to understand the nodal axis, one must understand the nature of reality , as the node underlies all planes of reality. The node is of such fundamental importance that all occult systems use it as their base line. whether rosicrucian, templars, free masons or kabbalah, the dragon head is the hidden and protected fount of all the power of these societies. As to reality the most accurate scientific system is defined by quantum mechanics. Surprising;ly quantum theory shows that reality is much like the classic metaphysical systems , rather than einsteinian or Newtonian dogma. Underlying quantum theory is the concept of non locality. This means that there is no such thing as distance between objects . everything is connected on the quantum matrix. Every particle of matter isconnected with every other particle of matter in the universe ,no matter how distantly separated.
This notion is alien to classical physics . if one manipulate one of the pairs , the other is affected no matter to far they are separated. Experiment with entangled ions which had a “dog leg” showed that if the appendage on one was mechanically moved, the other ion also moved. This is quite astounding as many experiments had shown that manipulation by lasers would be felt by the entangled pair also.
The book a different universe, by Robert Laughlin , a Nobel prize recipient in physics, explains these concepts .
Briefly, matter-particles are the intersection/nodes of quantum vibrations. But these quantum vibrations could be a function of another quantum l system, and this system could also be a function of another system, physist just don’t know what the quantum Matrix really is. But hundreds if not thousands of experiments have shown quantum theory to be correct.
Quantum physics is at the base of reality, while einsteinian or Newtonian concepts are considered emergent.
An example of this distinction is shown by the laws of gas pressure. As long as one has a large sample of gas , then the movement and pressure of gas in a closed container can be calculated quite well with Newtonian principles. But when one reduces the size of the sample o f gas, then the gas behaves by quantum principles. So Newtonian physics are not inherent in the structure of reality. newtonian laws only operate when reality reaches a certain size or threshold. whereas quantum principles underlie everything.
So quantum theory “fixates” reality. Matter and reality are the nodes of quantum frequencies.
This is the best analogy to use when trying to understand the dragonhead/nodal axis.
The node fixates all the other astrological symbols. One can conceptualize the planets as the hands of the celestial clock, with the various cycles of time correlating to our experiences .but the node is the mainspring of the celestial clock and it’s motion underlies all the other movements.
These words seem like just more obscure references to the node. So one must look at their own chart to see the depth and clarity of these words.
But first a word of caution. Not only does the node rule or fixate reality, but the nodes are the source of magic both black and white,positive and negative. If one chooses to disbelieve the existence of black magic, then you will put your life in grave danger to try to understand the dragonhead. For this knowledges is hidden and protected under the threat of death. This is no joke.
For instance posted the following :
astrology is the base of wall street's prescience’s over capitalistic systems. the legendary financier of the middle 20th century, bernard baruch
wrote in a autobiography that the market moved in 18 year cycles. Simply buy at the low of the cycle and sell at the high of the cycle.
18 years can relate to a circadian frequency or the nodal cycle or the moon standstill cycle among a few choices
5 times the mean nodal cycle equal 74.5 years.the market of the great depression hit bottom in 1933 and 75 years later the greatest and final economic farce hit in 2008
following this post i received a PM, that was seemingly quite pleasant yet at the end the poster mentioned that when the node had transited her IC, her entire family was killed .i realized it as a veiled threat ,as there are occult systems and societies to this very day and hour that will eliminate anyone who tries to unravel the node.
So I will not direct you to analysis the node transits but I suggest that if you want to understand the node , you look when the node axis forms a square to any natal planet.
For instance if you want to know when you fall in love then look for the node to square venus. Of course the aspects to the planet will cloud the issue. But say you have mars square to venus, then check when the node goes over these.
Say you have Uranus square to Saturn ,then when the node transits this square your life will dramatically change. Etc etc
If anyone wonders how I make predictions, it is always the node I look to.
Prepare for trolls to trash these ideas. And if you find positive results feel free to pm me as I assure you ,you will meet with resistance from some of the most “learned” on this forum.
Better yet, take my words and as Isabel hickey said”seek the truth,find the truth, and then be silent."
This notion is alien to classical physics . if one manipulate one of the pairs , the other is affected no matter to far they are separated. Experiment with entangled ions which had a “dog leg” showed that if the appendage on one was mechanically moved, the other ion also moved. This is quite astounding as many experiments had shown that manipulation by lasers would be felt by the entangled pair also.
The book a different universe, by Robert Laughlin , a Nobel prize recipient in physics, explains these concepts .
Briefly, matter-particles are the intersection/nodes of quantum vibrations. But these quantum vibrations could be a function of another quantum l system, and this system could also be a function of another system, physist just don’t know what the quantum Matrix really is. But hundreds if not thousands of experiments have shown quantum theory to be correct.
Quantum physics is at the base of reality, while einsteinian or Newtonian concepts are considered emergent.
An example of this distinction is shown by the laws of gas pressure. As long as one has a large sample of gas , then the movement and pressure of gas in a closed container can be calculated quite well with Newtonian principles. But when one reduces the size of the sample o f gas, then the gas behaves by quantum principles. So Newtonian physics are not inherent in the structure of reality. newtonian laws only operate when reality reaches a certain size or threshold. whereas quantum principles underlie everything.
So quantum theory “fixates” reality. Matter and reality are the nodes of quantum frequencies.
This is the best analogy to use when trying to understand the dragonhead/nodal axis.
The node fixates all the other astrological symbols. One can conceptualize the planets as the hands of the celestial clock, with the various cycles of time correlating to our experiences .but the node is the mainspring of the celestial clock and it’s motion underlies all the other movements.
These words seem like just more obscure references to the node. So one must look at their own chart to see the depth and clarity of these words.
But first a word of caution. Not only does the node rule or fixate reality, but the nodes are the source of magic both black and white,positive and negative. If one chooses to disbelieve the existence of black magic, then you will put your life in grave danger to try to understand the dragonhead. For this knowledges is hidden and protected under the threat of death. This is no joke.
For instance posted the following :
astrology is the base of wall street's prescience’s over capitalistic systems. the legendary financier of the middle 20th century, bernard baruch
wrote in a autobiography that the market moved in 18 year cycles. Simply buy at the low of the cycle and sell at the high of the cycle.
18 years can relate to a circadian frequency or the nodal cycle or the moon standstill cycle among a few choices
5 times the mean nodal cycle equal 74.5 years.the market of the great depression hit bottom in 1933 and 75 years later the greatest and final economic farce hit in 2008
following this post i received a PM, that was seemingly quite pleasant yet at the end the poster mentioned that when the node had transited her IC, her entire family was killed .i realized it as a veiled threat ,as there are occult systems and societies to this very day and hour that will eliminate anyone who tries to unravel the node.
So I will not direct you to analysis the node transits but I suggest that if you want to understand the node , you look when the node axis forms a square to any natal planet.
For instance if you want to know when you fall in love then look for the node to square venus. Of course the aspects to the planet will cloud the issue. But say you have mars square to venus, then check when the node goes over these.
Say you have Uranus square to Saturn ,then when the node transits this square your life will dramatically change. Etc etc
If anyone wonders how I make predictions, it is always the node I look to.
Prepare for trolls to trash these ideas. And if you find positive results feel free to pm me as I assure you ,you will meet with resistance from some of the most “learned” on this forum.
Better yet, take my words and as Isabel hickey said”seek the truth,find the truth, and then be silent."
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