What is the antichrist doing these days?


I see the word Anti-christ as someone who is opposed to Christ's teachings.
We see a LOT of that going on in the world today for sure, and sadly, right here in the good ole' USA.

His teachings centered around the 7 Virtues, as opposed to the 7 Sins.

The virtues are always, (imo), something we are constantly working on and hope to reach before we pass on.

Sounds simplistic, but thats how I see it.

The Seven Contrary Virtues which are specific opposites to the Seven Deadly Sins: Humility against pride, Kindness against envy, Abstinence against gluttony, Chastity against lust, Patience against anger, Liberality against greed, and Diligence against sloth.

I believe as come down in history, the wording is not to be taken TOO literally of course, it's the spirit behind the words.

For example, "Deadly" sin may suggest only that to embrace these opposite viewpoints, would be deadly to your soul's vital interest. :wink:

http://changingminds.org/explanatio...ty against greed, and Diligence against sloth.

That is a much nicer way to see things.


How do you rationalize things like Zeus/Jupiter and Astrology for example

They are archetypes. As is the Christian god...but he's a very man-made one. They are outer symbols of things we experience internally.
Astrology is like nature and its patterns and rhythms speak to these symbols in our psyche.
Nature provokes action and reaction in us...such as packing a coat in our children's school bag when we see clouds on the horizon, or knowing it will rain soon because we can see the insects climbing the wall and they always do that before it rains, or the way birds call before it rains...we might not be conscious of it but our subconscious recognises it.
Our subconscious recognises the movement of the planets reflected and filtered through our minds via symbols too. We lucky ones, who have discovered Astrology get to prepare ourselves to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of these things.
Such as the Saturn Uranus square happening currently. Sudden confinements and separations, conflict between the old rules and the new, government control and rebellion...so we Astrologers are blessed to see the many layers of this manifest and we have the good fortune to work with this energy and make the most of it...or in some cases to grit our teeth and ride it out :lol:


Staff member
Oh, c'mon Blackbery and chiamaria--

You've been attributing anti-Christ attributes to me for years now. Don't try to deny me my rightful status.

You've pinned on me the New World Order, pedophilia, "demon-rats" (my kind of people,) the Clintons, satanists, a Yale University student society, the Bush family, the Biden family, every president since George Washington, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, the illuminati, the Pope (red shoes are a dead give-away,) the crowned heads of Europe, the Bilderberg Group, and many others over the years.

Yes, I admit to all of them! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. :lol:

I love it when you express such fear and hatred. It only adds to my authority over you. I am headed for world domination. There is nothing you can do to stop me.

:devil: :lol: :devil:


Well-known member
Oh, right, folks. I'm busted.

I am the anti-Christ!

:bandit: :devil: :bandit: :devil:

And I have a big problem with rightwingers with no sense of humor.

Oh, c'mon Blackbery and chiamaria--

You've been attributing anti-Christ attributes to me for years now. Don't try to deny me my rightful status.

You've pinned on me the New World Order, pedophilia, "demon-rats" (my kind of people,) the Clintons, satanists, a Yale University student society, the Bush family, the Biden family, every president since George Washington, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, the illuminati, the Pope (red shoes are a dead give-away,) the crowned heads of Europe, the Bilderberg Group, and many others over the years.

Yes, I admit to all of them! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. :lol:

I love it when you express such fear and hatred. It only adds to my authority over you. I am headed for world domination. There is nothing you can do to stop me.

:devil: :lol: :devil:
Siriusly :smile:



Well-known member
They are archetypes. As is the Christian god...but he's a very man-made one. They are outer symbols of things we experience internally.
Astrology is like nature and its patterns and rhythms speak to these symbols in our psyche.
Nature provokes action and reaction in us...such as packing a coat in our children's school bag when we see clouds on the horizon, or knowing it will rain soon because we can see the insects climbing the wall and they always do that before it rains, or the way birds call before it rains...we might not be conscious of it but our subconscious recognises it.
Our subconscious recognises the movement of the planets reflected and filtered through our minds via symbols too. We lucky ones, who have discovered Astrology get to prepare ourselves to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of these things.
Such as the Saturn Uranus square happening currently. Sudden confinements and separations, conflict between the old rules and the new, government control and rebellion...so we Astrologers are blessed to see the many layers of this manifest and we have the good fortune to work with this energy and make the most of it...or in some cases to grit our teeth and ride it out :lol:

do you think symbols are reductive compared to what we experience in reality?

part of my training in fine arts was to eliminate symbols to help witness/understand reality in a more profound & accurate manner. we could see a world of difference before/after training.


Well-known member
people can’t come back from banned unless they use another computer on another ISP and don’t use their old name. Kind of like being reincarnated. Nobody can know your past life.

I'm sure I saw someone who was banned back, and with his old name.

I liked Chay, never had a problem with her. She was direct, but not near as rude as many I've seen on this forum. At least I didn't see it and of course another may have had issues with her. She was honest I think, and that's a rare commodity these days.


Well-known member
Yes it's really sad we lose some great members due to bannings. I think people communicate differently and have different values, and sometimes maybe its us who need to learn how to receive things rather than expect people to conform to rules that may not be suited for everyone


Well-known member
I'm sure you never had a problem with her, she hates Trump as much as you & the 'gang' & spread lies & propaganda about him, the Reps, the plandemic & didn't actually post anything accurate, factual or rational.

Just constant attacking members who didn't agree with her ideology & shilling for Big Pharma.

I don't believe in banning but there is a point where a person goes too far & continues to break the forum rules over & over again.

Actions have consequences.

I liked Chay, never had a problem with her. She was direct, but not near as rude as many I've seen on this forum. At least I didn't see it and of course another may have had issues with her. She was honest I think, and that's a rare commodity these days.


Well-known member
Talking about the anti-Christ, the evil demon Fauci is being exposed daily.

I think he's already been arrested & executed for Crimes Against Humanity because the 'new' Dr. Fauci is throwing out truth bombs along with his usual lies.

It's a way to wake up the sheepies in a slow way because they have been completely brainwashed into the 'cult of Fauci' that many of them would have a heart attack i they knew the depths of darkness with this Dr. Mengele 2.0.

The Real Anthony Fauci:
Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Author:Robert F. Kennedy Jr

It's already sold 200,000 copies & now in the 2nd print.


Well-known member
I have never ONCE called you anti-Christ but if you want to claim the label, go ahead, whatever floats your boat.

Millions around the world are waking up & have woken up to the Anti-Christ agenda which rules all the people & institutions I have listed below.

The NWO IS the umbrella forces of darkness which spread their evil throughout the world by their minions.

The ONLY reason they are being destroyed is because there are millions of us (who love God, country, family, truth, justice) & a few thousand of them (the satan worshippers. They are being systematically destroyed.

Look now at how the fake news who are the loud speaker of the cabal are being exposed & annihilated, along with big tech. CNN is now known as the pedophile network. They've been covering up for them for decades & now they can't even muster up 1 M viewers in their primetime shows. They are losing viewers even quicker than the Demonrats are losing popularity. Only about 20% of their own voters support their anti-Christ Marxist agenda.

God WON.:D:D:D:):):)

Oh, c'mon Blackbery and chiamaria--

You've been attributing anti-Christ attributes to me for years now. Don't try to deny me my rightful status.

You've pinned on me the New World Order, pedophilia, "demon-rats" (my kind of people,) the Clintons, satanists, a Yale University student society, the Bush family, the Biden family, every president since George Washington, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, the illuminati, the Pope (red shoes are a dead give-away,) the crowned heads of Europe, the Bilderberg Group, and many others over the years.

Yes, I admit to all of them! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. :lol:

I love it when you express such fear and hatred. It only adds to my authority over you. I am headed for world domination. There is nothing you can do to stop me.

:devil: :lol: :devil:


Well-known member
Yes, Lord forbid, I speak fondly of chay. She had a conscience, she had a sense of humor, she was a very nice person. The world needs more nice people like chay. Somewhere along the line, she upset someone or other, but I appreciated her dry wit, and wished she had stayed off the hateful threads that are populated with so much hate around here. Or at least as I do, try and not get into back & forth with "them"....And we all know who "them" is.

I think Hillary once called "them" the Deplorables :surprised: She spoke her mind too and it didn't get her far either thereafter. Trump comes along calls people every name in the book, and he is revered.

THAT is the nature of the Anti-christ. To revere the opposite or love the 7 so called "deadly sins" and be attracted to them.

Called capital vices or cardinal sins in the Catholic Church, (possibly Methodist and Episcopalian churches)

from Wikipedia:

And although they are not mentioned in the Bible. Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give rise to other immoralities.[2] According to the standard list, they are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth,[2] which are contrary to the seven heavenly virtues.

Sound like anyone YOU know and revere? I use the term YOU in a generic sense only.