Top 10 Don'ts in Astrology


Well, "known enemy" H7. How's your 7th in Whole-sign?

Ahhh Yes! Thats it. My 7th Hse is Scorpio - Sun , Nep & Mercury are there, and all squared to varying degrees by my 4th hse Uranus.

Been feeling absolutely gutted to the core. Never saw it coming. I was always wary of my sister who is very manipulative, (who I mentioned above) but the worst is that I thought my brother was my friend, until recently when stabbed me in the back in a most painful way. Now I see it's reflected in these placements/aspects..
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New member
Astrology does not help you directly, and do not create opportunities for you. You will have to create your own opportunities. Astrology merely pointed out: "Look stupid, here's a chance!". Astrology will not help you get a job, if there are no jobs and you do not know what to do, unless you are a professional astrologer or an astrology site webmaster, of course astrology will not help you to have a good relationship, but it will help you understand your relationship. Astrology will not help you win the lottery, but instead to explain to you why you are not (but who really is a bummer, maybe I should change it ...).

The Cat astrologer

Well-known member
Do not take what you read in a book or has been taught to you in a course as the word of God.
Always try and verify.
One shall be open to new ideas and to the possibility that an appealing could idea simply not work.


New member
I learned a few things from other astrologers that I put in my do/don't bucket:

1) Ask if it's ok to touch upon certain subjects like family/childhood. Although I've had nobody say no yet, I was forcefully asked about mine and didn't enjoy how it felt. I make sure to be gentle and ask permission, as some people love to analyze their past and some do not. (I actually do, but this one person was making these very definite assumptions about my childhood that were a bit horrifying).

2) Listen when the other person gives feedback. Like, really listen. I find giving readings to people is a just like therapy. This isn't about how much you, the astrologer, knows.

3) You don't always have to have an answer for everything right away. Sometimes a question is asked, and you might feel like you have to answer it on the spot. That often paralyzes you and you can't see the puzzle pieces right in front of you. I often table questions that go off-subject and when I come back to them later, I have very fresh and accurate answers because I took the pressure off.


New member
That doesn't apply to us but to people who are ignorant about astrology: "your Solar Sign doesn't mean you are that way". You personality development depends on your childhood upbringing and how you deal with challenges in life. Also in astrological way it depends on planetary aspects and planetary house positions.


Well-known member
Do see the planets before the signs, and the signs as each planets individual AC sign, as it's aesthetic. What ever combination of planets comes up at the end and how those planets affect your personality will alter the way you appear as a sign.
Astrology is just prediction and if implemented in proper way will work for you. So you should consult with a specialist astrologer before implementing any astrological remedies and should follow rules and regulations in well manner to get best results.


Well-known member
Don't try to convince a Capricorn the legitimacy of Astrology unless they are already open to it...


:lol: Reminds me of myself.

I met a girl who was trying to always think in terms of astrological signs, and shaped her thinking according to what was expected of a certain one based on their date of birth. Don't be that person who always checks the date of everything and generates a chart for it, and makes random assumptions based more on preconceived ideas than actual possibility... unless you really just want to train in predictive astrology.

Remain "porous".

(Although I'd certainly be amused and fancy to be told "oh you have such a strong chart, could I possibly get to know it a bit better?" :whistling::lol:)
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New member
Don’t get too obsessed with your horoscope!

When something significant is going on in my life, instead of living in the moment it’s very easy for me to look too ahead because I subconsciously feel the need to gain full control over the situation. Aim to be more present and stick to reading what you’re supposed to read that day.


Well-known member
Don't inject your personal bias into astrology.

I see people do that, and it's the poorest astrology I can ever think of. If I'm going to read someone's chart, I always put aside my personal biases and read it with complete purity. I immerse myself in it to the point where I forget that I even have my own preferences. Imo, I believe that Linda Goodman was a biased (and not a particularly accurate) astrologer, and that can really damage a person's self esteem. For instance, I could tell from her writing that she had something against Leos to the point where, as a 14-year-old reading it, it caused me to hate my own sign for years and only just recently have I started liking being a Leo again. If I were to be introduced to her works now I'd just have rolled my eyes and said "next!".
Never use astrology to avoid taking responsibility for your faults......If others find you agressive, it's due to you behaving aggressively rather than because you have a Pluto/Mars/Uranus/Asc conjunction.....Use astrology to identify and change your inappropriate behaviour rather than to explain or justify it.

Or drug addiction due to Ascending Pisces and transiting Neptune in 1st house.
For a long time now, I have been collecting dos and donts on this Forum, just couldn`t dare to post. It is lingual / astrological and for general use.

Motivated with the post from Radu, here it is:

1. Instead of: He is a liar
According to: Beware in all Judgments, when the Significator of the question is either Combust, or in Opposition to the Sun, he will then signifie nothing of the matter, no good, nor is be able to bring anything to perfection.
More adequate:
- He is not in a position to do…
- Not totally honest…
- Suspect his honesty…
- Be careful…

2. Instead of: He is lying
According to: Planets in fall are uncomfortable and weak, having much less power to assert their own identity
One Infortune joyned to another, if good be signified by their aspect, yet will it have no effect, or come to any thing: If they signifie evill, it's probably that it may fall out with more malice then expected.
More adequate:
- He is not in a position to do…
- Not totally honest…
- Suspect his honesty…
- Be careful
- In conj. with a malefic…
- Under the influence of an evil planet…

3. Instead of: Bad person
According to: Beware in all Judgments, when the Significator of the question is either Combust, or in Opposition to the Sun, he will then signifie nothing of the matter, no good, nor is be able to bring anything to perfection.
Planets in fall are uncomfortable and weak, having much less power to assert their own identity
One Infortune joyned to another, if good be signified by their aspect, yet will it have no effect, or come to any thing: If they signifie evill, it's probably that it may fall out with more malice then expected.
More adequate:
- Not in a position to perform any good
- Under the influence of an evil planet…

4. Instead of: Jerk
According to: All the above
More adequate: All the above

Instead of: Weak character
According to: All the above
More adequate:
- A planet in fall / combust is not in a position to act with strength
- + all above

5. Instead of: Leave him
According to:
In every Question where Fortunes are Significators, hope well; but in Infortunes, then fear the worst, and accordingly order your business.
More adequate:
- Consider if staying with this person is in your best interest
- Since infortunes are significators, act accordingly and try to avoid emotional / personal / financial damage

6. Instead of: You will loose your dignity
According to:
The Application of the Moon to a Planet in his Fall, signifies anguish, trouble and delayes in the thing demanded.
More adequate:
- Be careful about your dignity…
- Pride
- Self-respect
- Integrity
- Your self respect is in danger

7. Instead of: Discard… it / him / that
According to:
We ought wairly to consider if evill Planets be Significators in any thing, for if they predict evill in the thing questited, the vengence is more heavy; if they foretell of any good, it's lesse then what it expected, it's imperfect, and nothing therein comes, without infinite solicitation and affliction, &c.
More adequate:
It would be better for you / the planet is indicating that… / the quality of his character or the situation will not bring you good

8. Instead of: you go to an orthopedic surgeon.
According to: - Your Diploma in Medicine…?
More adequate:
- Consider receiving an advice from a professional in that area…
- Astrology is not almighty science…
- Or no comment at all

9. Instead of: stop fooling around with astrology
According to:
- Strength to hold back Mars Uranus energy…
- Strength to hold back Mercury Uranus aspect…
More adequate:
- Astrology is not almighty science…
- This issue is overcoming the ability of astrology to explain it…
- And less adequate:
If we are fooling around with astrology than what are you doing in here fooling around with us?

10. Instead of: …tell the person I'm messing with which post I deleted.
According to:
Any positive Mercury Venus aspect in your natal…
Any positive Venus Moon aspect in your natal…
Common sense…
More adequate:
- Tell the person I am having a conversation with…
- Announce to the forum member that…
- Inform my co-member…
- Cyber sex is not allowed in here

11. Instead of: How dare you?
According to:
Any positive Mercury Venus aspect in your natal…
Any positive Venus Moon aspect in your natal…
More adequate:
- It would be nice of you
- Can you please…
- Try to fulfill my request…
- For the benefit of the conversation…
- For the benefit of the forum integrity…
- According to forum rules…

11a. Instead of: How dare you?
According to:
Common sense
More adequate:
- Please concentrate on astrology matters…
- Be so kind and express yourself in more appropriate way…
- People actually have feelings…

12. Instead of: Does anyone else notice the drama-meter going up so high that it cracked?
According to:
Our Neptune aspects
Our Sun sign (read Pisces and Sagittarius for absence)
Our MC conjunctions meaning career matters to look after…
Our Moon aspects making us ``soft``
More adequate:
- You are not noticing the drama going on
- You are not a holder of the drama - meter
- Some of you are earth signs and as follows very practical so you don’t look up
- (For Sagittarians only) You are so busy chasing… (anything – targets, goals, love of our life, the meaning of our life…) and you are not noticing the drama going on in here (or busy flirting…)

13. Instead of:
The "moderators" on this forum are such control-freaks. I think the reason for your complete tyranny is your own lives. You people probably have nothing to do all day and are scorned by every "real life person" you meet outside of the computer. You lack self-control, so you go online and apply your own control over anyone you can possibly blanket it over. That's sad. Maybe you should all group up into a nice crowd and seek psychological help together. Like, I don't know, a type of AA meeting for out of control people who sit on the computer all day and lack social contact in the outside world.
And ****, do you really think I can't see you being passive-agressive? Oh PLEASE
According to:
Common sense
More adequate:
- No comment

14. Instead of: Lurker
According to:
Common sense
More adequate:
- Please try to put some effort
- According to Forum rules, we should all give our own astrological interpretation
- It would be preferred to give your explanation instead of a comment on somebody else’s

15. Instead of: Spectator
According to:
Common sense
More adequate:
- Feel free to join any time (sounds very Sagittarian but if you have any better suggestion – feel free to join… J
- Contribute with your opinion to our beautiful society
- Enlighten us with your astrological knowledge

16. Instead of:
You remind me of a German courtesan
According to:
Uranus aspect…?!?!
More adequate:
- Your (well placedL) Uranus gives you a certain sexapil that comes out true your avatar…
- Since we have never met, reading your posts I have made a conclusion that you are a sexy person

17. Instead of:
You are not a man, gentleman, civilized person, the bigger the king lover the smaller the ego, a hobby of mine is to have king lovers with small ego on their knees…
According to:
Trine between Moon and Venus
Pisces AC for more emotion
More adequate:
- Please choose your words
- This is a public forum
- It is not a way to talk to a lady…

The ``general message`` is to choose our words, to speek in a civilized and polite way and to make this Forum a friendly and beautiful place.
Also, never to answer in an absolute way - there are stars falling and maybe some of them are lucky and will affect any ``chalenging aspect`` or transit. I am already making a wish... :)

[deleted overly sexual reference as it is against forum rules - Moderator]

You totally come off as an astrologer who is on their "A Game" when reading ones transit chart. I would love talking to you.