So, I've been looking for another job for a while, as my current job has a very negative climate, and I would like to get away from it. I applied for a job in a city 3 hours away in mid-November. I received two emails back from them, and they finally had to call me to make sure I was getting the emails (they were in my Spam folder).
Upon completing the online assessment portion, I couldn't sleep that night (Dec. 15), so I decided try Horary. I asked something to the effect of "Will I get this job?" I cast the chart (uploaded below), and begin interpreting it using Skyscript at this link.
Just to finish the summary of what's happened since then, I was called a few days later to set up a phone interview, which happened on Dec 26. That went well, so I was asked to come in for 2 face-to-face interviews on Jan 3. That also went well. The recruiter has called and told me that everything is great on their end, and they're just waiting on my background check to clear (and there's no reason it shouldn't), and then they'll offer me a job!
One last relevant detail before jumping into the interpretation: I was originally supposed to join the Jan 13th class, but because things kept on getting delayed, it looks like I should be starting Feb 17, instead.
So, to the interpretation: Ascendant is Libra, making my significator (as querent), Venus. This is a job/career question, so the significator of the quesited is the ruler of the MC, the Moon. It's my understanding that in this instance, the Moon doesn't real "co-signify" me, because it's already representing the quesited.
Venus (querent significator) is Angular in the 4th house, Moon (quesited significator) is Succeedent in the 8th, and those two join in with Mars (12th) to form a grand trine (which I take to be a very positive sign for the ultimate outcome, even if Mars being Cadent means it takes a while to come about).
Given that Moon (quesited) is separating from a trine to Venus (querent), I take that to mean that there will be a beneficial outcome to something that's already been initiated. Both are trine to Mars, and the Moon is applying in its trine, meaning that results will be following soon.
In addition the Greater Benefic, Jupiter, is in the 10th house, which I take to be a positive for the outcome. It is also within a degree of being exactly trine Saturn, further grounding the positive effects it brings.
Altho I was concerned when I saw that Mars was in the 12th house, given all the other positive contributions, I interpret it as saying that I did not know at the time of my question if my actions would bear the fruit of a job offer.
At this time, I fully expect to receive a job offer from this company. If anyone with more experience than I has any light to shed on the interpretation, I would appreciate it!
Upon completing the online assessment portion, I couldn't sleep that night (Dec. 15), so I decided try Horary. I asked something to the effect of "Will I get this job?" I cast the chart (uploaded below), and begin interpreting it using Skyscript at this link.
Just to finish the summary of what's happened since then, I was called a few days later to set up a phone interview, which happened on Dec 26. That went well, so I was asked to come in for 2 face-to-face interviews on Jan 3. That also went well. The recruiter has called and told me that everything is great on their end, and they're just waiting on my background check to clear (and there's no reason it shouldn't), and then they'll offer me a job!
One last relevant detail before jumping into the interpretation: I was originally supposed to join the Jan 13th class, but because things kept on getting delayed, it looks like I should be starting Feb 17, instead.
So, to the interpretation: Ascendant is Libra, making my significator (as querent), Venus. This is a job/career question, so the significator of the quesited is the ruler of the MC, the Moon. It's my understanding that in this instance, the Moon doesn't real "co-signify" me, because it's already representing the quesited.
Venus (querent significator) is Angular in the 4th house, Moon (quesited significator) is Succeedent in the 8th, and those two join in with Mars (12th) to form a grand trine (which I take to be a very positive sign for the ultimate outcome, even if Mars being Cadent means it takes a while to come about).
Given that Moon (quesited) is separating from a trine to Venus (querent), I take that to mean that there will be a beneficial outcome to something that's already been initiated. Both are trine to Mars, and the Moon is applying in its trine, meaning that results will be following soon.
In addition the Greater Benefic, Jupiter, is in the 10th house, which I take to be a positive for the outcome. It is also within a degree of being exactly trine Saturn, further grounding the positive effects it brings.
Altho I was concerned when I saw that Mars was in the 12th house, given all the other positive contributions, I interpret it as saying that I did not know at the time of my question if my actions would bear the fruit of a job offer.
At this time, I fully expect to receive a job offer from this company. If anyone with more experience than I has any light to shed on the interpretation, I would appreciate it!