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In medical astrology since someone posted a picture of what body parts are ruled by signs: Astrologers stated Capricorn rules the skeletal system made up of bones and teeth...and Aquarians having the opposite planetary influences of Saturn and Uranus shared by Capricorn...have "crooked teeth", LOL. (smiling emote). I find Capricorn and Aquarius are the least concerned for looks and appearance, because Uranus gave us it's own ideas of personal beauty standards, and Saturn doesn't energize us sexually the same way Mars or Venus would, unless our natal charts have strong aspects of these planets would otherwise be contradictory.
Gemini and Cancer either rules the mouth or "sexually pleasing" voices or vocal tones. They also rule the arms and hands, symbolized by twins and crab's claws, but don't assume that means fetishes (see Scorpio and Pisces for feet). Aries and Taurus are influential over heads and faces, so it would this mean they possess the most handsome or beautiful faces? Leo and Sagittarius as fire signs are thought to have this "attractive" quality as well. And Virgo and Libra represents the womb (women), prostate (men) and hips, but I'm sure these signs can also influence arms and hands.
Gemini and Cancer either rules the mouth or "sexually pleasing" voices or vocal tones. They also rule the arms and hands, symbolized by twins and crab's claws, but don't assume that means fetishes (see Scorpio and Pisces for feet). Aries and Taurus are influential over heads and faces, so it would this mean they possess the most handsome or beautiful faces? Leo and Sagittarius as fire signs are thought to have this "attractive" quality as well. And Virgo and Libra represents the womb (women), prostate (men) and hips, but I'm sure these signs can also influence arms and hands.