Yods created by sextile between Neptune & Pluto


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Hi Raven,I agree with you that your kin may be acting out something left incomplete from past lives.
Master/apprentice,servant themes perhaps in monastic life,prisons,hospitals and life at sea.
For some reason Brittens Opera 'Peter Grimes' came up.

The opposition in Virgo I agree is a very sensitive point.
I call this the 'Double Terminal'.(Crystalline.)

I do not feel these relationships are inescapable.The current transits may be the ideal opportunity to break out of these old patterns.

Thanks for those comments, Jerry.

I can see that there is a purpose to this man and my son being `locked' in a kind of battle, and at this particular time in history. I feel that they have carried this `issue' for many lifetimes, and it has remained unresolved.

As it turns out, I am also a fundamental link in the chain. My son and I have his natal Jupiter (part of his Yod) sextile my natal Mercury (pretty much unaspected, and the karmic core of a lot of hereditary beliefs - limitations - through my female line) currenly both inconjunct tr Pluto in Capricorn......... so forming a temporary Yod. There are big things happening/changing as a result of me being now able to access - and release - these beliefs (good ol' Pluto :alien:). As I release, my son is also liberated, and he ultimately will no longer carry (at an unconscious level) the wounded beliefs of around 7 generations through my female line. This then will render him no longer a `target'. It is already beginning to work, and if I hadn't seen this in action, I would never have believed it!! The recent New Moon in Virgo catapulted this healing journey into another level altogether.

Yods - even temporary ones - are tough burdens to carry, but the potential for growth/change is enormous. The key is to hang in there, and do not be tempted into taking an easy way out.

EDIT: And Jerry, I would be interested in why Peter Grimes came up for you. There are a few parallels in the current situation, but I'm thinking that the master-apprentice relationship may be what the current situation is about.... and certainly any past-life r/ship these 2 men have is seeded in this kind of relationship - this is what I feel, anyway. The grandfather wants respect - doesn't get it (from anyone) - and is actually very jealous (enraged, actually) by how easily the father relates to his child - something the g/father still has difficulty in achieving with his own children. So he demands respect, and bullies others.
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I have Pluto in Virgo in the 6th and Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th.....Jupiter will join that point next year retrograde then in 2011 Jupiter will travel direct over the point again than Uranus. This will affect a whole generation....

Hi Cassandra/G59,

Transitting Jupiter triggers your Neptune/Pluto sextile for the first two weeks in February 2011.....but Transit Uranus will do so for the 12 months from April 2011 to April 2012.....So, you might find that those generational effects will have a significant personal impact.......(Plenty of time to prepare for it though, although most will be aware of it only when it hits them).

....Saturn crossed that point in 1996....March of 1999 Jupiter crossed that point....

Can you recall what happened when that point was crossed by :-

1. Transitting Chiron, from mid-March to end of April 1969.
2. Progressed Moon, from Nov 1972 to mid-Jan 1973.
3. Progressed Moon, from Mar 2000 to mid-May 2000.
It may also be worth noting your natal vertex is opposite the Yod apex (indicating fate will play a part in the related events).......and the Sabian Symbols for these two points are :-​

Yod apex (3.10 degrees Aries)......Sabian = two lovers strolling through a secluded walk......graphically illustrating (imo) that the outcome of events can be changed by becoming conscious of unconscious urges/forces.​

Vertex (2.26 degrees Libra)......Sabian = the dawn of a new day, everything changed......illustrating (imo) an inevitable self-awakening.​
Finally, the Sabian Symbols for Pluto/Neptune may be of interest to you (and others born at this time) :-​

Pluto (1.54 degrees Virgo).....Sabian = a large white cross upraised......illustrating (imo) selfless service.​

Neptune (4.27 degrees Scorpio)......Sabian = a massive, rocky shore......illustrating (imo) necessary self-interest.​

So, you appear to be part of a group which is here to selflessly further evolutionary development by showing others when acts of self-interest are neccessary.....which (I guess) your divorce exemplifies clearly.​

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The first exact sextile (Leo/Lib) was on the 22 Jan 1950.........Kevin Keegan and Jane Seymour have Mars as the Apex Planet.

Of the five you listed, I only know anything about KK and JS......Both are famous for their Mars in Pisces image.....(KK = fearless and compassionate sportsman : JS = intrepid "Medicine Woman" to all in need).......Yet, both are also well known for ending of relationships that compromised their independence.......(JS is five times married : KK left several jobs due to disputes with his bosses).

So, through apex planet Mars, KK and JS have delivered the Neptune/Pluto sextile message to the masses......albeit unconsciously in both cases......Thus, the apex planet pointed to "what their Yod meant for them" and the sextile showed "what it's conscious use could have meant for their society/community".......(especially if they'd been aware of and actively preaching the message of independence in 1973, when JS became known for her role as Solitaire and KK achieved fame with Liverpool FC.)

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Well-known member
Thank you for your feedback EJ. As always, your remarks spark my thoughts. I am a terrible historian thus I have little recollection of the progressed moon time frames. I was able to look through the divorce information because I kept all the documents:(
This idea of s
selflessly further evolutionary development by showing others when acts of self-interest are neccessary
is quite fitting in both the saturn transit to the yod and to Jupiter in many ways.I enjoyed the Sabian symbols...again on target for those times. I wonder what is in store for me with Uranus transit. Saturn fits as connected to my 10th house of status and jupiter fits as I was embroiled in legal issues. Saturn is also responsibility, duty, hardness, delays, karma, solitary people. hmmmm Jupiter is also prophecy, success. Saturn retrograded over that point over a long period and jupiter crossed in March of 1999 signaling the end of a divorce with little child support during the proceedings.
Uranus rules my 12th house and is ruler of accidents, divorce, surprises, awakenings, sudden unpredictable, violent or fateful events. It is housed in my fifth. Invariably that aspect trines my fifth house venus/mars in Leo though at 7 degrees it is rather broad but again at that point children were involved.
Anyone with thoughts on what Uranus at that point mine mean or will it be a Uranian suprise. Too a lot of that stuff had been brewing so to speak. There is definitely a feeling of pressure. With my divorce, a sadness from the point of my daughters birth april 1995 that slowly built to that decision a year later.
Well I do go on...sorry...it is just food for thought and wonder ing what the next solar return will bring...hmmm
Odd next solar return has uranus and jupiter at 0 degrees in the solar 9th house


...Odd next solar return has uranus and jupiter at 0 degrees in the solar 9th house.

It also has a Yod.......Venus in Cancer/12th (at Anaretic degree) : Saturn in Virgo/2nd : Neptune in Aquarius/7th.

Your next solar return enables you to consciously experience the workings of a yod and of Uranus/Jupiter in Aries......thus preparing you to consciously make the most of the 2011/12 Jupiter and Uranus transits to your natal Neptune/Pluto sextile......It's a potential "quickening" of your (spiritual) development, leading to a potential "awakening" by Uranus......So, strap yourself in; hold on tight; take a motion sickness pill and enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime ride/experience.

[Note : The SR yod suggests that valuable lessons learned through thinking clearly and caringly about all relationships may reveal how Neptune influences your group/generation]
...I wonder what is in store for me with Uranus transit.......Uranus rules my 12th house of accidents, divorce, surprises, awakenings, sudden unpredictable, violent or fateful events. It is housed in my fifth.......Anyone with thoughts on what Uranus at that point might mean or will it be a Uranian suprise.

This will depend upon your level of awareness at that time......The unaware will experience physical events, caused by others......The partially aware will experience emotional upsets, caused by others and/or themselves......The fully aware will experience both, but identify their "cause and effect" through detached intellectual reasoning.......The enlightened will mindfully observe and learn from such events happening to others around them, but are unlikely to experience them directly.

However, the nature of the events/upsets will reflect the planets/signs/houses involved......In your case, Transit Uranus in Aries/1st; Pluto in Virgo/6th; Neptune in Scorpio/7th and Uranus in Leo/5th......We know the Pluto/Neptune sextile is about breaking down taboos that restrict your personal growth......Uranus in Leo/5th is (probably) about expressing your rebellious self......and Uranus transitting Aries/1st brings the courage to rebel/break free of restrictions.

My guess is that (after the transit is over) you will no longer think of yourself as a mother/wife/divorcee/employee/other labels applied by society.....you will be Cassandra The Person, who is free to behave as she chooses rather than as her society expects/demands.

So, strap yourself in; hold on tight; take a motion sickness pill and enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime ride/experience.

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Well-known member
I don't know if my two cents count in this conversation but something you said on the first page struck me Ej53,
Now i do not know how to quote from someone elses post so I am just copying Forgive me

As children, this generation were moulded by rock 'n roll/teenage rebellion and sexual freedom.......and, as adults, were intended to break down the taboos (Scorpio) which restrict personal growth (Virgo)...So, I'd expect these Yods to be about that.

This is my generation and I have a Yod if you remember with Saturn at the Point Sun/Pluto exact conjunction 22 Virgo..
Not easy for me to write about this but I have struggled with my sexuality, I was brought up in an extremely conservative house, in and extremely conservative family in an extremely conservative corner of the USA (although they claim they are Liberal :)) I am bisexual and only now comfortable with it, my husband knows as we belong to a pagan subculture where this is accepted. I don't act on my attraction to the same sex as I am deeply commited to this relationship. I have though before he came into the picture.
I do feel a shift is happening in my generation as its not as Taboo as it once was and I hope that keeps happening.

FWIW i was extremely rebellious as a youth, and as I age I know how to contain it better by appearing conservative yet fully involved in subcultures as the pagan world and Rennaisance Faires, and others...But as I have Uranus also conjuncting that Sun Pluto I don't think I am fooling anyone.:devil:
Peace Love and Lemonade
Carrie Lee :biggrin:


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Thank you for that CarrieLee ....that so fits....I grew up in an almost opposite environment.Liberal Laboratory school on a campus of a university where my parents taught the arts and met all these crazy goofy arty people off doing their groovy thing. Now maybe there was a thread of conservatism but to the rest of the world I felt odd.Sexually though I would say somewhat wild...mars, venus, uranus together in the 5th should I say more. Just stupid really....unnecessarily wild. I look back and think...what was I thinking. But I do feel this conservative side, shy side ...virgo moon side...and can see the yod. Now Pluto in Virgo is what about transforming through healing ? EJ puts it quite easily together but I struggle with the meanings..Virgo conservative energy vs scorpio sexual energy?....Pluto transformation and neptune dissolving boundaries?


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In the case of Grimes it feel this has to do with Master/Apprentice (Slave) themes,past and present,with perhaps darker undercurrents.
Yes, I agree with that. The energy between them has very dark undercurrents - which my son is aware of, and works around, rather than through.
With your sons Moon involved I was going to ask you what you felt about your connections.Thank you for explaining this.
Also, tr Uranus conjuncts his natal Moon, and this affects me also, and is potentially liberating for me.... as it has been.

This is very interesting and complicated? on many different levels?

There seems to have been many misunderstandings over many life times,one step forward and two steps back in some cases.Certain words, phrases and body language may trigger a chain reaction of experiences,due to deep recognition.This may be encoded in what has been called junk DNA.
Sometimes problems may have been because the Apprentice has incarnated as a very old soul.
I feel your son would benefit from exploring Taoism/Bud' and Yang Style Tai Chi.Connecting to perhaps P'Lives in China.
Yes, I have seen this is action. It's been quite difficult to stand by and watch.
I think my son has incarnated as the old soul - he has always been `old', and first began reading mythology when he was 6-7 years of age. He has such `wisdom' that the older man seems to have `forgotten' - although the older man is also affected by long-term drug use, and this doesn't help.

My son has benefited - since the age of 5-6 - from an interest in Shintoism from Japan. He has always been very connected with Japan, and even visited there aged 17.

I sense the transit of Chiron through Pi/Ar and Ta will be important.I feel Chiron has strong connections to the Yod.
Chiron has very strong connections to my son's personal Yod, as his natal Chiron (0 deg Taurus) is opposite the Yod's apex planet. However, as we speak, his progr Chiron forms an exact opposition (28 deg Aries) to the apex planet - Mars in Libra.
So you're right again, Jerry.

And just to follow up on this saga - which has been running at some level since the 2 men met around 4 and a half years ago..........................
Yesterday there was a court case scheduled to determine my son's access to his little boy. The older man had been `handling' his daughter's case, basically seeing it as an avenue of attack, hoping to defeat and humilate my son. My son produced his (invisible) sword, and through his barrister organised access to suit both parties without it having to be sorted out in court. The Magistrate was happy, and congratulated my son on his mature and intelligent approach to problem-solving. As the hours were passing I watched the older man moving around the building, and he looked old and grey and pale, thin and defeated. He no longer looked belligerent, but tired. The older man had got his daughter to lie on her application, but my son told the truth at all times. He never for a minute lost sight of the fact that he was acting on behalf of his child, and he put the child first at all times. It was so simple in the end.

I'm always banging on about how when Yods are involved, we must be honest, truthful, and patient, even if it hurts to do so.
What I witnessed yesterday was living proof of this!!

Thanks Jerry so much for your input. You are a wise, talented and very giving soul, and this forum benefits from your unique involvement.
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......how to quote from someone elses post...

To quote a text......put the word quote in square brackets [], insert the text to be quoted, then put /quote in square brackets [/quote]

Using round brackets, it looks like this......(quote)text(/quote)

......but it works only with square brackets, and the forward slash (/) must be used in the closing pair.

(Sounds complicated, but it's not).

Your story illustrates the yod very clearly......Virgo Pluto/Scorpio Neptune dissolving the taboos which restrict personal growth......Apex Saturn in Aries requiring this to be done courageously but responsibly - to not "throw out the baby with the bathwater".

From an evolutionary viewpoint (what your yod can do for your society), you perhaps demonstrate that personal growth is not restricted by (saturnian) rules but rather by the rigid thinking/attitudes of individuals......and we can change that (Pluto in Virgo) from behind the scenes (Neptune in Scorpio), when we "know ourself" (Saturn in Aries).

Personally though, I was struck by the message of Uranus in Libra (anaretic degree)......In the Age of Uranus (Aquarius), gender/race/religion/skin colour and other superficialities will no longer be a barrier to relationships......But, I like the fact that people might still commit to one partner.

...Now Pluto in Virgo is what about transforming through healing?......but I struggle with the meanings..Virgo conservative energy vs scorpio sexual energy?....Pluto transformation and neptune dissolving boundaries?

Perhaps......Pluto = intimacy; Virgo = discernment; Neptune = universal; Scorpio = sex.

"Sex without marriage or barriers to the choice of partner" might be the taboos being broken down here......but Pluto requires us to discern the difference between this and intimacy......(Or, as your North Node in Libra suggests "gender/race/religion/skin colour and other superficialities are not a barrier to relationships......but intimacy is a reason for committing to one").

JerryRR said:
Life may have been lost at sea?I also saw Norsemen.

This makes sense, in terms of a past (Viking) lifetime where the younger man was the husband of the older......and insisted on taking their son (or grandson) on his first raid overseas, before she thought the child was ready.......then "lost the boy at sea"......leaving the wife unable to forgive or trust the husband, even in a future lifetime.

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Well-known member

This makes sense, in terms of a past (Viking) lifetime where the younger man was the husband of the older......and insisted on taking their son (or grandson) on his first raid overseas, before she thought the child was ready.......then "lost the boy at sea"......leaving the wife unable to forgive or trust the husband, even in a future lifetime.

Cripes, EJ, where did that come from? Was this a random thought, or divine inspiration? It certainly puts all the pieces together, and also `explains' the `involvement' of my grandson who, whenever he is on an access visit, comes into my bed during the night, only to sleep peacefully, while I `receive' his thoughts and/or instructions. It's as though he was born knowing he had to help sort out this issue between them.

Small wonder the g/father has been paranoid about the child's safety when in my son's care, although there has never been reason for his concern.

Thanks for that :w00t:


Well-known member
Jerry/EJ, I have shared with my son your insights. His first response was, "Are you sure about that?", to which I replied, "Of course not, this is an area which cannot be proven, but consider it anyway." He has, and I can see a dark `thing' lifting from him, as he recognises how a projection from the other man - fed through blinding fear - has managed to almost cripple them both for over 18 months. The journey continues, but without the dark stuff.

And back to the Yods formed by the Netune-Pluto sextile.......

EJ, you said in one of your earlier posts:
So, we might conclude that Uranus/Neptune/Pluto are working together to remove the fears/phobias/taboos of society which restrict "individual growth"......and that all Yods with Neptune/Pluto as the sextile base need to be viewed against this background of "evolutionary change"......(Or, to paraphrase JFK, "ask not what your Yod means for you, but rather what it can mean for your society/community".
and I cannot help but think (again) of Lindy Chamberlain - whose newborn was taken by a dingo at Uluru (Ayer's Rock) in August 1980, and who did time in gaol for a `crime' she did not commit. She has a Yod on her natal chart formed between Neptune, Pluto and her natal Sun in Pisces. I'll add her chart at the bottom of this post, although her birth time is unknown, so the details are not available for examination.

Her experience as a result of the bizarre disappearance of her child embrace all you have written in that paragraph, EJ. I can see very little in her transits/progressions for the day her baby disappeared...................... BUT the opportunities which resulted for the population of this country as a whole to move beyond our collective judgements and prejudices were enormous, and given her protracted court appearances over the following 2+ years, there was ample time for those looking on to gossip their way beyond their own personal judgements - about whether or not she had `done it', as well as why, how, and all the rest of it!


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Jerry, you've obviously been thinking along the lines I'd been.

Here is Azaria Chamberlain's chart. Unfortunately astro.com can't draw a synastry chart based upon the chart of someone with birth time unknown.

I've done a synastry for Lindy & Azaria Chamberlain on Halloran, and as I'd suspected, Lindy's Chiron in Scorpio seems to play a role here. As the child was born tr Uranus was conjunct Lindy's natal Chiron, and - more significantly, I feel - the child's natal Chiron conjuncts Lindy's North Node in Taurus, perhaps describing the karmic healing feature of the child's birth. And in relation to Lindy's Yod, the child's Mars in Virgo fairly closely (to less than 1 degree) opposes Lindy's Sun in Pisces, the apex planet of her Yod.


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May I ask what are your feelings about Lindy's Ma/Sa/Pl in Leo?
Have you ever tuned into this energy?

Just off the cuff, the words `steely strength' come to mind. The ability to withstand great stress and pressure whilst under public scrutiny.
I can remember seeing her interviewed after she'd been incarcerated in Darwin. She'd lost heaps of weight, and spoke of the prison officers as `screws'. Her experience had (temporarily) hardened her, but had also given her an inner wariness and wiriness that she'd not previously displayed. It was almost as though her experience of public scrutiny and humiliation had honed something deep within her.... like polishing a rough diamond until it shines.

Former Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett was born 2 days before Chamberlain and so has the same Mars/Saturn/Pluto in Leo. He expressed it as arrogance, and a certain love of public attention. He still appears to crave the limelight, whilst Chamberlain-Creighton actively shuns it........ perhaps having experienced ample `limelight' for one incarnaton.
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......Lindy Chamberlain has a Yod on her natal chart formed between Neptune, Pluto and her natal Sun in Pisces.......I can see very little in her transits/progressions for the day her baby disappeared.

Transitting Uranus appears to be squaring her natal Mars/Mercury opposition; qcx itself and about to conjoin Chiron (which is qcx Venus).......So, her natal Mystic Rectangle/Small Talent Triangle (with Venus apex) was being triggered......and transitting Neptune/NN/Chiron were poised to do the same through natal Mercury.

However, the Yod links natally to the Mystic Rectangle through the Mars/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo......and (through dispositors) that makes the energy of both configurations available to Sun-Neptune-Venus-Mars-Sun......So, although the Yod plays no part in creating the actual event, it is able to use it "for it's own purposes".

......Lindy's Chiron in Scorpio seems to play a role here. As the child was born tr Uranus was conjunct Lindy's natal Chiron, and - more significantly, I feel - the child's natal Chiron conjuncts Lindy's North Node in Taurus, perhaps describing the karmic healing feature of the child's birth.

His Uranus is also qcx hers, activating her Venus/Uranus Yod (and the other planets in her "Mystic Envelope" configuration")......and his Sun/Neptune/Saturn T-square suggests he was born to impart a very spiritual lesson to the masses, through her ME configuration.....emphasised by his self-sacrificing NN in Leo/12th (which he achieved despite his brief lifetime)......whilst his Taurus Chiron/NN contact suggests the healing came through a change in her personal values.

......the child's Mars in Virgo fairly closely (to less than 1 degree) opposes Lindy's Sun in Pisces, the apex planet of her Yod.

On the day of the incident, this was activated by transitting Jupiter (so her Pluto/Neptune yod had also been activated directly......and the transitting Libra Mars was at 22+degrees, triggering her Mystic Envelope along with Uranus.......

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However, the Yod links natally to the Mystic Rectangle through the Mars/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo......and (through dispositors) that makes the energy of both configurations available to Sun-Neptune-Venus-Mars-Sun......So, although the Yod plays no part in creating the actual event, it is able to use it "for it's own purposes".

Thanks, EJ. That makes perfect sense, now.
She certainly used her Yod when the time came!!

For some reason I'd believed that one with a Yod must have their Yod directly activated in order to precipitate a Yod Event. It appears this is not so.


......For some reason I'd believed that one with a Yod must have their Yod directly activated in order to precipitate a Yod Event. It appears this is not so.

I also think it is so, R4VEN......Here though, the Yod is linked via the Mars/Saturn/Pluto conjunction......so, it works constantly in tandem with the Mystic Envelope configuration.



Hi all :)

Thanks EJ for emailing to remind me to repost about my Yod w/ a Boomerang.

My Yod consist of:

apex- Moon in Taurus right before my 12th house cusp @ 19.54
base- Pluto in Libra in my 5th @ 18.44
Neptune and Sun in Sag in my 6th @ 18.05 & 19.33
boomerang- Uranus in Scorpio right before my 6th house cusp. @ 18.41

I hear a lot of say what the yod is and when I talk about a frustration in my life I have a lot of people saying the frustration is coming from another aspect which is hard for me to believe when there 5 of my planets involved in this pattern because I feel like I'm in constant frustration/restless for about 90% of my life.

Also, EJ you asked me what was happening Apr 2000. That was the end of my 3rd yr of college and the only thing I remember HUGE happening to me all of 2000 is at the end of Apr where one of the two men I have been in-love with in my life kissed me and announced his feeling for me.

I'll attach my chart so you'll get a clearer view :)

Thanks :)


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I was looking at the transits for Apr 2000 and applying them to a situation that completely changed my life, which was the end of March 2002. I had a sinus surgery in which the doctor hit a nerve in my face and left the right side of my face completely numb. The worst part of this story is that I was a professional French Horn player and that was my whole life... it completely changed my life path and I had no choice but for my career to end.

At that time Transit Mars was conj to my Moon and T pluto was conj to my natal Sun/Neptune. I know the Moon is the apex but I'm starting to wonder if my Sag point is sensitive too since the Sun is a personal planet/connected to the yod.


Well-known member

I was looking at the transits for Apr 2000 and applying them to a situation that completely changed my life, which was the end of March 2002. I had a sinus surgery in which the doctor hit a nerve in my face and left the right side of my face completely numb. The worst part of this story is that I was a professional French Horn player and that was my whole life... it completely changed my life path and I had no choice but for my career to end.

At that time Transit Mars was conj to my Moon and T pluto was conj to my natal Sun/Neptune. I know the Moon is the apex but I'm starting to wonder if my Sag point is sensitive too since the Sun is a personal planet/connected to the yod.

I'd say a definite Yes to that.

Soon after you posted your chart, racole12, I had a quick look at it, and the planets involved directly in your Yod(s) rule the 2nd, 3rd, 10th and 6th houses. Interesting to note the importance of the 6th-10th-2nd combo - your work/service/recognition/worth-resources/health-body combination.

What you describe sounds like a truly devastating thing for you to have happen, but at the same time it is quite typically a Yod-event. Those with Yods frequently have their lives redirected - for reasons which are unclear at the time.

Your life will not be `typical' - whatever that means - and these redirections will continue, but you will eventually learn to trust them. Walking a unique road is not easy, and not all souls can do this.

EDIT: Your story reminded me of the life and career of former child violin prodigy, Lyndall Hendrickson. Now, I have no idea of her date of birth - other than she was born in 1917 - so whether she has a Yod or not is unknown to me, but her career was redirected in a typically Yod-like way. In her 30's she contracted polio, so could no longer perform on violin at the level required, so she began to teach, and has taught many young violinists who now perform all over the world. Eventually she began to teach piano and violin to severely autistic kids, and her research and methods of `switching on' autistic children through music has been ground-breaking.
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