What Rising Sign Has the Best looks


Premium Member
Two Broke Girls, Kat Dennings I mentioned about her before in the other thread about indicator of physical beauty. No accurate Birth time, but she would also be likely to have Moon, Mercury in mutual reception, Mercury in Cancer and Moon in Virgo.

Kat Dennings, 13th June 1986, Philadelphia, USA

Mutual reception always means "Exceptional Good", or "Extremely Afflicted" if in fall or detrimental mutual reception.



When Two Broke Girls was in its first season, Kat Dennings was listed as an 1985 birth. For a long time, LeeLee Sobieski was listed as 1982 birth. Apparently, Lana del Rey's birthday was originally listed as 1985. After awhile, all of their birth year gets set back by 1 year which totally screws up any possible "accurate" readings on them. Not surprisingly, they're all Gemini Sun. Point is, all the birth info on some of the younger stars are sketchy.

As for Karla James, what surprised me is her Aries Mars. Usually Aries Mars is skinny and burns everything off. However, since domicile Mars is hidden in the 8th house, it also hides the typical effects of Aries. I think she's really just a fat chick and she looks disgusting to me. She looks very Taurus and I thought she's be Taurus Rising with Jupiter in the 1st house. However, seeing that she's a Virgo Moon rising makes sense to me. Moon on the AC or Moon in 1st house usually makes it easy for the females to be on the heavier side.

Poyi, I don't think Jupiter in 4th house gives above average size in anything for anyone. I don't even think that's an indicator of someone coming from a big family either. Jupiter in 4th has nothing to do with the person physical attributes, but rather their family/home life and background. 1st house is always about the person's appearances and body, and such.
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Premium Member
In medical astrology 4th house literally rules the chest and the breasts. If you go into the details, you can see each body parts by houses that's how medical astrology works to determine which part of the body had injury or disease and so on. 7th house rules the lower back and the kidney as example. 1st house is the head and face.

I said Jupiter dignified in 4th can give bigger than average size breast. Cause I do have 38DD...
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Premium Member
Shall share a little secret ... I know from experience that the 2th degree of :scorpio:
'can physically give an enormous bosom, can make look physically like an elephant." with all respect.

In the example chart :parsfortunae: 2th degree :scorpio: and :moon:<>:mercury:.
In another even more extreme (secret) chart :moon: :sextile: :mercury: closest orb. and 2th degree :scorpio: on IC.

Very interesting. 2th degrees=2nd Decan?

So what does Moon sextile Mercury mean? The closest major aspect in the chart? Which is directly related to her physical appearance.

I didn't get the 2nd Decan Scorpio on IC bit. Are you talking about the IC Sagittarius>Jupiter Taurus>Venus Gemini>Mercury<>Moon?
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Premium Member
2nd* -shudders-

lol I have Sun in 2nd Decan of Scorpio, my ex husband was huge man 180cm, 115kg, my father was also 178cm, 90-100kg also. Both big men especially for Chinese ethic background. Myself is not overweight BMI 22 used to be slimmer (BMI 19), but I always have very Western figure, most people thought I was born native in Australia. When I was back in Hong Kong I was taller than many men and often one of the taller one among people, 168cm, not really tall but in Asian standard is on the taller side. So overall, I am nothing like typical Asian, so can be counted as Elephant lol


Account Closed
Gemini.....No chances for any others. All Gemini's know that they look the best. Why would anyone even second guess that??? Nobody else is even in the running.


Well-known member
In medical astrology 4th house literally rules the chest and the breasts. If you go into the details, you can see each body parts by houses that's how medical astrology works to determine which part of the body had injury or disease and so on. 7th house rules the lower back and the kidney as example. 1st house is the head and face.

I said Jupiter dignified in 4th can give bigger than average size breast. Cause I do have 38DD...

Something like the list below? I found this interesting correlation of the body parts to their assigned signs and planets from http://www.ask.com/wiki/Medical_astrology.

Aries - head, face, brain, eyes
Taurus - throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract
Gemini - arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain
Cancer - chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal (in this case).
Leo - heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back
Virgo - digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous system
Libra - kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks
Scorpio - reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system
Sagittarius - hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve
Capricorn - knees, joints, skeletal system
Aquarius - ankles, calves, circulatory system
Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue

The planets are also associated with certain portions and functions within the body:

[deleted overly sexualized photos against forum rules - Moderator]

The anatomical-astrological human

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Bas Astro Service stated:

Shall share a little secret ... I know from experience that the 2th degree of :scorpio:
'can physically give an enormous bosom, can make look physically like an elephant." with all respect.

In the example chart :parsfortunae: 2th degree :scorpio: and :moon:<>:mercury:.
In another even more extreme (secret) chart :moon: :sextile: :mercury: closest orb. and 2th degree :scorpio: on IC.


Bas Astro service, I'd be interested as to how you got Karla's data so quicky!

But this is truly amazing, in that I just happened to stumble upon Karla recently as a friend sent me her photos, but when I was her age, 25, still a virgin by my 9th house beliefs, I met a virgo rising while progressed Venus cjt my natal sun; we had my Mars cjt her natal Uranus so most of you understand that aspect in relationships. She became my fi'ance yet we never could get it together to marry, very uranian!:sad::sad::sad::sad:

Well it just so happens Miss Karla's Venus connects strongly to a certain certain planet of mine, and I wonder how with her :jupiter:Jupiter in the 9th she could be involved in such an occupation but her :saturn::conjunct::uranus:Uranus cjt Saturn(lord of 5th) possibly explains this. And Mars on the 8th cusp shouts it loudly as well.:unsure:

We all know that it takes more than one powerful aspect to pull two together for keeps, but Karla's planet hits me hard!:devil::wink:

But I can't quite buy the concepts of Fortuna a 2 degrees gives her those massive bosom development. I can see Moon cjt asc., to a slight degree and her 4th house lord Jupiter in the 9th has a Large bearing on her bustline...but fortuna????:unsure::unsure::unsure:

Fellow Lady astrologers, I hope Karla is NOT bringing about any jealousy :scorpio: issues; it's just the way she is!
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Premium Member
Part of Fortune is always about the physical body Ascendant, Sun and Moon. Having POF in water sign may give curvy figure to a woman's body or close aspect. You can do more research on that.

Jupiter in 9th, that is her hip/hip curve.
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Premium Member
Something like the list below? I found this interesting correlation of the body parts to their assigned signs and planets from http://www.ask.com/wiki/Medical_astrology.

Aries - head, face, brain, eyes
Taurus - throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract
Gemini - arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain
Cancer - chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal (in this case).
Leo - heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back
Virgo - digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous system
Libra - kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks
Scorpio - reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system
Sagittarius - hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve
Capricorn - knees, joints, skeletal system
Aquarius - ankles, calves, circulatory system
Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue

The planets are also associated with certain portions and functions within the body:
The anatomical-astrological human

Exactly, my point was from medical astrology. 4th house the natural home of Cancer, logically from the ascendant the head/face down, Taurus the neck/throat etc you can literally count the body part, 4th/IC is the Breast, Chest.
Something for you ladies:



[deleted overly sexualized picture against forum rules - Moderator]

Note, Mercury lord of the asc., in the 9th along with Sol and Luna, the 9th corresponds to sag according to what I understand from William F. Lilly and look at his size, 6 foot six inches, 225 lbs to 275 in some roles in his career.:rightful:

Normally we associate Virgo with timidity and quite small in stature but those 9th house planets contradict that.


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Premium Member
I also have Virgo ascendant, I only have very small hands and feet AC opposes to Pisces for my height. My Mercury is in 3rd house Scorpio, sextile/mutual reception to 1st Virgo Mars, also sextile 5th Moon in Capricorn, Moon exalts Mars by trine/sign, Moon also trine 1st Venus in Libra. I would say also Mercury is dignifted by sign through mutual reception and house position. I am not small/short for my ethic group.

To assess body structure based on signs and elements. From A Handbook of Medical Astrology by Jane Ridder-Patrick, I summarized:

Earth Sign Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, body type is hardy and possesses great stamina. When it is excess, all the body tissues become denser. The skin thickens to a leather like consistency and there is tendency to increase body etc. Earth rules all hard and structural, such as skin, bones, teeth, nails, cartilage, and muscle tendons.

Water are smooth, plump, soft, and slow in movement, flowing and graceful, the hair is thick and plentiful, the eyes are soft and melting. Excess water can lead to laziness, overweight, strong sex drive, the body temperature is low.

For this man above, I think mainly because his luminaries and ascendant lord in the 9th, Fire element house while ascendant in Earth sign. For Miss Karla obvious excess water element for sure, see her luminaries, POF, NN and number of planets in water houses/signs.
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Poyi stated:

For this man above, I think mainly because his luminaries and ascendant lord in the 9th, Fire element house while ascendant in Earth sign. For Miss Karla obvious excess water element for sure, see her luminaries, POF, NN and number of planets in water houses/sign

Yes, I find often planets in the 9th, Tall, Sporty, freedom oriented!



Earth Sign Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, body type is hardy and possesses great stamina. When it is excess, all the body tissues become denser. The skin thickens to a leather like consistency and there is tendency to increase body etc. Earth rules all hard and structural, such as skin, bones, teeth, nails, cartilage, and muscle tendons

Seems to fit rising and Lord of asc.



Water are smooth, plump, soft, and slow in movement, flowing and graceful, the hair is thick and plentiful, the eyes are soft and melting. Excess water can lead to laziness, overweight, strong sex drive, the body temperature is low.

She is young and as age advances she will have the fight to keep her weight down as this starlet had similar woes:


The above is the star from Dukes of Hazard, playing Daisey Duke; note nobody keeps their figure forever!:sad:
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Premium Member
Not really, genetically Asian are better off lol :biggrin: You don't see Asian women let go of themselves that much. NO WAY!


How would Water POF give a female curvier figure than any other elemental POF?

Having a lot of Water in a female chart doesn't mean she'd be curvy. I've seen a lot of Water in female charts and they aren't curvy but can be rather fleshy and bloated OR can be quite straight. Look at Karen Carpenter. Cancer rising, Pisces Sun near the MC, and 5 planets in "Water houses" (4th and 8th), although I don't believe in houses having elements.

Another thing, even when well shaped and thin women are photographed, their picture gets heavily edited, so every picture Karla James is in has been totally photo edited. I'm not saying her boobs are fake, the size of it may be natural. But her body is proportionately WRONG in the natural sense- she does not have a flat, smooth stomach and her body is all over tanned when she's a pasty white British chick? HAHAHAAHA

Since she's in "public" and like any other female that's had a lot of exposure, her published stats are completely fake. It lists that her weight is 120 something to 130 pounds and her bra size is 30 H or J or K. THOSE ARE COMPLETE LIES!!! She's going to be at least around 200lbs (c'mon, be REALISTIC). She probably does have some insane cup size but the back band is definitely NOT 30. Her back is big and she has rolls of fat in the back which would not give her a 30 band, but more accurately, around 42, maybe 44. Katy Perry is 32D and weighs 130lbs and her body is tiny.
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Premium Member
She had an exact conjunction of Uranus Rx at Asc in Cancer it did the reverse and in very odd way. Second reason would be Sun is the ruler of Leo Moon. Sun is opposed to Saturn Rx. Her severe anorexic problem came from her depression and she suicided. Her moon is severely afflicted by her Pluto conjunction in 3rd house her mind. Also look at the Jupiter mercury conjunction and opposition to moon Pluto again her mental illness. Ruler of Venus her value for self and physical beautiy was also afflicted in 8th directly ruled by Uranus Rx in cancer. Cancer is the sign of comfort and foods. I can write further abou her natal promises and why she suffered and died that way.


We're talking about appearances, not why someone committed suicide. You did mention she has Uranus in the 1st house which actually makes a person thin and that's more likely the case. However, earlier you mentioned about having a lot of water signs/or in water houses and that adds to curvy figure. Well, Karen Carpenter does have a lot of planets in water houses (again, I don't think houses have elements) and yet she was rail thin.

Another example would be Chloe Sevigny who has 6/10 planets in water, water sign rising and she's also rail thin.
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Premium Member
When you look at the ascendant or a planet you will always have to look at the final dispositor cause the final dispositor in a chart will always have the final say as the actual boss telling what the rest of the planets can do or not to do. A person appearance is a product and result of physical and mental health and of course his or her food consumption. It is impossible to ask an anorexic to be curvy and in her case this extreme water element off balance manifested in her mental state instead of manifesting physically as curves cause she hate it and by all mean eliminated this natural occurrence.