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  • I am new to the site and am hoping to get some info re my saturn return which I believe is happening now. Ever since November 2010 my life seems to be crumbling, I can't get out of my own way. Like a dark cloud is following me around. I have always been quite optimistic and had the feeling things would always turn out ok, but recently feeling worried that is not the case. I have done some reading up on Saturn returns and am a bit worried about it since in my birth chart, saturn is in the 8th house. I am getting the feeling Saturn is pushing me to end my relationship with my husband. It is not working out and deep down, I know it won't work. I keep holding onto it out of fear and guilt because we have been together for so long and have 2 young children. I just don't know what is the right thing for me to do. Any insight (reassurance) would be wonderful.

    Diana - October 21,1981 - Toronto Ont, Canada 2:25pm
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