Virgo and Scorpio


Active member
Hey, Scorpio-Virgo sounds like a beautiful combination to me, a Scorpio sun/Taurus ascendant...

Why wouldn't I want a partner who was beautiful, concerned with perfectability, and down-to-earth? My nature seeks practicality and has no tolerance for falseness.


Well-known member
pixiequix said:
I was just reading the thread about Virgo Moons and thinking about how well I get along with them. I have three planets in Virgo which I'm sure helps, but my Moon is in Scorpio and I think that is actually the basis for compatibility. I had been contemplating the relationship between Virgo and Scorpio earlier in the week when considering mine and my boyfriends respective Mars signs...his is in Scorpio and mine is in Virgo.
Basically I find that this is a combination of energy which is a little underrated and deserves some recognition. :p Because it isn't a torrid meeting of passions the depths that are reached within the relationship seem to achieve a different type of depth. Virgo and Scorpio respect one another and they look out for one another, especially Virgo for Scorpio's health. ;) What I find the most impressive is the amount of respect given to secrets shared between Virgo and Scorpio. In my experience it is usually that Scorpio sees how carefully Virgo guards a shared confidence and answers in kind, which makes room for an even deeper level of trust to be achieved in the future. And after many years all the trust and respect which Virgo and Scorpio have painstakingly tended to can add up to an unwaveringly loyal, devoted, and caring partnership. :)

I have to disagree with you personally...
I'm a Virgo Moon... can't stand Scorpio Moon, by experiences in the past with them...
I clash with them, 90% of the time
My Mercurial energy can't stand their intensity, i guess...


Well-known member
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Scorpio by Mars, Mercury is a mutable and changable Planet. This means that people with strong Virgo influnces are more likely to adopt their partners traits and mannerisms as their own, always changing with a new partner who has a stronger influence. That is usually why Virgos receive the "very friendly" stamp. People tend to gravitate towards people who agree with them. Gives you something to think about!

Aaron Brody - Astro.Teacher
Antiquus Astrologia
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Well-known member
I read something that indicates the relationship between Virgo and Scorpio goes back to ancient days, and is much more involved than what seems on the surface.

According to Demetra George in 'Asteroid Goddesses', in the Zodiac belt outlined by the Assyrians and Babylonians, Scorpio directly followed Virgo. It was only the greek increasingly patriarchal astronomers who placed the sign Libra, (sign of marriage) in between these signs. Virgo gets is pictograph from Vesta, the vestal virgin, and is associated with her. Vesta also has dual rulership over both Virgo and Scorpio and has the polarity devotion/fanaticism. Even the glyphs are related 'M' meaning matter (mother). Vesta, in its original and true meaning, represents sexuality as an expression of spiritual devotion. Virgo -Vesta was seen as idealized maternity and the inner nature was one of sexuality and fertilizing power before patriarchal society made her chaste and barren -the more modern take. It used to be the opposite! Vesta-type women yearn for transcendent, spiritual and healing unions with the opposite sex, Vesta -men yearn for merging. there was an artificaial separation between the two that has lasted ever since.

The author says that, with the sextile between Virgo and Scorpio, 'the water nourishes and fructifies the earth element' and that they are derived from the same root element.

Personally I think this ancient history could account for some of the reasons Virgo and Scorpio has an intangible bond, and that trust you spoke of. Being a Virgo myself, and in a relationship with a Scorpio I sense it.
You being a Pisces with Virgo planets , I think this is a very good combination, as Pisces seem to make a good match for Scorpio.

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