Why no reply?


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So I sent someone who is a 7th house person to me, a text message for his birthday and he...didnt reply,which I think is extremely rude so the question is...why no reply?



Well-known member
I cant get why Moon is opposing Jupiter though,could that be in the past? we had an argument at the end of January but we kind of made peace.... and my text message was not mushy or romancy at all, but friendly,with a deep meaning,thoughtful but nothing lovey-dovey,which I think is represented by my communication sig being Saturn in Libra ( exalted,fair,polite ) etc. plus my Mars being in Aqua.

Him on the other hand..the first thing that comes to my mind is that he is stressed about something....7th house cusp on Algol, Venus in his 8th, Mercury about to go into confusing Pisces,Sun in Pisces ( not great for confidence ) plus he is...besieged..,right? between two planets,burned by the Sun ( makes me think ''hidden'' )


Well-known member
There is no aspect between Mars and Venus. Your text message (3rd house) is Saturn Rx. I am not very sure how he would receive it (Venus square Saturn). :unsure:


Well-known member
Yes,but the message wasnt a bad one:annoyed: it was normal,its not like I insulted him or anything. In fact he is the one acting bizzare. I enver send him messages or text him first, he is the one that calls and asks me do i think about him,saying how he misses my touches and when I rpely back he doesnt reply, then 3 days later he again texts and doesnt reply, 2 days later the same thing, 3 days later again the same,dissapearing and aimless communication from his part,and now the B day ignore.....which is strange.


Well-known member
Venus is in capricorns sign,saturn in Venus rulership. would suggest a general liking but like something is wack.


Well-known member
Maybe Im retro because I ''went back''. He texted me 3 days ago when he was sick and we talked,and then he again went silent on me,and Im a very pridefull person,so normally I would not send anything until he would...but two days after it was his B day so I ''went a step back''


Well-known member
Thank you... :) I just wish I knew what was going on,because I ahte being confused about something,but...meh.. :)


Well-known member
I think it could be that he interpreted your message the wrong way, maybe he wanted it to be more lovey dovey if it wasn't?

He(Venus) has just squared Saturn, which implies restriction, on other hand Saturn is also your message and the square shows some obstacle and tension here with the message and him.

Also Mercury conjunct Neptune in your 3rd would show some confusion with your communiction or thinking process, could mean the message you sent was a bit confusing. Mercury is the natural ruler of communications and Neptune makes that communication a bit vague and confusing, hidden messages, need to read between lines.

So even though you might think the message was straight forward, he I believe, got confused by it....

But also judging from what you wrote about his strange past behaviour, I wouldn't be surprised that he is behaving this way now... He is just a strange guy maybe.... :)

Sun is his 3rd, communications ruler and just recently entered Pisces, it has just left Aquarius, its detriment, so I think he will start to communicate more regularly, his overall behaviour might not change much but his back and forth communication might improve.