please read my birth chart


New member

I have been diagnosed with asperger, depression and multiple anxiety disorders.
Can you read my diagnoses in my chart? Is there maybe a solution for my problems you can read in my chart?


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You are only 16, and I am no medical astrologer, let alone a doctor. The astrology here is clear, however.

Asperger's is described as a socializing/communications disorder akin to autism. Depression paralyzes. Anxiety is terrifying. All of these conditions are fundamentally psychological, or "mental".

The 6/12 axis is heavily populated (5 planets including Sun) and features 2 close oppositions. There is a T-square in Mutable signs, and this Quality has to do with mental conditions. The apex planet or focus planet in the configuration is Mercury in the 7th (the T-square is angular): "communication" and "the other, the not-self". The 7th is a "relationship" house. The basal opposition of the formation is Moon-Saturn in the parental 4/10 axis. This planetary pairing often produces strong tendencies for isolation, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, and imply that the mother did not give love unconditionally but demanded that it be earned by proper behaviors. The native's true feelings and natural responses are supressed.

Virgo is associated with worry and anxiety (often manifesting physically as a tightening of the gut),and the focus of the T-square falls here.

Pluto is involved, closely squaring Mercury. Pluto's effects are always deep and lasting. There is an obsessive quality at work. This aspect blocks communication out of fear of self-revelation; self-protection and survival are at stake.

More later. I'm writing on a cellphone, and it's a pain.

How are we doing so far?

Back again. A couple more points about Pluto then on to the 6/12 axis. Pluto holds secrets and they often have to do with taboo. Also suggestive of deep long-term probing therapy...getting at the secrets. And for all you "tight-orb addicts", here I go again. Moon and Pluto are efffectively conjunct. Both are angular, both participate with the critical Mercury, and due to some things I've noticed as the chart unfolds... the chart itself asks for it. The mother-daughter relationship needs careful attention.

Moving along now....

Pisces is rising. The sign can indicate a path of suffering when rising. States of disintegration, interventions, etc. Whhether you take Jupiter or Neptune as lord of Pisces, in this chart it's 6 one half-dozen the other, for they oppose each other-- intercepted. All 5 of the planets in 6/12 are intercepted. Jupiter, who I take as lord of the horoscope, beholds a waxing partile semisquare to the high-focus Mercury, from 7 to 6. Mercury, exalted, angular, in high focus at the apex of the T-square in Virgo, sign of "analysis", perturbs Jupiter, lord of the life in the house of Maladjustment.

Sun, conjunct Mars, is in partile trine to the elevated Moon (she stands above him in the house of Authority). He is intercepted in a Cadent house, a house of misfortune. Sun and Mars oppose Uranus. Half of the planets are intercepted; should the interception be interpreted as "no way out"?

I believe there is a strong "religious" component in the background: feelings of moral superiority, standards beyond attainment.

I've had it with this tedious cellphone. Hope this helps, perhaps opens the door to questions.
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New member
I am new to astrology so my chart is saying I am really social but I learned myself a lot of social skills but I am really not social. how can my chart say that I am a really social person when I am actually really not.


Well-known member
P.S.: Your chart does not say you are highly social,; that is a misreading of the chart. Look at the troubled Venus adding to what has already been mentioned.

Six, not 5, planets are intercepted.
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Well-known member

We also note these other significant conditions:

1. All planets in the eastern hemisphere are Rx.
2. There is a preponderance of planets in Fire signs.
3. There is preponderance of planets in Fixed signs.
4. No planet occupies a Water sign, a negative preponderance.
5. Four planets are in domicile, Mercury additionally exalted; rather unusual.
6. Moon rules the 6th cusp.
7. Mars is combust. I take this to suggest that Sun has expropriated the martial energies, assimilated and incorporated them, thus strengthening himself for the upcoming battle.
8. Most of the aspects in this chart are rather close; several are partile. Experience leads me to believe that this condition tends to create narrow and rigid ideals. The struggle to adhere to or attain these unreachable ideals tends to produce psychological difficulties.
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Well-known member
My first post was mostly chart analysis with very little interpretation. If you wish interpretation you will have to make yourself available for conversation. Astrological counseling, like any other form of counseling, is a dialogue.