Wow sara31x!
wild stuff with the Roses and the Fire behind the house.
I used to have this type of stuff happen before, and I always hated it because I didnt know how and the hell it was happening,
I dont have pluto in the 12th though but i have mercury ans sun there conjunct squaring pluto mars and jupiter.
So I dont know for sure where I get my psycic stuff either for sure or how or why.
When I was a kid I used to have this little plastic sword and I wanted another one so my brother could fight me. like pirates!LOL
I never told any one I just thought of it one night when I came inside the house and put the sword in this giant toy box I used to have, that nowdays, looks tiny as shoebox.LOL Anyway I jsut had the thought that my brother should have one, and it was just a funny feeling when I thought it like, Inm going to get one. The next morning in the toybox there was another little plastic sword sitting right next to the other upright in the toybox. All the hair stood up on the back of my head, I kNEW that I would get it but how and the hell, it was just an awesome experience. I thought that mabie my mom picked it up in yard and it was a neighbor kids but I knew everyone in the neiborhood, it was small, and nobody else had one like it. This one was identical to the other. it was creepy almost. And if my dad would have bought it He would have told me, thats just my dad, hell always reming you he bought you something, he wants to make sure he's apreciated to the extreme!
Ive had the telephone thing happen many times, its odd, like a telepathic conection, sometimes I wonder if I will people to call, this happens with meeting people on the street sometiimes also so i think its just a light conection with, whats gonna happen next. I won't think of someone for years and then They'll just pop into my head, a minute later, there they are, or i ll hear from them . its so odd. I do this with emails quite often, or even packages in the mail. I just know the day it will arrive. or I go wait a minute, I should check the mail, and itll have just arived.
Sometimes I wonder if I do it, like I set something psycically on the object or whatever, like a reminder, and when it arives it sends me a personal telepathic message that its arived. Weird, but thats all I can think of.
Both of my brothers have pluto in the 12th House. I think my middle brother has his in retro. when he was born he had the unbilical(spelling?) cord rapped around his neck. and they had to push him back in to spin him arround to unravel it. I dont think my mom apreciated it to much.
I used to have atention problems, sort of, for me it was more I moved to a new city and when I got there the classes the other kids were in in school were like 1 year ahead of where I was when I left the other. I had a hard time with it, the catching up and just couldnt understand stuff. so my teacher wanted to put me on riddalin, because I was to "hyperactive" and "imulsive" for me it wasnt that I was impulsive it was that I didnt understand the jump, in the subjects I was studying, I had passed too many misunderstood things from previous stuff so all the new stuff I was learning just didnt make any sence, so I was just filling in the missing pieces in math and engilish, VIA imagination, and well, not doing too well,LOL
I was always tring to keep up and their really was no reason, I had to use a lot of force with my thinking and when Id get frustrated I would, just do stupid things like, make a face or whatever or break a pencill. or chew a pencill, this to my teacher meant I needed to take drugs, to "calm me down". Any racing thoughts I had was just, how and the hell do I keep up with all this new sh*t that just doesnt match up with the old sh*t.
My parents wouldnt allow it. I studied with my mom and turned my grades around and that teacher nowadays lives in a traler court.
I also have mars in the third house conjunct pluto so that may have been a factor as well in my learning.
As far as meditation goes, though that is a must for me, nowadays, I just love it, its a broad term meditatiion. If I need to quite my head down and just stop thinking I close my eyes in privacy like my room or something and
just start grabing thoughts or focus on one at time and just ask myself, not verbally, what is the reason for that thought or why do I have it or even if its my own, i notice and this may me my mercury in cancer in the 12th, i pull in alot of other peoples thoughts sometimes, or what I think their thinking , and they become my own , I guard myself against this with meditation, its like my personal virus scaner on the computer.
I make exact copies of the thoughts I have with my eyes closed and put them arround my body or in places in the room and often enough .if there is alot conected to them, mentally, like mass or weight, like if its a picture or something it will cool down if I keep making exact copies of it and sort of hold it in place, I do this one at a time or I ask myself if there is any other thoughts conected to it and then I grab those as well, that group, and put them up above me, below me, to the right of me, to the left of me, in front, and in back of me. i do each side one at a time holding it there untill I feel a release, or a yawm or something and then move to the next.
I end off when I feel good relaxed and calm and never before,
I set time for myself every day just to do this. Im not so sensitive to being crowded with thoughts anymore, and I dont collect them so compulsively as I did before(I used to be a vacume), It really alowed me to get a handle on my mind, and has made life alot easier, just to have a way to sort of throw out the trash, and clean up my personal bullpen of thoughts. How you think is often how you feel, so having my mind under my concious controll has alowed me to decide how i feel and what I think about when, no dozing off anymre, or zoning seems that whatever thoughts you clean up often restore free atention to you and your ability to BE sort of
present, or in
the zone.
The mind is the forerunner of all things
the mind isnt you, thoughts are just paintings, and if your able to make more of them, its easier to let go of the ones you already have, even the bad ones, you can throw the old ugly ones away if you like,(even if you didnt already know they were there), or you can paint them again in an instant, if you wish. your thoughts are yours to with them what you like, if there bad make more of them copy after copy untill they release and vanish. never crush a thought, itll just hide and want to resurface later, it takes alot of juice to keep it down. apreciate it as it is admire its uglyness if its ugly. just see it as it is , allow the bits and pieces fill themselves in, make a trillion copies off into forever, and then POOF, where did it go?! Then smile!
- Tsquare