It's an interesting article. I agree with Venus and Mars being involved in the act of lovemaking. I have a hard time with Uranus alone, I think Uranus is involved with Venus and Mars when there is some kind of sexual awakening. Not really sex by itself, Pluto is the deeper aspect of sex. The time we are living in has a role to play in our sexuality as well. This can be reflected by the outer planets. Sexual attraction also has its roots in the evolutionary (Pluto) process of man (I have been watching too much Heroes lol).
Women's roles have changed over time, and the planet Uranus ushers in new revolutionary periods. Does anybody have the chart for when the Pill was dispensed out to women, because this had a major influence on the sex lives of both men and women, but women were freed from the fear of pregnancy, but this also brought consequences as well, i.e more sexual diseases. Scorpio, 8th house, and Pluto for mutual sharing, and the relationship bond is said to deepen and strengthen through sex, although there is often heightened jealousy, in certain astrological types.