Hello!Can you read my chart and also suggest some career ideas?


Hello guys.I like getting information about my character.Can you plz tell me anything you can see at my chart which is very important for my personality?I would like some career information also if you can.Tu!
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Well-known member
Mike, you would probably be happiest in a leadership role for an organization. I say this because the 10th house cusp (MC) ruler of the sign of Leo is the sun; and your sun is in the 11th "house of friends". You have the capacity to see your co-workers as friends. Most people don't start out leading organizations, but work their way up, step by step. So the important thing is not to box yourself into a career with no opportunities for advancement.

What kind of work? With your sun, Jupiter, and Mercury in Virgo, if you are good with numbers, you might enjoy something like accounting, auditing, or actuarial work. You are probably good at "trouble-shooting": i. e., analysing a complex situation and figuring out how to fix it or improve it.

You appear to have some artistic talent, with Venus in its own sign of Libra. The question is whether your creativity is simply something you prefer to express privately, or whether you want to pull in a larger audience. You might think about architecture or graphic design, or perhaps the business side of the music industry.

Your chart has a lot of the earth element in it, so you would probably be happiest in a career that was very practical, and dealt with very material, concrete things (rather than a subject like philosophy or psychology, for example.)

What careers appeal to you now?
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Well-known member
You seem to have the potential not just to be analytical, but also interested in getting to the bottom of things the Virgo stellium, then Pluto your ruling planet opposing your Moon.

This could indeed involve some kind of trouble-shooting, but maybe also involvement in research, detective work, forensics maybe?

You may be a natural lecturer, with your MC ruler conjunct Jupiter and your Grand Trine in Erath may draw you to some kind of cuttingedge in natural science. You should perhaps follow your heart as far as your maininterests in life go.

There is not much fire in your chart, so despite the Jupiter/Sun thing, it may not be as easy as all that for you to project yourself well with confidence. Dealing with insecurity may not bre easy for you, so possibly you should try to look for job stability than otherwise when considering careeers.


Well-known member
You seem to have the potential not just to be analytical, but also interested in getting to the bottom of things the Virgo stellium, then Pluto your ruling planet opposing your Moon.

This could indeed involve some kind of trouble-shooting, but maybe also involvement in research, detective work, forensics maybe?

You may be a natural lecturer, with your MC ruler conjunct Jupiter and your Grand Trine in Erath may draw you to some kind of cutting edge in natural science. You should perhaps follow your heart as far as your main interests in life go.

There is not much fire in your chart, so despite the Jupiter/Sun thing, it may not be as easy as all that for you to project yourself well with confidence. Dealing with insecurity may not bre easy for you, so possibly you should try to look for job stability than otherwise when considering careeers.


Well-known member
I wouldn't put it that way, Mike. With a lack of fire, you might find it hard to get off the couch. But any cardinal sign is an initiator, and a fixed sign is persistent. They are wide, but you can use your Mars squares to generate initiative.