current transits : reyrpm
hope will share salient feedbacks on the details of the reading how true traits-talents-health-life trends-current trends-remedies-ideas to pick etc etc
Jup-sat year ahead transit own acquarius-mercury 3rd square moon for research-trainer-advisory-counsellor-reformer roles with challenges/stress; sat transit 3rd good for initiative n progress;
Sat acq debilated aspect aries 5th impacting luck-education-romance-children-position to watch for;
Ketu separative SNode for 1.5yr transit jup-venus sag first, 8th from moon, detachment from relationship, advisory roles, mother, property, native land, etc; pain-injury-surgery liver-kidneys-thighs-head etc to care;
Natal moon-ketu taurus 6th, extra stubborn, coping with opponents, accident prone, pain-injury-surgery throat-thyroid-tongue-teeth-hips-intestinals-heart-lungs etc; job separations; aptitude for dentistry, ENT, etc, prayers to Mother Goddess, offer red flowers fri evenings;
past 1.5yr ketu transit sun lord 9th over capricorn 2nd, detachment from luck-education-family-finances-father-travels, pain-injury-surgey heart-stomach-knees-throat-teeth-thighs etc.
Moon-rahu NNode scorpio opp, toxic health issues, rise-fall in life, wear brown hessonite over pendant touching heart; observe fast No-moon evenings; observe death anniversaries in the family religiously;
rahu scorpio 12th debilated, research-occult-forensic aptitudes, not to indulge much into the dark occult, inclined to foreign lands;
Jup-venus sag first, artistic aptitudes, advisory roles, directorship, law-justice, medicine-pharma etc;
Rahu now transit gemini 7th, 2nd from moon, opp jup-venus sag, for information technology, foreign travels; foreign relationship; toxic health issues, chest-lungs etc; rise-fall to care;
ps : better if pms share the context of the request rather merely instruct to respond to the thread; no chart with the thread except a planetary table!