (St. Anne's, England).

Firstly, you say that you do not want to say anymore about what it is that is up to you, but this isn't the best idea when asking a horary question, where all the background detail will be relevant to the way in which the chart is interpreted.

Is starting my own business a good idea?

I have recently started my own business

This is shown by the fact that the Moon, your general significator has just separated from a conjunction with the Sun, bringing us the start of a new cycle. The Moon is so very close to the Sun however, that this shows teething problems related to getting this business going, it may show a lack of experience or being naive on your behalf. I would be more comfortable to see the Moon waxing further away from the Sun's rays, because as yet you are still being scorched by starting this enterprise. The Moon is peregrine, meaning that it has no sure footing in it's destination, and it will remain peregrine until it enters Capricorn, the sign of it's detriment, which is not a good sign.

Had you said when it was that you began this business, I could use the amount of degrees and minutes of the Moons separation from the Sun, and relate this distance to being symbolic of the relevant time period, in order to time future events. I could take a stab in the dark, and guess that the business was started almost a month ago, as the Moon is almost a degree away from the Sun, and if we see one degree as one unit of time, a little short of a week seems too short, and a little short of a year too long for something that is recent.

The new Moon occured upon the fixed star Acumen, the sting of the Scorpion. 'Acumen' has come to be a term for a sharp mind, and shows your determination to see this project through, but be aware that Acumen, by being the sting of the Scorpion, might be regarded as a malefic omen, particularly where a very weak Moon is concerned, as it suggests that this enterprise has been injected with venom straight from the off.

Notice also, that the Moon will have no future aspects with another planet before it leaves Sagittarius for it's sign of detriment, and therefore it is void of course, suggesting that little will come of this, other than the Moon going from bad to worse.

The Moon's angular position means that the negative effects of it's combustion, peregrine state and voidness are made all the more potent and easy to express. The seventh house in which the Moon is placed, opposes the Ascendant, so is not the best indication to find your general significator being placed at odds with the house of your self.

The Ascendant rises at Gemini, so your specific significator is Mercury, which is not in good condition either, being in it's sign of detriment, and on the sixth house side of the seventh cusp. Mercury in it's detriment is unable to operate in an environment that suits it's needs, and with the Sun combusting both Mercury and the Moon, and the Sun ruling the fourth, I wonder how it is that your business premises, home or family life may be negatively affecting you in relation to this issue. In any case, both of your significators combust and having no essential dignity is a pretty awful state of affairs in which to be.

Again, like the Moon, Mercury opposes the ascendant, so it is not good to see you as being at odds with yourself.

I normally never include the outer planets in interpreting a chart unless they are in partile aspects or conjunction with planets and angles, and in this case, one of the striking features of this chart is Neptune, right upon midheaven (your business), and Pluto right upon the descendant. The thing about outer planetary forces, is that they represent powers that are totally beyond our control, and in a chart in which you are represented so unfortunately, I cannot imagine that these outer planetary influences can be such a good thing, particularly in the case of Neptune who is desposed by a detrimented Saturn.

Neptune on the midheaven shrouds this business is a fog of deception, it is described as an influence that you are unable to control and I cannot see this as a good thing.

The proper signifcator of the business is Saturn, as Aquarius plays host to midheaven, and Saturn is not only detriment but also retrograde, and furthermore is able to express it's malefic qualities with full force due to it's angular position.

(I do not accept that the outer planets have any essential dignity of their own in the zodiac, but I would take the essential condition of an outer planet as being the same as that of the planet that desposes it. As such, Neptune is currently malefic as it desposes Saturn detriment, Pluto is quite benefic in Sagittarius at this time, due to desposition of Jupiter being in dominance in Sagittarius.)

I do wonder why it is that the fourth house has such negative implications for you and this business. This is because the Sun, the fourth house ruler, desposes Saturn in the fourth, it rules the fourth and it combusts both of your significators. The fourth house refers to the father, the parents as a unit, to immovable possessions, especially property such as the home and business premises, and to home and family life, so I would say that any or all of these things are very much a bad influence to you in terms of this question. The fourth house is also a place of termination and ending, so I cannot help but think that this business is doomed to failure.

I wonder if you are in any sort of partnership in this business? If so, then things look a lot better for the partner than for you, as a partner would be represented by a dominant Jupiter, that holds sway over Mercury, and furthermore, Pluto, 'the rich one', who might be considered especially rich in that he is currently desposed by the dominant Jupiter, would confer wealth upon any such partner.

If you do not have a partner in this business, then be aware that the descendant also represents enemies, or anything that would negate your enterprise. This means that the odds are stacked very much against you, and as business is about trying to make lots of money, Pluto desposing dominant Jupiter directly opposing the ascendant cannot be at all good for you, nor is the fact that your significators are so close to the West angle, and that your specific signifcator Mercury is dominated by Jupiter, showing how you are totally at the mercy of your rivals. Business is sometimes about competitiveness, and in such a case, this is a competition that you would lose.

There is a future aspect from Mercury to Saturn, you and the business, which is in fact a mutually applying aspect, as Saturn is retrograde, so it is more a case of you and this business coming to blows with each other.

This future aspect shows some definate action that is set to take place between you and the business, an event that will come suddenly and easily as the aspect is a fire trine. There is no receptions between Mercury and Saturn, so you and the business have no inclination toward each other, and as these two planets are the least essentially dignified planets in the chart, and having considered all of the above, I feel that this aspect shows the ultimate failure of the business.
Thank you for your answer anyway but I think that we wont fail here, cause there are very inovative things going on, also we have very good manager, who runs our business...


Well-known member
I have 2 partners

In that case, I would be most cautious of them indeed. You have been warned. :(

we wont fail here

I am sure that they won't, but it is you that I am worried for. The indications of this chart for you are dire - but time will tell.

time when ccompany was established - 24.2.2006

If this is the case, and we consider the new Moon to symbolise the initiation of this business, then the distance between the Moon and the Sun, about a degree, indicates a time period of about ten months (all considered very roughly), and this also means that the just less than a degree's distance of the Moon from the Sun shows that the business began just less than a year ago, rather than just less than a month as I incorrectly guessed. This is why I needed a timing device to measure from.

If a degree, very roughly, symbolises about ten months, and as there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn in about six degrees, then this enterprise will reach it's foreboding conclusion in about five years. Look out for 2011.
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Well-known member
I actually do look at the modern (outer) planets (like Anthony Louis) and see Uranus as the ruler of the 10th as well, the business at 11.12 degrees in Pisces. Mercury is at 18.48, exactly 10 degrees and 36 minutes is also 10 month and a bit , when the question was asked. But when the business was started, that Mercury was in square to that Uranus, even though Uranus is in the term of Jupiter which could show the enthousiasm and hope for the new venture! That together with all the other things Draco mentioned, I am afraid he could be right. Why do you ask this question after 10 month? Are there any doubt in your mind already maybe? I hope we are wrong (for your sake) but a warned person counts for two I always say.
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