Why did you get into astrology?


Well-known member
Basically my curiosity to understand some things that couldn't have been explained otherwise led me to astrology and the occult.I can't really remember the time I realized I have more than a sun sign but it must have been 10 years ago.I "saw" my chart for the first time about 4 years ago.It was like seeing a picture of me and I said "We may have something here".


Well-known member
We all seem to have different reasons.

I am probably very atypical. I am not into anything esoteric, reincarnation, new age theories , alternative medicines, etc.

In fact, I with my scientific background and education (electrical engineering, physics) and interests (theoretical physics, cosmology), I would be considered the typical skeptic.

I got into astrology years ago purely by chance. I used to be very skeptical until I was challenged to try it out myself. The more I did, the more I was astonished at how accurate natal horoscopes portray the character of a person. I recognized myself, my relatives, my friends. I see it as an excellent vehicle to have a better understanding of the characters of other persons, and to help others understand themselves better, and in what areas they have their strength or need to work on to improve. I gave up trying to understand the rationale of why it could possibly work a long time ago. I just accept it.

ME TOO! Actually, I wanted to disprove it, lol. :whistling:


It wasn't until my senior year in high school that I decided to discover what astrology was truly about. Even before that point, in my childhood I was always fascinated by the unknown and the mysteries of the universe though I was afraid of this unknown force at same time...I remembered going to one of those Chinese restaurants where on the table would be a written map of the Chinese zodiac sign birthdates that aligned perfectly with the yearly calender dates. Although not many people in my familyare strongly influenced by the idea of Astrology, nevertheless, they would still look up their birthdays and test the accuracy of the detailed description of each specific animal's personality traits. For all I knew at the time was that my zodiac sign was a cancer and my animal was -a snake, being so young and naieve at the time, I never really considered the personality of the snake, but assumed that both the rabbit and sheep had to be better than a snake...(of course now that I'm older and more aware of myself on a more intimate level, the snake actually fits me very well, being that I do have several Pluto aspects and signs in the 10th house) Bringing the memory of that particular day to my senior class I noticed the computer in front of me and decided to google in both my cancer sign and snake sign. The amazing accuracy was absolutely jaw dropping!( That was nothing compared to what else I've discovered along the way) I began looking up signs for close family members and friends. The more I read, the more fascinating it became. It was the start of this new found interest in astrology that led me into choosing psychology as a chosen field of study, thanks to the depths it reaches into the the human psyche and soul. The fact that Astrology dwelves so deeply into the understanding of our true motives has encouraged me to continue searching for answers and knowledge regarding my place in this incredible universe:)
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Well-known member
We all seem to have different reasons.

I am probably very atypical. I am not into anything esoteric, reincarnation, new age theories , alternative medicines, etc.

In fact, I with my scientific background and education (electrical engineering, physics) and interests (theoretical physics, cosmology), I would be considered the typical skeptic.

I got into astrology years ago purely by chance. I used to be very skeptical until I was challenged to try it out myself. The more I did, the more I was astonished at how accurate natal horoscopes portray the character of a person. I recognized myself, my relatives, my friends. I see it as an excellent vehicle to have a better understanding of the characters of other persons, and to help others understand themselves better, and in what areas they have their strength or need to work on to improve. I gave up trying to understand the rationale of why it could possibly work a long time ago. I just accept it.

That's awesome! I have a Virgo friend who first began the study of astrology for the purpose of disproving it. The more he studied, the more he realized his error.


Well-known member
Im a Cancer (sun sign) and Im surrounded by Aquarians...quite frankly they can drive me crazy...I couldnt understand why Im surrounded by them. Come to find out Aquarius rising and a chart of fire and air


Well-known member
I started getting hardcore into astrology when I became "esoterically enlightened." The sun signs made too much sense, and then delving deeper into planets, aspects, and synastry, I started understanding myself, others, and the relationships between people so much better than before I paid any mind to astrology.

I have a way with feeling people's "energies", and changes within and around the earth (like weather, disasters, and major cosmic events), and astrology seems to be my calling. I'm still a beginner in the realm of knowledge pertaining to astrology since I'm currently self-taught, but I'm seriously considering taking a few astrology courses when I can afford it, both for my own knowledge and enjoyment, and to help others (and maybe make money!)


I grew up surrounded by astrological books and discussions, as my mother and two of her closest friends were avid astrologers. As a teenager, I developed crush on a boy and asked my mother if a Leo (my romantic interest) and Aquarius (me) were good together. She asked me what his Moon sign was. I told her I didn't know. My mother was not one to ever give a quick, generous answer, so she pulled out a book by Joseph Goodavage that had tables as well as general interpretations. "Read this..."