I'm concerned that both your significators are in sign of the quesited, Moon in the 7th, both moon and venue have bad dignity. This shows your deep feeling towards your partner, to point of losing yourself possibly, quite a bit of vulnerability. Whilst your partner, Mars and sun both in fall of Venus, negative reception. This suggests your partner may not have similar feelings, negativity coming off. However, Mars changes signs into Libra, and reception changes drastically, within 2 degrees.
Your question is a bit vague so its uncertain what answer we can glean from here. Are you asking whether you'll work through the difficulties and stay together? if that's the question, I think there is a possibility. I'm not sure what exactly causes his change but it is seen in the chart. Between 2-4 degrees, things improve, could be months. I haven't looked at part of marriage yet, can check next time.
I'm seeing moon separation from Jupiter retro. Plus Venus will square Saturn, it's a difficult aspect. Not sure what jup and Saturn here are, but are there other people interfering? Family members? job or money issue?