CarrieLee said:
I am posting my son's chart and asking the question will he be a preacher or will he finally break free of my exhusbands brainwashing..
With his sun conjunct Nep Chris does have the ability to absorb whatever mindset is currently around him and he is in the Bible belt and fully believes his mama is on the road to **** because mama believes in astrology and all spiritual taboo things.
I have a feeling with all that Sag that he will not evolve his current mindset. I hope I am wrong.
His Sun is conjunct Uranus but Uranus is in Cap.
I am not against Christianity at all I just have a problem with the extremist forms and the Jesus camps that my son goes to that teach intolerance.
He also has a passion for fishing..Which I cant find anywhere he has desires on being a professional fisherman..
TIA for any insight
OH! How I can relate! I'm in the same position you are - so if it helps any, I know EXACTLY how you feel!
As to the chart, I feel I was able to make some sense out of it. First of all, I can say that this is one of - if not THE major- lesson he came to learn this time around. With that said, on to the interpretation:
First of all, the ruler of his Ascendant is Venus. Venus is in Sag in the 7th, and is inconjunct to his Ascendant. Right there, that tells you that he is out of kilter with who he is, and that he is trying to be what he thinks others want from him. (I'm assuming the friends, sense of approval, etc, that he gets from others).
Also, ruler of public respect/approval is Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th. Venus is in sextile. 10th house is also the house of the disciplinarian parent/ parent perceived as the authority/power. Aquarius is also the sign of inflexible, know-it-all thinking. So a father who has fixed belief systems would be fitting by this placement as well. His chart clearly shows that he has this problem of choosing to go along with his father. (Venus in Sag in 7th sextile Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th)
Venus also rules his intercepted 6th house. This can show a couple of things. One - that he may think this is the type of service he wants to do.
Two - 6th house also rules discernment. This also shows that he's thinking is skewed.
The 7th house cusp is Scorpio - a sign known ( in its lower manifestation) for manipulation, control, and unforgiveness- held in negative emotions.
The ruler of his 7th is Mars in Sagittarius in the 8th house. This is one side of his intercepted 6th. Co-ruler of 7th is Pluto in Scorpio in the 7th. It is unaspected, except for a sextile to his MC. This again, shows that he is going along with his father - AND he probably is totally unaware how "off-putting" this is to others. (Pluto is pretty much unaspected).
The other side has Virgo on the cusp. Ruler is Mercury in Sagittarius, also in the 8th - between Mars and the Moon - also in Sag. Remember, things in the 8th house can show power struggles and also things that need to be transformed in this life. He has a lot of transforming to do!
On the cusp of the 6th is Jupiter (r) in Virgo. This shows that his discernment/decisions are influnced by a severe internal critic - perfectionism, judging others. He really connects vibrationally with their message of intolerance/"only one way" to God - and that have the right to sit in the seat of judgment in relation to others. Much of his healing will come when he realizes that THIS IS
NOT LOVE. Jupiter (r) in Virgo rules his 8th, 9th, and 12th houses. 9th and 12th houses show carry-over from past lives. Obviously this is a lesson he failed at learning in the past, and had set a chart for himself before he incarnated that would ensure that he had the "oomph" to get over it. Sometimes one has to be fully saturated in something before they realize it is not what they want.
Mercury in Sagittarius rules his 2nd, 3rd and 6th houses. This shows that in his discernment in communication with others - he has a strong tendency to go along with others without thinking for himself. (This is another manifestation of Jupiter(r) in Virgo on cusp of 6th - the need to discern/think for oneself) He also has the tendency to make assumptions about others without considering how they feel about it. Mercury in Sag can assume/ make expectations about people that are "too much" (Sag). Mercury ruling his 2nd, as well as 3rd, can show that he values his religious beliefs, and expects others in communication ( 3rd) to agree with them, too. His South Node is in Cancer in the 3rd. This further intensifies that he is out of touch with his and other's emotions - and the ablitiy to "meet people where they are at".
Sun rules his 5th, and is in the 9th. This can show he lost his sense of his self - his purpose for being here, in wanting the approval of his father. He may also be a workaholic and leaves no time for pure fun and developing his creative talents. Chiron(r) in Leo at the cusp of 5th would further emphasize the possibility. He may also have abandoned his inner child for material things and a sense of Earthly power and control. His North Node in Cap conjunct his Sun shows it is his destiny to break out of his father's control, and all the things he is subconsciously doing to keep him in alignment with his father's control - and stand up to his father. This would require following his intuition - which is a 9th house thing. And, as you know, you cannot follow your intuition unless you learn to think for yourself.
Moon rules his 4th house, and is also in Sag in the 8th. This seems like a good description of you. Jupiter(r) in Virgo on cusp of 6th ( again - discernment) is squaring the Moon in Sag in the 8th. Again - Jup rules 9th and 12th. He is repeating with you the same pattern that caused him to incarnate with this lesson plan. It can also show what is stored in his subconsciou ( 12th) about communication with others ( 9th house). Truthfully, he probably has some resentment against you for making decisions for him as a child that he needs to deal with. This may be why he is so adamant to prove you wrong. It may be a power thing, too. You
told him what to do when he was little.......You corrected him when he was wrong......(Not that this makes it right what he's doing - even if you DID "miscorrect him" - as all mothers make mistakes.) It's possible that with his discernement so skewed, he just plain is so brainwashed that he really, really thinks you're "going to hell", etc - for your beliefs ( as he would feel that's where he would be going if opened up his mind to believe the truth. - Churches can be very cult-ish that way.) It could be a mixture of all of the above, as well. The co-ruler of the 12th ( past life karma and subconscious) is Neptune in Capricorn - the illusion of power? Anyway, it makes a semi-sextile aspect to the Moon in Sag. This can be like a blind-spot, as well - something he doesn't realize he is doing, but a subconscious influence to his belief system.
It's interesting, too, that he has so much Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of either the subservience/disempowerment of the Divine Feminine OR the elevation and respect for the Divine Feminine - depending on which end of the vibratory scale you are in. As you know, you don't even mention the fact that God is also female in most churches. ( His Pluto in Scorpio does make a loose sextile with Lilith in Capricorn in the 10th.)
As to you, you are obviously concerned and upset by this. My two cents (from personal experience and revelation I've received in prayer concerning my ordeal) is this: Try to go within and seek to disengage from the energy that lets it bother you. For whatever issues you play in it ( and a mother always has a big energetic influence on a child) - when you disengage and are at peace - he will have nothing to fight but himself. This will "flip" the energy back on him to deal with - which very often is what leads to learning the lesson. (Of course, his free will is always involved. He might not learn his lesson. But his North Node says it is his destiny to do so.)
One other thing, the rulers of his 11th house of rebellion are Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th and Uranus in Capricorn in the 9th. This again shows that he:
A) has a lot of issues with freedom and can be internally ( or externally) quite rebellious. (Sag and Aquarius together, especially-ask me, I know.
B)Has quite the calling to break free from the old traditions in religion(Uranus in Cap in the 9th) and demonstrate as a leader of the Age of Aquarius (Saturn in Aquarius in 10th) (But don't tell him that.
All in all, I think the life lesson inherent in this chart show that he is actually an old soul who has come to learn a lesson of mastery. After all, he has actually placed himself under brainwashing. Do you know what hard effort it takes, and what spiritual growth comes from having to come out from under brainwashing?
It's gonna be ok.
P.S. Sorry for the long post - it just kept coming and coming.