the node and reality


to understand the nodal axis, one must understand the nature of reality , as the node underlies all planes of reality. The node is of such fundamental importance that all occult systems use it as their base line. whether rosicrucian, templars, free masons or kabbalah, the dragon head is the hidden and protected fount of all the power of these societies. As to reality the most accurate scientific system is defined by quantum mechanics. Surprising;ly quantum theory shows that reality is much like the classic metaphysical systems , rather than einsteinian or Newtonian dogma. Underlying quantum theory is the concept of non locality. This means that there is no such thing as distance between objects . everything is connected on the quantum matrix. Every particle of matter isconnected with every other particle of matter in the universe ,no matter how distantly separated.
This notion is alien to classical physics . if one manipulate one of the pairs , the other is affected no matter to far they are separated. Experiment with entangled ions which had a “dog leg” showed that if the appendage on one was mechanically moved, the other ion also moved. This is quite astounding as many experiments had shown that manipulation by lasers would be felt by the entangled pair also.
The book a different universe, by Robert Laughlin , a Nobel prize recipient in physics, explains these concepts .
Briefly, matter-particles are the intersection/nodes of quantum vibrations. But these quantum vibrations could be a function of another quantum l system, and this system could also be a function of another system, physist just don’t know what the quantum Matrix really is. But hundreds if not thousands of experiments have shown quantum theory to be correct.
Quantum physics is at the base of reality, while einsteinian or Newtonian concepts are considered emergent.
An example of this distinction is shown by the laws of gas pressure. As long as one has a large sample of gas , then the movement and pressure of gas in a closed container can be calculated quite well with Newtonian principles. But when one reduces the size of the sample o f gas, then the gas behaves by quantum principles. So Newtonian physics are not inherent in the structure of reality. newtonian laws only operate when reality reaches a certain size or threshold. whereas quantum principles underlie everything.
So quantum theory “fixates” reality. Matter and reality are the nodes of quantum frequencies.
This is the best analogy to use when trying to understand the dragonhead/nodal axis.
The node fixates all the other astrological symbols. One can conceptualize the planets as the hands of the celestial clock, with the various cycles of time correlating to our experiences .but the node is the mainspring of the celestial clock and it’s motion underlies all the other movements.
These words seem like just more obscure references to the node. So one must look at their own chart to see the depth and clarity of these words.
But first a word of caution. Not only does the node rule or fixate reality, but the nodes are the source of magic both black and white,positive and negative. If one chooses to disbelieve the existence of black magic, then you will put your life in grave danger to try to understand the dragonhead. For this knowledges is hidden and protected under the threat of death. This is no joke.

For instance posted the following :
astrology is the base of wall street's prescience’s over capitalistic systems. the legendary financier of the middle 20th century, bernard baruch

wrote in a autobiography that the market moved in 18 year cycles. Simply buy at the low of the cycle and sell at the high of the cycle.
18 years can relate to a circadian frequency or the nodal cycle or the moon standstill cycle among a few choices
5 times the mean nodal cycle equal 74.5 years.the market of the great depression hit bottom in 1933 and 75 years later the greatest and final economic farce hit in 2008

following this post i received a PM, that was seemingly quite pleasant yet at the end the poster mentioned that when the node had transited her IC, her entire family was killed .i realized it as a veiled threat ,as there are occult systems and societies to this very day and hour that will eliminate anyone who tries to unravel the node.
So I will not direct you to analysis the node transits but I suggest that if you want to understand the node , you look when the node axis forms a square to any natal planet.
For instance if you want to know when you fall in love then look for the node to square venus. Of course the aspects to the planet will cloud the issue. But say you have mars square to venus, then check when the node goes over these.
Say you have Uranus square to Saturn ,then when the node transits this square your life will dramatically change. Etc etc
If anyone wonders how I make predictions, it is always the node I look to.
Prepare for trolls to trash these ideas. And if you find positive results feel free to pm me as I assure you ,you will meet with resistance from some of the most “learned” on this forum.
Better yet, take my words and as Isabel hickey said”seek the truth,find the truth, and then be silent."

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Lion o ness

Well-known member
I checked a few dates.... (I'm ok with posting publicly) :biggrin:

I am putting the year and the degree of transit nn

1992 nn at 1 cap was opps my 2can Venus I had a baby girl
(My Venus in h4 ) moved in with bf, hitting a t square of Jupiter,Venus,Pluto

Jan of 93 nn at 21 sag conjunct my MC at 20sag
I left the above abusive relationship, to become homeless.
Living in a hotel.

July 2000 nn at 24cancer, dead on my mean SN, in my h5
I got married

April 02
Nn at 18 gem, conjunct my Saturn and IC
I had a baby boy

Dec 07
Nn at 29 aqua in my h12/ opps my mars at 26 Leo.
(Aqua rules my h12, Uranus in h7)
Husband was arrested
Released the next day..

Nn at 21 aqua, still in my h12,
Going to court with husband,judge said he was "accidentally" released, took in back into custody.

Went back to court
Nn at 18 aqua, opps my sun, moon, merc
He was sentenced as a non violent criminal, and given 16 months in prison
(Not jail, prison)

Nn at 9 aqua, maybe to far an orb to be hitting my stellium.
H12 starts at 7aqua
Husband was release from prison, went to pick him up at 6am and couldn't find him..
Came home alone...
Find out later, immigration picked him up, saying their was an "error" with his amnesty done 20yrs earlier,
Worked, paid taxes, had a valid ss.
But some sort of un explainable error was found..
He was deported, that same night by 10pm.

My natal, nn at 26cap...
When I had my nn return, I ended the marriage, due to the above reasons.

That's my nn story :whistling:



A will clarify a bit for the seekers of truth.
the easiest concept to understand the node by, is that it fixates reality.
And therefore It is all encompassing. I have used the node to understand the periodicity of earthquakes simply by using it’s 18.6 years cycle. Also the cycle of it’s midpoints with Pluto, Uranus, Saturn. and Chiron have given good results but not as many as the pure cycle.But magnitude of quakes was illusive so there may be another cycle governing that.
Historical analysis follows the node cycle as the stock market example shows.
The node rules the astral, kundalini, the sexual ,the psychic, karma, destiny and death. One reason it is so obscure is that it is so encompassing and one can not conceptualize such a “unified” field of energy. For it is a energy field in the last analysis. it gives rise to concepts and experiences of god and insanity.
Remember, it fixate reality in a quantum sense, this is why it seems to rules so much.
In the last analysis ,it is a blind force but it energizes all desires and thoughts. hence it can give a sense of god to those who use it’s cycles. That is why timing is so important. one can do the undoable at the right time. But if the ego chooses to control everything at all times……. Failure follows.
This is the key to the present social turbulence. We are entering the changing of age of pisces into aquarius. And whoever controls the political conditions will control them for theoretically 2000 years. It is no coincidence that the image of Christ has ruled the last epoch, and before that marduk ruled the age of aries for almost 2000 years.
But it is all timing and knowing when to act. when hitler called for a reich 0f 1000 years ,he was relying on ancient wisdom. but obviously he got the timing wrong.
And it is the dragonhead that will give the timing for the ruler of the next age.



hmmm interesting lion o ness
you included the transits of the nodes. this is very affective as the power are strong but, as the nodes rules the opposites of love and hate,black and white magic ,life and death etc.. this can sometimes be confusing .a transit to the NN may prove favorable but on a second transit it may be unfavorable. that is why i suggest first analysising the square or other aspects as they are more regular and do not bring in the essence of "magic". i caution again when using the node, it is easy to use this on others but you should spent a year understanding your own karma with the node before extrapolating to others.
the nature of the SN and NN is very complicated and to make a mistake in interpretation of these points can be fatal.the wrong word can turn a saint into a maniac. i have to always add caution as one doesn't really understand the depths you are touching.

peace and love
shanti om

dr. farr

Well-known member
I completely agree regarding the primacy of the Nodal axis in predictive work.
Vedic astrology has paid particular attention to various models using the Nodes; the Bhrigu Bindu point (midpoint of Moon + North Node) is of much importance in the predictive work of the lesser known Nadi branch of Vedic astrology; Patel's book (Predicting through Nadi and Navamsa Astrology) contains several interesting chapters relating to the Nodes in predictive practice...


dr farr, i have heard of the node's importance in vedic astrolgoy but as i am ignorant of this exalted branch ,i did not mention it .thank you for comment.

The node fixates or energizes all other symbols. This is one reason it is over looked as when it is operating, the outward manifestation is of the symbol it is affecting. For example, during a transiting node square to venus in aries in the fifth house, one could expect a active social life with outgoing but inconsistent women,(if you are a man, or woman depending on your sexual orientation.) But it works the same with all planets and placements, the node square will manifest the symbol’s energies and so one can mistake the actually causal astrological force. whenever I have stated why I make a prediction, the symbols i cite are the “frontman”| for the actual nodal transit. The node resonates to all harmonics . though the ones I understand are the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,32,and 64th harmonics. When alice bailey wrote in Esoteric astrology, that the moon was a dead planet and there was hidden power behind the moon, she was referring to the node.
Because the node is such a seminal force, ones personality structure limits how one sees or does not see the node. Certain rigidities in the personality preclude understanding the node. then there also seems to a karmic aspect .some are destined to see the node others are not. this is why I keep harping on caution. If one’s karma is sufficient to maneuver on the astral/magic planes, then great power and knowledge is possible. But if one is “jump started “ into nodal knowledge without the prerequisite karma…. Disaster can strike.
Make no mistake the astral/magic planes are ancient and all powerful and many spirits in the body and out use and control from this reality. Just keep in mind that when one begins to see on the astral/nodal plane, there are many eyes already there and see your new insights. it is like a babe in the woods, it is a psychic jungle on the astral. Saints and sinner use the astral, and the modern humanistic idea of only see and do good can make one extremely vulnerable.
Many symbols can give psychic or astral access through the node. But one of the most potent and unstable is the node conjunct the ascendant. Here again ,depending on what ones personality structure is ,determines how much one can use the node. Aspects are extremely important in this situation but in general this is a aspect of great psychic power. It also give intelligence and creativity but at the same time the door is open for “spirits” to influence and even possess one. often one will acknowledge their intuitive abilities buit not realize it goes much deeper. I have seen one native who had Pluto square the node conjunct the ascendant. They were prone to dark thoughts yet often foretold death around them. in a composite this places is one of the placements that show they are of one mind and read each others thoughts and emotions
Shanti Om
Peace and love
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Well-known member
Since posting on these forums over the last few years(since 2007) I have also come to realise the importance of the nodes through observing posters queries and where the nodes are transiting at that time(as well as the importance of the nodal axis). It has been quite fascinating to uncover. One of the books I have also teaches that nodes should be looked at once the chart is drawn.

However would you not say that the nodal axis is more important after the saturn return?

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Thank you, Rahu.

I just thought of something.. the reason they wouldn't want this concept known, granted that it is true, which it does make quite a bit of sense to me, is that..

you can use the node triggers almost as types of "portals" to alter (your perception of>) reality.

You can change your life and thus change life around us.

That scares those little critters.

they don't want us knowing that we have power. A power much greater than theirs.. :)


hi caro

as to your question ,whether a Saturn return or nodal transit I is more significant.
I would have to say the node , as it's cycle underlie and energize all the symbols.

nodal axis transiting your natal moon always brings passion , usually ;love but the opposite hate and jealousy a times. but the important point is that one would experience the venus qualities even though the node is activating venus. the node does not change anything it manifests the archetype of the symbol it transits.

a satrun return us extremely significant show I don't mean to underestimate Saturn. and one must kjeep in mind that although now a days we see Saturn as a harsh symbol of reality., for millienium it was the "Ring pass not Pass" which means it is the door into all occult matters and adeptship. . so there is a very powerful psychic/occult nature to satrun that we now disregard in modern astrology. so it is difficult to choose between the the two but I still have to go with the node because it touches very symbol and is active through out time whereas the Saturn return is a multi year cycle.

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hi Phoenix Venus

I agree with your ideas.
with the node an astrologer can see a persons here and now as well as destiny . and so take undo influence over the person. if one thinkthe astrologer is intuitively in sync with the cosmos ,the one is likely to follow their words. but it is just a astrological technique, and really very esoteric calculation . simple transits do keeping the node under wraps also for many "mortals" to project a aura of all knowing "godliness". control over another persons psyche, with selfish desires , is definition a of black magic.
the problem wit the "scientific ethic" is that it obscures the fact that reality has always and is now ruled by adepts with the use of astrology, the node need to research all areas of thought and one will see that the node applies to everything, physical, mental , mundane and spiritual.
I have never researched an area where the node did not work.

I actually go into trouble with one of the government agencies because I found that the 11th harmonic transits to planets and midpoints correlate very closely with " terrorist or anti terrorist" action.



my experience has lead me to believe that the north node rule gemini and the south node rules scorpio. western tradition and Vedic traditions give Gemini/sagitarius and Taurus/scorpio rulerships respectively. but it seems to me that they do no rule opposite signs. here they are connected by a inconjunct and I believe that the power of the inconjunct comes from the nodes asymmetric rulership.

mercury conjunct the node is an indices of psychic power as well as extreme intelligence. often there is an intuitive intelligence that allows a indivual to get to the center of his analysis without having to read through the breath of the subject matter.this aspect is very inspirational and tend s to be associated with truth is a sigh of a magician. edgar Cayce had such a conjunction though the strong sextile/trine pattern also contributes to his power.
the south node conjunct to mercury also give psychic and mental power but there is much more astral/psychic power and a person can easily become insane if they do not understand what happens in their minds.
the south node gives great creativity and the power of thought forms is very strong.
Theravada Buddhism teaches that reality is a series of thought forms, each arises spontaneously to be replaced by a new thought form. so reality is a sequence of thought forms. the emphasis is on thoughts being the center of reality.
this concept is very similar to a branch of quantum theory called informational quantum. in this theory the transmission of "data" is the base of quantum reality

the images I use for the nodes are that the north node is were the essence of spirit enter into manifestation, it is the beginning of time. thought forms accumulate and grow until these thought form leave at the south node. but not all thought forms disappear, so there is a accumulation of "thought forms" around the south node that give the power to mercury conjunct the south node. therefore mercury conjunct south node give a very creative and intelligent mind as there are many preexistent thought formulation surrounding this conjunction. for this reason the mind can be overwhelmed much more easily by a south node conjunction to mercury than a north node conjunction. the nemesis of the north node is dissipation of mental powers because of lack of desire in the physical plane. here mercury is closer to the "Infinite" as the cycle of creation that has just begun while the mercury south node conjunction gleans from all the thoughts and experience's that have occurred during the cycle. mercury conjunct the south node has access to much psychic fertilizer that has been created. the north node mercury conjunction is "purer " in the sense that the plane of reality does not have as much power over it. but the north and south node are of the same energy and hence they can often affect one in the same must be careful of psychic overloads ,especially with the south node can happen if too much psychic data enter the mind that is not integrated. this is why the make up of the personality structure is so important.
mercury conjunct the south node with a rigid and restricted personality structure would not have the flexibility to use the infinite data coming thru the node and could become crazy or mean ,rash and deceptive. this position is an aspect of a black magician as the psychic force tends to dominate and accumulate rather that teaches and disperses as mercury conjunct the north node is prone to do .

as the node rules the astral, either conjunction of mercury and the south or north node gives great psychic potential and potential for vivid.astral dreams . this is a position of the magician because the thought forms of these conjunction travel and stay coherent on the higher planes. and can affect others from the astral plane.
Isabel hickey considered mercury your soul, the entity that threads you through life sand death.

I will continue to add to this but I have been afflicted with a serious disease soon after I started this thread. I consider this the price I must pay .clearly the "demons" want me silenced.

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Well-known member
thanks for your reply. hope you are feeling better soon.

the information is very interesting on nodal contact with mercury. of the two charts I have looked at with this I would agree with your interpretation. Both support your view. One is SN in virgo conj mercury and the other NN in sagi conj merc. (The NN both angular houses)

It is very interesting - your posts and info. :cool:


hi Caro

mercury square the node also gives great intellignece and can be very psychic . in some ways it is a safer aspect because one does not have the potential confusion that a node transit can bring. rarely does mercury show signs of "insanity" though a short temper and impatience are often present.
mercury sextile to the node is probably the most poductive .this brings a great intelligence that is not swayed by moods. it is not usually overtly psychic ,but it does a times show a strong psychic capacity especially when the transitting node is involved .the mind intergrates ideas very well and there is a almost second sense as to where to find answers and information. the sextile can describe an "adept" as the rational and spiritual/intuitive are easily reconciled.



Well-known member
I have merc sextile NN. I'm always saying 'Im not psychic'.:whistling:I am intuitive though.

keep the information coming when you are able.

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Hey rahu, thank you for keeping at this in spite of your current health state. I hope it is nothing too serious. I was wondering what your interpretation of the other planets in aspect to the nodes are.

I have no aspects to mercury but a bunch of other stuff going on with my nodes. (sqaure neptune and chiron, oppose mars, inconjunct venus, plus more)

You mentioned inconjunction being a nodal thing. Does an inconjunction to the node have any significance?

And what about the nodes in relation to the axis?


hi Venus Phoenix

to answer a few of your questions, i think the inconjunct to the node is extremely favorable because i allows one the power of a conjunction to the node without the danger. as i keep repeating one must be cautious with the node as night can turn into day.but with an inconjunct ,it seems one can use he force of the node without the danger of being overwhelmed by it.the inconjunct operates by consciousness, that is you focus on the symbols and they become more effective. that is why many inconjuncts are not felt, one must "activate" the aspect with awareness. bu these are just ideas , the power of the inconjunct is illusive to me on the practical plane.
though the finger of god(sword of god.yod) gets it power from the inconjunct aspects to he opposing sextile.

i am considering someother planetary conjuction to the node.
just rememeber ,usually the node high lights the planet and placements. it does not usually ad any quality ,rather it brings out the quality of the symbol you are looking at.
that is what i am trying to say when i write the node manfest the archetype. if you want to know how ,say the archetype of mercury manifests in your chart,then look to when the node squares your mercury to gauge for yourself the affect around you. transits of the nodes can be used but they can be tricky when you are first understanding as they can bring in elements normally beyond you chart. and of course one rarely has a symbol with no aspects so this makes isolating a single quality a bit harder.
when one gets into altered consciousness and magic,then yes the node adds an infinity.

i'm not clear about the what you mean , the "axis".

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Well-known member
my experience has lead me to believe that the north node rule gemini and the south node rules scorpio. western tradition and Vedic traditions give Gemini/sagitarius and Taurus/scorpio rulerships respectively. but it seems to me that they do no rule opposite signs. here they are connected by a inconjunct and I believe that the power of the inconjunct comes from the nodes asymmetric rulership.


With the eclipses currently occuring through these signs - taurus, scorpio (SN/NN respectively )and gemini sagi - do you think this is part of the global changes that are manifesting? do you see this as an opportunity for the world?

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Thanks for posting, its a really interesting thread. I hope you get well really soon Rahu.

I am observing the nodes now as they transit my 5th/11th axis, and looking at what happened the last time they were in the same place. I think to find the answers, why that time may be different to this time, I need to seek inside to maybe get insight to the karma of then and now.

I am curious though, what my Neptune conjunct north node, also conjunct the star Aldebarran signifies. All I know is I feel intensely I am on some sort of spiritual mission, whatever happens in my life, whatever direction it takes, I always come back to that as an essence without any thought.

I just read about the node on the ascendant, I have this also, lol! I do understand about the psychic abilities, which can be good and bad. I had a weird experience once, may have been possessed by something weird maybe for about 5-6 months. I realised this when I , by chance, went to a medium who took whatever it was away/out from me. That time taught me alot, but ultimately made me build up my psychic strength, to strengthen my boundaries.
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
hi Venus Phoenix

to answer a few of your questions, i think the inconjunct to the node is extremely favorable because i allows one the power of a conjunction to the node without the danger. as i keep repeating one must be cautious with the node as night can turn into day.but with an inconjunct ,it seems one can use he force of the node without the danger of being overwhelmed by it.the inconjunct operates by consciousness, that is you focus on the symbols and they become more effective. that is why many inconjuncts are not felt, one must "activate" the aspect with awareness. bu these are just ideas , the power of the inconjunct is illusive to me on the practical plane.
though the finger of god(sword of god.yod) gets it power from the inconjunct aspects to he opposing sextile.

i am considering someother planetary conjuction to the node.
just rememeber ,usually the node high lights the planet and placements. it does not usually ad any quality ,rather it brings out the quality of the symbol you are looking at.
that is what i am trying to say when i write the node manfest the archetype. if you want to know how ,say the archetype of mercury manifests in your chart,then look to when the node squares your mercury to gauge for yourself the affect around you. transits of the nodes can be used but they can be tricky when you are first understanding as they can bring in elements normally beyond you chart. and of course one rarely has a symbol with no aspects so this makes isolating a single quality a bit harder.
when one gets into altered consciousness and magic,then yes the node adds an infinity.

i'm not clear about the what you mean , the "axis".


thank you. i will look out for inconjuncts and other aspects to the nodes to see what comes up.. since my natal venus is inconjunct, i will see what could happen in a few months when it inconjuncts it again. it'll be from the opposite sign so it'll be making a yod. and natal mars opposing that point for the complete configuration.

by axis i meant ac/dc & ic/mc

yeah, i see that it relates to the nature of the planet, you just had a nice way of describing it. very good observations.

oh yeah when uranus was conjunct my nn i broke both my laptop and cellphone.. uranus rules my second house. also i did make changes with a lot of my values and beliefs (natal uranus in sag)
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