Thomas H Burgoyne


Premium Member
John F. Kennedy's Eternal Flame Is in Arlington, Virginia:-
The Flame was consecrated on 15th March 1967, being the IDES OF MARCH, ancient Greek day marker was used at location being sunset of previous day, you can see the sun setting below at 18:09pm

At the same time Alnilam and Belt of Orion was culminating, someone liked their classical symbolism!


Premium Member
John F Kennedy's astrology chart looks spooky when ancient Greek day start is applied being sunset previous to date!

Although over one degree margin but less than two, it is the same chart as Bobby Kennedy's assassination, Sirius setting with the Sun!

Was he groomed for high office because he had this alignment?
Graph on private members download.


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Premium Member
We have to be careful in not establishing blame to President Truman in establishing the C.I.A, who was a 33 degree Freemason, how they behaved afterwards isn't due to Truman.
Langley wasn't used as H.Q. until 1960's, i will deal with this later:-
In fact in origin the C.I.A. operated in Washington DC at the beginning on September 18th 1947, link below:-

On this day in Washington DC on 18th September 1947, the Sun rose at 06:55AM, as shown on astronomy graph below:

Ancient Egyptian day marker used for 18th September 1947 in Washington DC, for as the Sun rose, Alnilam, center star of Belt of Orion and Osiris star clicked into place within one degree of culminating, the plots thickens in the history of the C.I.A. after this!
Second astronomy graph showing Alnilam culminating within 1 degree while Sun rising, below


Premium Member
Her appearance, is similar to that of an Aquarian friend of mine, who is the only person I know that is or was into astrology. She studied Uranian Astrology, is a psychologist, and hypnotist, is very weird, and very disliked. I am her friend, those that know her well and longer than I, call her "your friend". She is very Christian now.

Hi Opal,

Don't get confused by the "Church of Light", Some but not all members progress to Hermetic Ritual Magic.

I have no record to if Lois M. Rodden took that path.

It is strange that they were stopped from using astrology, but it looks as if Numerology was used on 11/11/1918, when they opened to the public, 11 is a master number and used in World War One!

I write on this forum below about this day in history, my avatar is Astronomer 62:-
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Premium Member
I investigate a lot of these "Church's" like below whose founder James Foster had been a satanist before founding the Johannite Church.

The Johannite Church, i don't have a problem with original founder, being Bernard Raymond Fabre Palaprat:-
However the modern founder being James Foster in 2000, it is beyond my comprehension how you can respect him.


Premium Member
Hi Opal,

I'll get back to you soon on Friday 13th October, i'm just leaving a link to hermetic astrology by the Church of Light that i thought would interest:-

I always found New York interesting, that is rich in history, actually congress was sitting in the location of New York when they approved The Great Seal of America that has an Egyptian flavour, showing the eye of Horus on top of a pyramid, many members here have wondered about the symbolism!
Please note "Seal" was approved on 15th September 1789, which is in New York.
Egyptian day marker chosen on day, being Sunrise at location, astronomy graph below showing Sun rise in New York on 15th September 1789:-

As Sun rose, Alnilam, the Osiris Star was culminating in New York on date, so we get hermetic star alignments to "The Great Seal of America" being a Pyramid, and Eye of Horus, then we find that Alnilam, Osiris, is culminating on 15th September 1789, second graph below, as we don't know the good guys from the bad guys because they all use Alnilam and Sirius, perhaps i have a point in forcing the issue.
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Premium Member
I have read on the superstition of the day Friday the 13th.

Philip the Fair needed cash. He and Pope Clement colluded to strip the wealth from the Templars at dawn on Friday 13 October 1307. Hundreds were arrested. Jacques DeMolay would not confess to homosexuality. The Pope asked why? for homosexuality was no more a sin than washing ones hands.

Eventually, DeMolay and others were burned at the stake.

From link below, you can see Baphomet is still an icon, however i'm not sure what it was, there is the myth that it was the head of John the Baptist!


Premium Member
I just noticed, the thread has been moved again. Now it is under the heading spiritual astrology.

Don't worry TC Wilson is ok, but he doesn't like going off topic, but i need to chew the fat to get going, and then i start finding new information.

There probably are members that complain, but that is due to my investigations, as conspiracy can rub up people the wrong way.

However there are few others that give the detailed reports in explaining mysteries that effect us all.


Premium Member
There is one guy i watch all the time, he gives me the creeps, he was a high up member of the "Church of Satan", then he founded "The Temple of Set", he has been alleged to have been involved in many pedo rings, yet he is so slippery, he always gets off, then counter sues LOL!

His Name is Michael Aquino, he did try to send me a dark messenger one night but i re-posted it, return to sender.
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Premium Member
Anyhow must get back on topic oops!

President Roosevelt.

You will see that his M.C. is 22*08' Gemini, Alnilam was at 21* 50' at the time, so conjunct by projected measure.

I'm building up a nice cluster of presidents that have associations to angles and Sirius and Alnilam, i'm getting tired and fancy a coffee in the lounge, too much work makes monk a dull guy!

I'll be back like a bad penny tomorrow!
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Premium Member
Hi Opal,
I don't understand, i have pm's that are confusing, please clarify by pm, i hope i haven't made you angry?
I seem to have received pm's that you addressed to another that i don't understand?

I have removed Roosevelts chart!
Please clarify why by pm.
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Premium Member
Hi Opal,

After i left to have coffee, i came back and saw that you had deleted posts, i thought you had been spooked by Michael Aquino, which was the reason for my comments, i now understand there was malevolent action unconnected to me.

I hope you feel better soon and return to the forums!


Well-known member
Hi Jup, David and Opal,

Whatever the time is, these charts are by computer program, i have no idea how Astro Data Bank can be so wrong with the M.C. of Bill Clinton, it is out of sync by 13 degrees!

I am finding a lot of Presidents with either a connection to Sirius or Alnilam, perhaps they have been groomed for high office because of this?

Perhaps Astro Data Bank has rectified to show this? There are many possibilities other than astrological ones.

Perhaps Bill Clinton didn't want the Alnilam M.C. shown?
Hi Monk :smile:
Rectification is time consuming
and so
very few if any professional astrologers offer it as a service
here's a link to one


different astrologers RECTIFYING THE SAME CHART
may have different opinions
regarding the "correct rectified time"