What can you say about this natal chart?


Well-known member
What can you say about this person's natal chart? It's not mine but I am interested in receiving any kind of analysis. I don't have a particular question so there are some general ones. How do you feel about this chart overall? Is there anything that grabs your attention? What are this person's talents? (He's already very successful but it's still interesting).

Feel free to say anything you want about it! If you have any questions, you can ask, but I may not be able to answer some of them since I have no direct contact to this person.

Update 05/30: Thanks to everyone who commented on this thread. I'm removing the chart since it serves no purpose now.
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Well-known member
Here is what I will touch on as far as feedback. The Sun in Leo placed in the first has a Mars "coloring" because of the natural Aries rulership of this house. In accordance with the chart Venus is connected closely to the sun along with an opposition from Mars.The main learning lesson for this individual will be how they deal and relate with others. The pride of these individuals can make it difficult for them to accept advice or personal criticism and as far as they are concerned it doesn't matter what the world thinks of them anyway for it is meaningless compared to what these individuals think of themselves. The ego is easily bruised so consequently they want to prove themselves. This makes it impossible to pass up a challenge especially physical ones. Although they possess spirit and courage they resent confinement or restrictions which makes it hard to accept authority. Since this is part of the relating ability sometimes politeness and elegance can be on the wayside. Without maturity and patience to ensure fairness and consideration relations can dwindle and degenerate to nothing more than jealousy, possessiveness, hostility and sometimes even physical abuse. These individuals need to work on cooperating with others and find middle ground for compromise and peaceful coexistence in their relationships.
Management, police or some type of demanding physical work which gives challenges and allows them to prove themselves under pressure is best suited for them.
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Well-known member
Thanks for your reply! This person's kind of job doesn't really require much physical activity though. But for the part about pride you're probably right. I really think that he doesn't care much about what other people think of him (not that he's insensitive but he knows what he's doing and keeps doing that).

Anyone else willing to add something? I am interested in hearing other opinions as well...


Well-known member
How they relate with others as a main theme in their life, how is that working? That question wasnt answered. Are they involved with any kind of community organizational work,management in communications or banking?
And may I ask why your interest in this individual if you have no direct contact?
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Well-known member
Well, his job doesn't require much contact with people and he himself is more of a hermit. Quite a lot of people think he's arrogant and he has made plenty of pretty rough comments about people he has worked with... He likes to troll others and sometimes says quite provocative things which others consider to be untrue. In fact he's rather eccentric so many dubious things he said about himself turned out to be true. As far as I know, he's pretty introverted and had little contact with other people for some years (except for his family, he's also married and has children). And no, he doesn't work in the spheres you've listed.
To be honest, he's the person I look up to. I think what he has achieved throughout his life is really impressive. I don't want to become a copy of him (I understand that I just can't) but his example is inspiring. It may seem like he's not very nice judging from my description, but I think he's actually a cool guy.


Well-known member
Come on, guys, I'm not leaving without some more replies... Is everyone so disinterested in commenting on this chart? :confused: Or do people not know what to add?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
I mean you've stated a lot about him already that I can graft on the chart in question, but is that really something you want?

For one, he has both his malefics in the social houses - Mars in the 7th and Saturn in the 11th. That is a possible indication of his distaste or disinterest in interacting with people in any sustained manner. Being a troll and crank goes well with having his Mars in the 7th house opposed his first house Sun which happens to be his asc ruler -- He has a natural tendency to move "against" people. This could mean provoking, withdrawing, being q hermit as well as being eccentric, thinking out side the box, taking risks that upset the statues quo and so on.

This man's temperament is strongly choleric and cholerics is a temperament that results in ambitiousness, high energy and intensity. This isn't a particularly people oriented temper and they are likely to rub people the wrong way. The hidden moon in the 12th makes it seem as if he lacks any sensitivity or empathy. It could also indicate his self-sufficiency in the emotional department.

Mercury in the 2nd house dignified as well as Mars in Aquarius ruling the MC might indicate someone with a technical or technological profession or career, especially when you factor in the air Uranus in the 3rd house trining Mars and Saturn - rounding out a grand trine in air.

Is this person a researcher of some sort or scientist. Does he work with information systems or AI? That's the impression I get from this chart.


Well-known member
Thank you for your input! That’s the kind of reply I wanted. :happy: You’ve made some pretty interesting observations.

Well, yes, you’re right, I’ve already said plenty of things about him which you could use to make yourself look more knowledgeable but I thought there was a lot that could be added.

In terms of his career you’re much closer than detectahead, he does have a strong connection with technology. Since you’re pretty close (in my opinion), I will say that he’s a musician and he produces electronic music. It’s not the stuff that is played on radio and I think most people have never heard of him, but he’s very famous in the genres he works in. So I posted the chart to understand what kind of person he is. His music is generally very emotional and deep, while in interviews he’s somewhat provocative and weird. I think you can learn quite a lot about a person listening to the music he makes but I wanted to get a bigger picture of him based on his chart.


Well-known member
Actually I'm more correct than what you think tripleooo. Your main question wasn't on their career per say but what we saw. You asked, how do you feel about this chart overall and is there anything that grabs your attention.
What grabbed my attention was what I pointed out, Relationship problems! If he is a hermit then obviously he has a "relating" problem. Saturn in Gemini(11th) square to mercury(2nd). Fear in there ability to communicate well with others in a social setting.
So, as I pointed out earlier, this is the main theme for this individual, relating with others. They are actually doing what I said except instead of projecting it's turned inward. It appears to me that his relating with others has dwindled and degenerated to "nothing". Which is exactly the point I was trying to pervade.


Well-known member

I never said you were incorrect though and I understand that the main question wasn’t about his career. But because both you and conspiracy theorist supposed what kind of profession he may have, I thought it was reasonable to compare your conclusions.

Also yes, the main thing you pointed out was his relationship problems and I get where you’re coming from on that. My comment completely supported your claim and I know that you were right.

So overall thank you for your replies, you have been very helpful and accurate. :joyful: The only sentence I didn't quite understand was

They are actually doing what I said except instead of projecting it's turned inward.

What did you mean here exactly? I don't get it. :confused:


Well-known member
Usually a Leo asc person attracts others to them by there charisma and radiant attitude especially with Venus here. The ego projection that he exerts is a turn off to others because of a pompous attitude. This could be the underlying cause which has led him to being a loner. Nobody likes to be around someone who's narcissistic.
Also if the main issue was to reflect about the career there's no doubt I would have said art or music with Venus conjunction sun 1st house in Leo. Lol, that's almost a no brainer
Sorry about sounding "antsy"
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Well-known member
On another point,many loners or hermits have high IQ's and are bored and unchallenged in social settings. They want to do what they want to do. Uninterrupted and unbothered. Often driven and very successful in knowledge and achievements in science, art, music and philosophy.
I guess there so busy doing there own thing that they rarely have time for social gatherings.