so many questions


New member
I'm fairly new to this, could use some help getting started on reading my chart...
I have Sun and Moon in Libra, and I 'know' that means balance is an important aspect of my life, but in truth I've never felt balanced. In general, I feel quite scattered and in need of grounding, something I am trying to improve recently. When I looked at my chart for the first time (in a looong time), the bowl pattern and stellium points caught my attention, and I would love to hear some different takes on this.

I'm curious about Saturn in the 2nd House, and Chiron's placement. And what do I make of the angle of the rim of the bowl?

Thanks :biggrin:


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hope inputs would be of interest, share-discuss feedbacks
how true-false-insightful-helpful-prospective, traits-talents-health etc etc :

libra prone to stormy anger when provoked especially with mars;
sun-moon-mer-mars libra 10th could have aptitude for public relations/PR operations,
and govt liasion or in govt PR departments;

10th lord venus debilated virgo 8th, career issues, self-centred,
venus-jup asc lord virgo 8th, could be art critique perhaps;
prone to chronic urological-liver-kidney issues;
benefics in 8th find difficult to cope with challenges;
jup debilated aspect over cap first for health-physique;

jup aspect own pisces 2nd protective of family-fin, singing voice;
venus elevated aspect over pisces 2nd for family-finances;

wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant for debilated venus;

gemini-mer 7th inimical-malefic for sag asc,
stress-delays in marriage-relationship-vocation;
inimical mer over libra 10th, stress-delays in career-recognition;
may be supportive but dominating spouse;
mer lord 9th for luck over 10th, luck through career,
though under stress-delay;

mars aspect own aries 4th, protective of property, sun elevated aspect;
while may not be good for health of mother to watch;
sat debilated aspect over aries 4th moreover;

sat own acq 2nd, technical aptitudes, innovative, reformist,
earnings in distant lands;
sat zero deg weak, wear blue sapphhire over steel pendant;

all planets between rahu-ketu the nodes,
rahu NNode transits in quick sequence over the natal planets
prone to clouding things;
ketu separative SNode transits, detachments, pain-injury-surgery;

currently ketu heading towards natal sat acq 2nd,
detachment from family-finances;
pain-injury-surgery throat-teeth-legs-sciatica etc;

previous 1.5yr rahu NNode transit jup-venus virgo 8th,
chronic toxic liver-kidney-urological issues probably;
and prone to relationship;

do promptly ack, and discuss salient pointwise feedbacks,

wishing well, kshantaram
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