I extracted what I thought most important for the discussion from the article on
Asteroid Lilith is like URANUS/ERIS. Uranus having been castrated makes him asexual, he is often sited as being the “gay” planet which is suggestive of alternative lifestyles.
KEY WORDS. Rebellion, feminist, prostitution, exile, freedom fighter, confrontational, equality, impulsive, innovative, unconventional, asexual, instinctual, hands-on healing. (marked Lilit in astro.com chart)
Just as there is a Lunar mean and true Node, so there is a Mean and True (osculating) Lilith. As I have found True Lilith to have just as strong an influence as Mean Lilith. Together they form according to Lilith expert Kelly Hunter, a Black Moon Corridor. Black Moon Lilith is like NEPTUNE/ERIS. The zone has shamanic qualities, a similar effect to using drugs to break down the barriers to the unconscious. Like deceptive Neptune when drugged, this zone can let in the demons as well as messages from the spirits.
KEY WORDS. Magic, animal magnetism, kundalini, creative force, tantric sex, seduction, intuition, psychic ability, imagination, poetry, psychic healing, hypnotism, charisma, glamour, shamanism, mushrooms, psychedelic drugs. (corridor is marked from Lilith to osc.Lilith in astro.com chart)
The Dark Moon is the hurt, nasty side of Lilith, and very much like Algol the notorious Fixed star. It can be channeled beneficially if used without ego to release negativity through creativity or art therapy. Dark Moon Lilith is like PLUTO/ERIS. Dark Moon then can work two ways like the myth, we either face our Demons and release them safely or we bury them. If they are allowed to fester they become enraged, then we risk them breaking out and psychically “raping” us. (marked as Waldemath in astro.com chart)
I've never heard of this before but it sounds very interesting. I just calculated my Liliths and they occupy my 1st, 2nd and 7th houses.