What in my chart makes me so violent and scary?


Ever since I was little, I've always been a really violent guy. I've been told by many that I'm impulsive and have a bad temper. People even suggested I should get into anger management therapy since I get angry so easily. It's true. When people **** me off I get REALLY pissed off, to the point everyone gets scared when I burst up. Like one time some byatch won't stop laughing at me, so I head-butt her hard in the stomach like a football player. She started crying like a baby. Another time my brother and I were playing video games and he kept on beating me. He won't let me win. I got angry so I went to the kitchen and took out a knife and chased him around the house. Luckily someone stopped me before I could have killed him.

I have A LOT of violent thoughts in my head too ... especially thoughts involving killing people that I hate. Most specifically thoughts like strangling them to death, stabbing their eyeballs out, decapitating their heads and hanging it on top of the ceiling, burning them to death, shoving a hook down their throat, and chopping them up into little pieces and throwing it down a river. Really really crazy thoughts ... but I always keep them to myself. I never share them to anyone or anybody.

So what makes me the way I am? Could you see it in my chart?

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Well-known member
Sounds like a lot of raw energy gone horribly wrong. I am not surprised you have an Aries Sun with a heavily afflicted Aries Moon. With Mars on the AC as well. These are energies that also could give you tremendous power in a positive way.

Do you enjoy being violent and obnoxious?

dr. farr

Well-known member

-Mars direct, in ascendant, within orb (though seperating) of conjunction with the ascending degree, and also (though seperating) within orb of opposition to the MC and Mars conjunct the star Zavijava


-Mars square Venus


-Mercury (ruler of ascending sign) and Venus both under the emotionally liable Cancer, disposited by the Moon, which is...
-in turn disposited (ruled by) Mars, as the Moon is in Aries


-South Node (Dragon's Tail) posited in the 10th whole sign house, and conjunct the potent star Aldebaran

-plus the fiery Sun in its power in Leo, although also in the 12th whole sign house (indications of self-undoing tendencies) and conjunct the star Dubhe

(Note: for meanings of the stars mentioned above, go to constellationofwords.com)

However, please remember this is ONLY a brief and superficial look at the more obvious elements of the natal chart, and these indications are intended only as possibilities to examine further.
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Well-known member
I think your Moon is the main culprit here.

Moon square Uranus can be an indication of emotional instability, with the added difficulty of the Moon being in fiery Aries. Relationships might be your battlefield. Could be an indication of seeking emotional security through unusual or offbeat reactions/behaviour from others. That's why I asked you if you are enjoying being violent.

Made even more difficult by your Mercury - Uranus opposition which could be an indication of challenging social relationships because of the way you communicate.

I'm also wondering if you had a difficult childhood and grew up not feeling 'good enough', with that Moon - Jupiter opposition.

Peter, you state that you enjoy being violent. Is there a part in you who'd like to change?


Active member
I don't think u can really blame the planets for the way you use your energy.

Why dont you do some martial arts- kung fu, meditation, u can play with swords etc there it might satisfy and focus your energy more, and help you feel more in control.


Well-known member
Perhaps some unfinished business from "The Wild West",Gold Rush and the Mexican American War.If you are open to this kind of thing.

J. :)


Well-known member
Ever since I was little, I've always been a really violent guy. I've been told by many that I'm impulsive and have a bad temper. People even suggested I should get into anger management therapy since I get angry so easily. It's true. When people **** me off I get REALLY pissed off, to the point everyone gets scared when I burst up. Like one time some byatch won't stop laughing at me, so I head-butt her hard in the stomach like a football player. She started crying like a baby. Another time my brother and I were playing video games and he kept on beating me. He won't let me win. I got angry so I went to the kitchen and took out a knife and chased him around the house. Luckily someone stopped me before I could have killed him.

I have A LOT of violent thoughts in my head too ... especially thoughts involving killing people that I hate. Most specifically thoughts like strangling them to death, stabbing their eyeballs out, decapitating their heads and hanging it on top of the ceiling, burning them to death, shoving a hook down their throat, and chopping them up into little pieces and throwing it down a river. Really really crazy thoughts ... but I always keep them to myself. I never share them to anyone or anybody.

So what makes me the way I am? Could you see it in my chart?

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Thats your T square between Sun, Pluto and Saturn. Its very clear in your chart!! :)


Well-known member
Do you mean Leo Sun?

Anyways, hell yeah, I enjoy being violent and obnoxious!!! Cuz it makes me feel goooooooood when I hurt other people. But I don't just hurt people for no reason, I only do it if they try to mess with me! :rolleyes:

Thats Sun square Pluto, I have the same aspect and I know exactly what you mean. :)


Well-known member
Ever since I was little, I've always been a really violent guy. I've been told by many that I'm impulsive and have a bad temper. People even suggested I should get into anger management therapy since I get angry so easily. It's true. When people **** me off I get REALLY pissed off, to the point everyone gets scared when I burst up. Like one time some byatch won't stop laughing at me, so I head-butt her hard in the stomach like a football player. She started crying like a baby. Another time my brother and I were playing video games and he kept on beating me. He won't let me win. I got angry so I went to the kitchen and took out a knife and chased him around the house. Luckily someone stopped me before I could have killed him.

I have A LOT of violent thoughts in my head too ... especially thoughts involving killing people that I hate. Most specifically thoughts like strangling them to death, stabbing their eyeballs out, decapitating their heads and hanging it on top of the ceiling, burning them to death, shoving a hook down their throat, and chopping them up into little pieces and throwing it down a river. Really really crazy thoughts ... but I always keep them to myself. I never share them to anyone or anybody.

So what makes me the way I am? Could you see it in my chart?

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Hi Peter,
I think it's a good start to be aware of your temper and maybe before you do something that gets you in trouble, get help for it. In regards to your natal chart reflecting this: It absolutely does! I believe however there is indication of your being victimized as a child(I am guessing your a in your late teems maybe?). Either by a parent or authority figure. I know you said your brother would taunt you and make you explode, however is there other problems in your family? Substance abuse or violence directed at you. You have Uranus and Neptune in the 4th opposite Venus. Also you have two rulers of the 4th, Jupiter and Saturn; Saturn square Pluto and Jupiter part of a Grand Square with Neptune, Uranus, Moon, and Venus. I am guessing it was something to do with your mother. Anyways, exploring your background more thoroughly would be a good start to see why you have such anger inside. Sometimes medication can help too since as it could simply be a chemical disorder(Moon, Mercury, and Neptune with hard aspects.) Others have pointed out the difficult aspects in your chart, Sun square Pluto, Moon square Uranus, Mercury Opposite Uranus/Neptune, and Mars conjunct the ASC. I suspect it's a combination of being powerless in some way and or abused as a child coupled with a little bit of a chemical imbalance. This is certainly not insurmountable and could easily be harnessed into a positive career that you are very passionate about. Fighting for a cause or the underdog might appeal to you maybe as an attorney or advocate of some sort. When you find what you are suppose to be doing and directing your temper into something worthwhile, you will find you are able to control these outburst more easily because your energy is used positively. Of course there is also something to be said about maturity too! :eek:) Best of luck to you Peter!!
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I think your Moon is the main culprit here.

Moon square Uranus can be an indication of emotional instability, with the added difficulty of the Moon being in fiery Aries. Relationships might be your battlefield. Could be an indication of seeking emotional security through unusual or offbeat reactions/behaviour from others. That's why I asked you if you are enjoying being violent. [I have moon in aries square to uranus and battlefield is bit strong and definately doesn't apply to me and mine are angular. All aspects linked to moon are connect to mother, whether we like it or not. it can suggest mother being firey (aries) and bit unpredictable, also wanting to do unusual things that feed the emotional and intuitive nature]

Made even more difficult by your Mercury - Uranus opposition which could be an indication of challenging social relationships because of the way you communicate.[7' separating, it could add argumentativeness but this should lessen being a separating aspect]

I'm also wondering if you had a difficult childhood and grew up not feeling 'good enough', with that Moon - Jupiter opposition.

Peter, you state that you enjoy being violent. Is there a part in you who'd like to change?

I think that moon opp is a 'saving grace'
This Grand Square causes enormous tension 'internally' and whatever can go wrong for these types of people usually does. It feels like pitting yourself against the rest of the world.

mars conj Asc needs an outlet in sports, martial arts or becomes quite competative and in nit picking Virgo it's all about details, health and hygiene.

Neptune in 4th House – angular house
Strong unconscious emotional ties with home and family. Confused family relationships and sometimes chaotic domestic environment. Often feel sorry for strangers, animals and offer ­accommodation. Beachcombers. Sacrifices in the home (parents) Mystery concerning early life. Deception. Over‑idealise mothers perhaps disillusionment. Possibly put mother on a pedestal ‑ missing parent! doubts about roots!Abandoned, adopted, or even left in a plastic bag. Very much eggshell area and therefore sensitive. Neptune the ‘great dissolver’ can literally dissolve connections to family

Uranus in 4th House – Angular house
· They could have experienced an unusual home life or upbringing, or live in an unusual house.
· Close friends may be accepted as part of the family.
· Sudden changes of residence and many changes in family life.
· Your parents will not have a binding effect.
· Not a domestic type and may not want a fixed and settled home life unless Uranus in a fixed sign.
· Unsettled conditions around mother may effect this individual emotionally. Restlessness in the roots of being can cause unstable conditions in life.
· Could collect unusual things, like porcelain pigs
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Hi Peter,
I think it's a good start to be aware of your temper and maybe before you do something that gets you in trouble, get help for it. In regards to your natal chart reflecting this: It absolutely does! I believe however there is indication of your being victimized as a child(I am guessing your a in your late teems maybe?). Either by a parent or authority figure. I know you said your brother would taunt you and make you explode, however is there other problems in your family? Substance abuse or violence directed at you. You have Uranus and Neptune in the 4th opposite Venus. Also you have two rulers of the 4th, Jupiter and Saturn; [well i've never heard of this, only in Equal house can you possibly look at two rulers. Saggi/IC will always be the stronger, IC is IC in any house system. So Cappir/saturn rules 5th house in Equal house system... ]S

Best of luck to you Peter!!

No one has mentioned yet that mars is quincunx saturn. This suggests suffering in relationships but couldn't do anything about and may never understand why....:crying:
Ever since I was little, I've always been a really violent guy. I've been told by many that I'm impulsive and have a bad temper. People even suggested I should get into anger management therapy since I get angry so easily. It's true. When people **** me off I get REALLY pissed off, to the point everyone gets scared when I burst up. Like one time some byatch won't stop laughing at me, so I head-butt her hard in the stomach like a football player. She started crying like a baby. Another time my brother and I were playing video games and he kept on beating me. He won't let me win. I got angry so I went to the kitchen and took out a knife and chased him around the house. Luckily someone stopped me before I could have killed him. [why should anyone LET YOU WIN? this is exactly your mars conj Asc - competativeness speaking]

I have A LOT of violent thoughts in my head too ... especially thoughts involving killing people that I hate. [How old are you please? this seems a rather childish, teenage statement ]Most specifically thoughts like strangling them to death, stabbing their eyeballs out, decapitating their heads and hanging it on top of the ceiling, burning them to death, shoving a hook down their throat, and chopping them up into little pieces and throwing it down a river. Really really crazy thoughts ... but I always keep them to myself. I never share them to anyone or anybody.

So what makes me the way I am? Could you see it in my chart?

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your statements of thoughts are an overactive imagination fuelled by Mercury opp neptune. Mis-communications, reading too much between the lines, confusions, delusions, deception of self and others. then mercury opp uranus albeit wide orb adds arguementativeness and mental excitement and over stimulation...

Moon square venus

Lastly Saturn retrogarde is Apex for Yod configuration
Lack of father/male archetypal influences. Currently T Neptune has/is conj this saturn. Neptune tends to *dissolve* things and saturn is all about structure, authority, stability and is Activating this Yod (finger of god)
this could be causing depression, having your childhod dreams, fantasies and aspirations crushed, dissolved by men,father and/or authority figures.. It creates a 'fear of the unknown'

Info on Yod’s



Saturn conj Neptune
although this is natal aspect, it should give you a clearer picture of what's currently going on...


Well-known member
No one has mentioned yet that mars is quincunx saturn. This suggests suffering in relationships but couldn't do anything about and may never understand why....:crying:

I have never put much consideration into quincunxes until more recently. Usually I look at them as indicator's of health problems. Not saying it's right or wrong, I just didn't pay attention to this. Do you find the suffering to be the case with all hard Mars Saturn aspects or just the quincunx?


Well-known member
Hi A50,
The Desire to harm others,the tendency to say bad things,quarreling,tendency to treat others badly.


J. :)


Well-known member
Hi A50,
The Desire to harm others,the tendency to say bad things,quarreling,tendency to treat others badly.


J. :)

I am not sure I am understanding your symbols above. Could you indulge me a bit and explain what Mer/SA =(CH) Ma/Ur/Ne/Pl means? I understand what the abreviations are for the planets, but what are saying exactly in regards to the aspects? I know Mars or Mer in hard aspect to Ur/Plu can say mean things or be argumentative....
I have never put much consideration into quincunxes until more recently. Usually I look at them as indicator's of health problems. Not saying it's right or wrong, I just didn't pay attention to this. Do you find the suffering to be the case with all hard Mars Saturn aspects or just the quincunx?

here are two text books quotes. the first site, does link the aspect with hard aspects. There is *something* about taking action (mars) that is at odds with saturn. But I think with the quincunx there is less *conscious awareness* of these two energies and how they act, that's why their lack of understand comes in. They act in a certain way and dont' understand why they 'get back' the reactions that they do, if that makes sense?

I think with the mainstream, hard aspects there IS more conscious awareness of the energies and how the act and 'have to' blend but with the quincunx it seems like it's harder to see/recongise and blend.

Mars in Square, Quincunx, Opposition to Saturn
You can be fairly hard on yourself and you may find that you must work harder and with more dedication in order to accomplish your many of your goals. Impulses are controlled, which can be a blessing in a way because you will consider the consequences before acting. However, take care not to lose all sense of natural spontaneity and enthusiasm.

Mars Quincunx (Inconjunct) Saturn

Your sense that only you can do something right is lodged in your imbalanced self picture. Too much work and too little spectrum of relating leaves you feeling slightly victimized by life. You create your own limits. Slowing down and quieting down helps you see this. You need a better sense of time, then you achieve better results with less effort. You can do this as soon as you are more balanced in your outlook and your judgment works in a less comparative mode.

another interpretation of mars/saturn hard aspects could be 'doing ones duty in a cautious and constructive manner.' It can make someone rather*mild mannered* but occasionally that mars will break out and wreak havoc and really surprise if not shock people around them, with statements like, "I never thought they had it in them!" type of remarks..