Hey, it takes a very good student to make all your teachers shine and you have had very good teachers giving you information throughout the website. As for my teaching, know, how good it is remains to be seen. :?:
First, to your questions about Capricorn. Frankly, I don't get Capricorns and I have lived with them all my life. :!: My father, brother and niece are Caps and my sister with her Cap Merc (Sun is 29° Sag 33'), it is like swimming in a bog. Perhaps it is because Capricorn is on the cusp of my 2nd house which deals with self-respect, self-worth, personal resources, etc. and this cast of characters have major issues with all these topics.
Capricorn on the cusp of the 9th may aid you in university studies because university is the traditional (another popular concept in Cap circles) public way of attaining higher knowledge. And it is higher knowledge that is subscribed to by the surrounding culture. In fact, any higher learning that is acceptable to society at large will be supported by Cap on the 9th. It will give you the tenacity and determination to make it.
However, the undertone sign in your 9th house is Aquarius, co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius is urging you to discover other forms of higher learning that, in some instances, would poke a finger in the eye of society. It is saying that there is higher learning that you need to journey in that is considered taboo by general society, astrology for instance. So there is inner turmoil taking place because Aquarius wants to lead you into the secretive higher knowledge of metaphysics and the Capricorn portion is dragging its feet saying "can't we just be happy with what society deems as higher learning and leave it at that?"
Anyway, in my very humble opinion, you are very correct regarding the polarity sign of the Sun sign. I also see it as the flip side of the same coin. Not only can a person exhibit the lesser qualities of their opposite sign, that same person can also exhibit the better qualities of it. And although the Earth is not used a planet in most charts, if it is placed into the chart, it would be directly opposite of the Sun.
What does this teach us? If we look at the Sun as being the authentic self of the individual, the Earth is the manifestation principal of the authentic self into this dimensional-space-time plane in which we find ourselves. In English, the words earth, dirt, ground, soil are all used interchangeably to speak of the matter on which everything depends. Yes, we need the other elements also, but it is the earth we plant ourselves into, take root in and grow from, whether literally as with plants or metaphorically like with family. Without Earth, we could not manifest our full being. So the sign that Earth is in, the polarity point of the Sun, tells us the way we are meant to physicallize into local living conditions the authentic self, described by the whole chart as directed by the Sun, which is the soul's vehicle into this plane.
Your Scorpion Uranus may not really start affecting you on a personal level until you have crossed the threshold, so to speak, of and completed your Saturn return a couple of years from now. The Saturn return is the initiator into the world of the collective conscious. Uranus, among other things, is the gatekeeper of the personal unconscious.
Now I don't know how big a deal the "midlife crisis" is in your culture, but it has approached mythic status here in the States. Midlife crisis is brought up by Uranus oposing itself, and almost literally slamming our personal unconscious into our faces and saying "WAKE UP! PAY ATTENTION!" The personal unconscious is where we have buried those things that are quintesentially us that we have been told by others or we have deduced from cultural messages surrounding us are not appropriate and forcing us to look at them and be a group of 1. This does not mean antisocial, criminal behavior but more things that the surrounding society sees as not meeting the norm.
For example, I was in Jewish seminary settings when I was going through my Uranus opposition. Before I left for seminary, I had sold all my metaphysical and astrology books because I knew they would be unacceptable in that setting. Being a Leo, I wanted to be accepted and loved in that setting, not punished, so I put all my metaphysical and astrology studies "in the darkest corner of the highest shelf of my closet" When Uranus moved into opposition with its natal placement, I went through a period of determining what was important and valid for me and my metaphysical and astrological studies came down off the shelf because they were as validly me as my Jewish studies. I couldn't deny part of myself that was as integral to my authentic self as my Jewish studies were at the time. So down off the shelf they came and I haven't looked back.
Uranus could not do its work in a more conscious manner, however, until I had gone through my first Saturn return and recognized me in society and the society in me. That allowed me to be able to question at the Uranus self-opposition what of society was right for me and where I would have to be a group of one. Now I did have a protracted Uranus self-opposition because my Sun and Uranus are in a weak conjuction. So when transiting Uranus came within the applying orbal sphere of my Sun on February 23, 1995, it started making its self-opposition. When it finally left the separating orbal sphere of my Uranus on November 26, 1999 (with all the retrograde action taking place included), I could start applying what I learned from that process. I started reconnecting to my crystals, my channeling, astrology, and I studied things like aromatherapy and Polarity Therapy. Did I let people within the seminary environment know that? Very few people.
Anyway, I share this so you can see that it is not weird that Uranus is not having a conscious personal effect on you ...yet. It isn't time for that to happen. Allow Saturn, through its return, to prepare you for Uranus. Use Chiron as bridge between Saturn and Uranus, the collective conscious and the personal unconscious to be a healer so you aren't torn apart when Uranus opposes itself.
As always, keep what fits and ditch the rest.