Question on Horary


Well-known member
Those that have read my questions know I don't know horary very well so trying to get better - my girlfriend is over here and asked a question - but I'm trying to use what I have learned on here and searching the internet for help -

1- what are the good books to read on this

2- are there good internet links I can read

3- Her question created a chart that has a rising at 28 degrees ... I just can't remember all the rules but I thought there was one when it's in the latter degrees it's an invalid question? Not sure since her question was about relationship stuff and it does pack the 7th house I am still trying to follow the rules and could have sworn last degrees negate it? Could I get a yes or no on this question at least :) thanks ;)


Well-known member
I found this so okay got my answer does anyone else have anything to add?

  • Is the Ascendant less than 3º or more than 27º? If the Ascendant is less tha 3º then it may be too early to reach an answer, if the Ascendant is more than 27º than it may be too late. Sometimes issues involving new beginnings may still work with an Ascendant less than 3º. This does not apply if the Ascendant of the querent is less than 3º or more than 27º.
  • Is the Moon in Via Combusta? The Via Combusta is 15º Libra to 15º Scorpio. A malefic and unpredictable influence.
  • Is the Moon Void of Course? The Moon is void of course when it will not complete any major aspects before leaving its current sign. Nothing works smoothly when a Moon is void of course. Lilly defines the Moon as being void of course when it will not be in orb of applying to a major aspect before leaving its current sign. Lilly also accepts that a void of course Moon can still perform in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces.
  • Is the Moon in late degrees? A chart may be unsafe to judge if the Moon is in the last degrees of a sign, especially Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn.
  • Is Saturn in the Seventh House? Your judgement as an astrologer may be compromised or restricted (unless you are the querent as well).
  • Is Saturn in the First House when the astrologer is the querent? Your judgement as an astrologer may be compromised or restricted.


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
Venus in Aries,
Over the years I have found that an asc of 27 + degrees really IS too late...theres nothing that can be done about the question.- or the querent already knows the answer..I seldom bother to read a chart with a late asc....
With an early ascendant, I feel more comfortable because there is still a lot to happen before the asc point moves to the next sign.
If saturn is in H7 I would NOT read the chart-Apparently it mitigates against the astrologer getting it right.
My teacher has taught me NOT to read a chart with a void of course moon..Others may disagree, although I'm pretty sure MOST would agree that a void of course moon isnt aspecting anything and as the moon is the most important thing in horary it cant tell us anything when void.
A chart is not radical if the question is *trivial* or does not spring from a strong invested interest in the answer....(ie, MANY of the charts posted on this forum fail to meet that requirement.). Also a question should not be asked twice and theres NO POINT asking the same question repeatedly-Only the first chart drawn up will guarantee the correct answer..(another *rule* that gets flouted a lot on this forum.)
I will post William Lillys considerations for judging a chart below.
Hope this helps to clarify things for you Venus.
Cheers Lillyjgc


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
APHORISMES and Considerations for
better judging any HORARY

1. See the Question be radicall, or fit to be judged; which is, when the Lord of the Ascendant and hour be of one nature or Triplicity.
2. Be not confident of the Judgment if either the 1st degrees or later of any Signe be ascending; if few degrees ascend, the matter is not yet ripe for judgment; if the later degrees arise, the matter of the Question is elapsed, and it’s probable the Querent hath been tampering with others, or despaires of any successe; however, the Heavens advise you not to meddle with it at that time.
3. The position of Saturn or Mars in the 10th, and they peregrine or unfortunate, or the South Node in that house,. the Artist hardly gets credit by that Question.
4. Judge not upon every slight motion, or without premeditation of the Querent, nor upon sight and triviall Questions, or when the Querent hath not wit to know what he would demand.
5. Have speciall regard to the strength and debility of the Moon, and it’s farre better the Lord of the Ascendant be unfortunate then she, for she brings unto us the strength and vertue of all the other Planets, and of one Planet to another.
6. Behold the condition of Saturn in every Question, he is naturally ill by his excesse of cold; Mars is of ill influence, because of his too much heat: in very truth, neither of them is cold or dry, but signifie so much in their vertue and operation, and therefore in all Questions they shew tardity and detriment in the Question, unlesse the Moon and they receive each other in the Signification.
7. See the condition of Jupiter and Venus be observed, who naturally are Fortunes and temperate, and never import any malice, unlesse by accident: where they are Significators without reception, they put forward the matter, but they best preforme the matter in question when they apply by Trine or Sextile, and to purpose when in Essentiall Dignities.
8. In every Question where Fortunes are Significators, hope well; but in Infortunes, then fear the worst, and accordingly order your businesse.
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9. Generally consider the state of the Moon, for if she be void of course there’s no great hopes of the Question propounded, that it shall be effected; yet if she be in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces, your fear may be lesse, for then she is not much impedited by being voyd of course.
10. See from what Planet the Moon is separated, that Planet shewes what has already been done: if from a Fortune good; if from a malevolent, ill; according to the nature of the house, &c.
11. The Application of the Moon shewes the present condition of the thing demanded, viz. her applying by a good aspect, and in a good house, to a good Planet, intimates the strong hopes of the thing intended.
12. The Application of the Moon to a Planet in his Fall, signifies anguish, trouble and delayes in the thing demanded.
13. A Retrograde Planet, or one in his first station, Significator in Question, denotes ill in the Question, discord and much contradiction.
14. We ought warily to consider if evill Planets be Significators in any thing, for if they predict evill in the thing quesited, the vengence is more heavy; if they foretell of any good, it’s lesse then what it expected, it’s imperfect, and nothing therein comes, without infinite solicitation and affliction, &c.
15. A Planet that is slow in motion, prolongs the thing quesited after, so that it’s hardly performed; the nature of the Signe wherein the Planet is, doth herein much advantage the judgment.
16. When Infortunes are Significators of any evill, doe you well consider if the Fortunes, viz. Jupiter or Venus, cast not any aspect unto them, then the evill intended formerly is lessened; doe so when the Fortunes are Significators.
17. If the Fortunes signifie any thing, and are cadent, or ill placed in Dignities, or behold not the Ascendant, or are Retrograde, then are they impedited, and shall performe little, if not received.
18. Notwithstanding Reception, if he be an Infortune, he performes but little; but if the same happen when the Fortunes are Significators, the thing is perfected.
19. A Planet Peregrine, viz. having no essentiall Dignities where he is, he is malicious beyond expression; if he be in essentiall Dignities, the lesse; for then he is like a noble soule that hath his enemy in his clutches, but scornes to hurt him.
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20. And yet generalily, if Saturn or Mars be in House, Exaltation, Triplicity and Angles, and then have Signification in a Question, they performe the thing desired.
21. Confide not too much in the assistance a Fortune lends, unlesse he be in essentiall Dignities; for then he performes matters wholly, else but by halves.
22. When in a Question wherein both the Fortunes and Infortunes are either weak or equally ill placed, promise no successe upon that demand; deferre the Judgment untill the Heavens have a better Position.
23. Beware in all Judgments, when the Significator of the question is either Combust, or in Opposition to the Sun, he will then signifie nothing of the matter, no good, nor is be able to bring anything to perfection.
24. One Infortune joyned to another, if good be signified by their aspect, yet will it have no effect, or come to any thing: If they signifie evill, it’s probable that it may fall out with more malice then expected.
25. The Lord of the Ascendant out of his essentiall Dignities, Cadent, &c., shewes the Querent is out of all hopes in his businesse.
26. A Planet within 12 degrees of the Sun, is said to be under his Beames, and then hath no fortitude, let it be in what Signe it will; when a Planet is within 16 minutes of the Sun, he is said to be in Cazimi, or heat of the Sun, and then it’s an addition of fortune, and he is wonderous strong.
27. See to what Planet the Significator commits his disposition, and if Orientall or Occidentall; if it be to Saturn, Jupiter or Mars, and they Orientall, the matter is sooner performed; later, if Occidentall, doe the contrary in Venus and Mercury.
28. Observe if the Planet that is Significator of the thing desired, be in a fixed Signe, moveable or common: fixed Signes shew stability, and that the thing shall continue, whether it be begun, or is to be begun: common Signes shew the oft probability of perfecting the thing, and yet not its conclusion: moveable Signes shew a sudden resolution or conclusion of the matter one way or other. From hence we begin Foundations of Houses and Townes when Significators are fixed; short Journeys when they are in moveable: but in things wherein we define a mediocrity, we elect common Signes.


Well-known member
I always pay attention to anything at 29 degrees in any kind of Chart. This denotes that changes are certainly coming. In particular I have seen the lives of my Clients undergo great transformations when Mercury reaches 29 degrees and changes signs. This is especially true if Mercury crosses the Ascendant while changing signs. In the time that it takes Mercury to cross the Ascendant and enter the 12th House, circumstances will often change dramatically.


Well-known member
Hi Lily ty so much for that in-depth information that is what I was looking for I remember when draco and radu looked over this board more and remembered there were things that negated a question just couldn't remember what they were and was trying to learn it the correct way and that is greeeeeaattt info.. hopefully this is making sense since my kitty is again in front of the monitor lol fascination over moving cursors and mouses lol .. anyways ty again..I knew about not asking a question twice..I mean it's the same I feel in tarot cards what is the point of asking and asking until you get an answer you like lol.. anyway..My question then is ..if a question gets asked with say a 28 degree rising or a void course moon or saturn in the 7th..can the person ask the question again later for a response or you just can't ask that question again? She asked me that and I told her honestly I didn't know.. so any help I am very grateful and again thank you for that in-depth info..



Senior Member, Educational board Editor
My question then is ..if a question gets asked with say a 28 degree rising or a void course moon or saturn in the 7th..can the person ask the question again later for a response or you just can't ask that question again?

Yes you can ask the question again if a change occurs....if a new factor comes into the situation...William Lilly, or bonatti (not sure which) said a question should only be asked ONCE in the LIFETIME....but the questions took many hours to answer back then- so the trend has been to ask again *at some later stage* as a result of the speed a chart can be constructed using technology....
the reason that *3 months* between asking has been set as an arbitrary time frame may be because after 3 months the planets are in new the seasons...but I dont see what would be wrong with asking, say *Am I pregnant* every other month as its a situation that is in flux....
Hope this clarifies...


Well-known member
That makes perfect sense Lilly thank you so much and that time frame makes sense as well I appreciate you taking the time to clarify..I will let her know if she remembers wait 3 or 4 months to ask again if we get the same 28 degree rising I will tell her just stop asking LMAO :38:


Staff member
VenusInAries said:
Those that have read my questions know I don't know horary very well so trying to get better - my girlfriend is over here and asked a question - but I'm trying to use what I have learned on here and searching the internet for help -

1- what are the good books to read on this

2- are there good internet links I can read

Reade these and you will be an expert:
Horary Astrology: Plain and Simple - Anthony Louis
The Horary Textbook - John Frawley
The Martial Art of Horary Astrology - Lee Lehman

Besides Skyscript, check out also Maurice McMann's website at ans Susan Ward's at

It seems that the British are particularly fond of horary and quite good at it also.


Well-known member
Thank you Radu I will be searching for these books now and can't wait to read them :) and will spend sometime checking out the link ty again


Well-known member
Re: Considerations for invalid question

Even if Moon is besieged in between 2 malefics Mars and Satuhn in a chart erected you can expect negative results
