I found this...
This is the main indicator of physical beauty(or the lack of it) in the chart. Earth rules Libra, the sign of beauty, so that Libra rising is first on the list of attractiveness. Libra rising has a beautiful face, and is well proportioned in every way. Not every Libra rising is perfect by the way -this depends on the other planets in the chart. One would think that the other two air signs, Gemeni and Aquarius, would come next in order of attractiveness, but it seems Sagittarius and Leo hold that distinction. Sagittarius has a pretty or handsome face, is usually brunette and often tall with a great body. So many models have Sagittarius rising. Leo ascendant is regal or noble looking and usually blond or light in coloring. The males bald early. Gemini is usually slender, brunette and sometines blonde, with a pretty or handsome face. Aquarius is also handsome or cute with brunette to blonde hair coloring. Finally, there is Aries ascendant which is not too tall, usually brunette, and whose features show strength and confidence. The males also bald early. The ascendant is not generally physically attractive in the earth and water signs, but there are always exceptions. Take Richard Gere and Burt Reynolds, for example, both of whom have Scorpio rising and are considered quite attractive. In such cases other factors in the chart overpower or greatly modify the Ascendant influence. In general, Earth sign ascendants tend to be short and stocky except for Capricorn which is often thin or slender looking. Water ascendants often have pretty faces but their bodies are so often obese or out of proportion, except for Scorpio who is generally stocky with a beaked or prominent nose. Of course, other powerful planets or patterns in the chart can modify these descriptions to varying degrees.
BTW, my daughter has Saggitarius as her rising sign(Libra Sun) and is going to be a knock out for sure, she has brown hair, beautiful features, and is a little taller than average for her age.
(she's 5).