Pluto conj Saturn conj cuspid of 8th House


New member
Hi Everybody,

I have been studying astrology since my teens year and eventually
became professional. Even though I have learned a lot, I still have questions and concerns and I want to hear your thought. I'm a Capricorn, with Moon in Taurus (conj Saturn in Gemini in the 11th), Asc in Gemini (Mercury conj Jupiter in Sagittarius). Yes, I'm terrible curious!

So, in 2020, Saturn will conjunct with Pluto and cuspid of 8th House. Since
Pluto entered in Cap, I have developed a chronic autoimmune illness and when Pluto passed over my Sun, I thought I would not make it. Looking at my progressed chart and the transits for 20-25, I wonder if this will be time for me to transition to another dimension. Or if there are other interpretations for transits in the 8th House.

I hope you don't think this topic is morbid or something. You know, I'm Cap, I must be ready.

Thank you! :lol: