will i suceed in my choosen career path?

I just wanted to ask the question, its a long shot but here goes:

will i ever, sometime in the future, get my choosen career as a singer in a rock group or not?

another question is:
will i get any success from the lyrics contest i entered recently?

I was born: 17:02 29th november 1987 in redhill, london, United Kingdom
i ask this question: 17:05 3rd july 2005, london time


Staff member

Did you already start your career as a rock singer or not? If not, then it is not yet your chosen career path...
What do you expect from this career? Is it more like fun for you or are you really serious in making money of it?

As for the lyrics contest, for one I'm not sure if I delineate the chart correctly... I might be wrong.
If I take the 3rd house to represent the lyrics you wrote and the 5th for the contest, then it is not quite good - Mars (you, the contest) in Saturn's fall (lyrics), also Saturn is in Mars' fall - that is not good news. However as the Moon is just separating from trine with Jupiter, this may indicate that you've just had a big opportunity or success.
Btw, does the 3rd house cusp (the lyrics) in Capricorn represent the nature of your lyrics? Are they rather serious lyrics? Neptune here would add some imagination or romantism to the lyrics...
Mars (the contest) in Aries square the Sun and sextile Neptune would indicate that they expect the lyrics to be dynamic, agressive, exciting with a drop of imagination.

Any hits ? :)
For my career i haven't yet started, i work on my music but no band or anything yet. I am really serious in making it successful music is my passion

the lyrics are very emotional and powerful for me and express me to my fullest. Alot of agression and as much imagination as possible
I have had no big success with my lyrics yet


Staff member
Okay, supposing that the lyrics are still represented by the 3rd house, Capricorn would mean "powerful", its ruler in Cancer would be "emotional" and Neptune in the 3rd house would add "as much imagination as possible".
Mars represents you, being the Ascendant ruler, Mars in Aries square the Sun would mean that you are of Martian nature: direct, straight-forward, agressive...

I wish you all the best. I hope it turns out for the best, and the Moon-Jupiter trine will indicate a happy event soon...