Will he break up with her?


Well-known member
THis chart is a bit difficult to interpret, b/c we have to give 1H to both you and "her." Still I'd read it as not much is going to happen in the immediate future, i.e. in terms of your question, he is not going to break up with her. both Venus in Mars in his 1H are separating from a conj. The Moon is about to conj. Saturn and after some time square Venus. No applying aspects between the lords of the houses in question indicate no activity in this situation. On top of that, the later degree rising indicate that you already know the answer, that the situation has developed significantly and not much change is going to occur.


You are mars,
He is jupiter,
She is mercury

Mars is peregrine

Jupiter is peregrine

Merc has house term and trip

She holds all the cards and the sextile between you two shows that your envious of her greatly but unfortunatley she holds more power then you in this situation and you and him have no say.

She might even know what your up to. is he your EX?


he is your 5th "sweet hearts" she is his turned 7th, Marriage and partnerships. since they are dating they are in a partner ship.


no when you turn the chart,

ok, so he is picese right? your 5th house..

but if we wanna see the relationship from his point of view, we turn the chart so that picese is the first house.. and then his 7th house, the 7th from the 5th is his marriage and partnership house.


Well-known member
niplan, are we looking at the same chart? the one poshslop included with her question above has Aries on her 5th house, not Pisces.