The desperation to weaken Leo in modern astrology.


Well-known member
I notice that in a lot of modern astrology blogs, especially writings that end up on popular sites, there is a push to weaken and mock the sign of Leo while simultaneously promoting Scorpio as the strongest sign. Leos are all prone to flattery, playful, and all bluff and showy.

Meanwhile, Scorpios are "powerful", "determined", and their weak side is that they are somehow vengeful meaning they will get back at you for offending them.

Leos on the other hand are forgive and forget, too dumb to tell if you offended them and will only shout like children when offended.

It has made me question the validity of astrology when a group of biased people can so easily fabricate things about signs.


Well-known member
Are you yourself a combination of Leo/scorpio?
Logic would say that maligning these two signs, if it is true, they would also do the same with the other ten signs, no?.
I haven't come across what you described about Leo and scorpio.
Can you give links?


Well-known member
The power of fixed signs Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. What does it place Cardinal and Mutable signs? Is Leo too alpha as well are Scorpios than the 10 it unequal in astrology?


Well-known member
In regards to the question, I believe there are many elements that one has to factor in.

As I'm not necessarily equipped to delve into the specifics, I do happen to have strong Leo influence within my alignments and can offer that particular insight.

As for myself, power & strength are intrinsic elements of our nature. As we may know this & embody it, we do not have the need/desire to act upon it. To prove it. We know it. We are the embodiment of it. We also live on principle. First & foremost, we have heart. The heart of the lion. This, I believe to be the major differentiating factor.

A "Powerful" Scorpio may be cruel, callous, and calculating. May hide, weaken their opponents- physically/emotionally/mentally - even have others do their bidding, then strike at the lowest possible state a being can be at. Claim "strength" & "power".

While a Leo probably doesn't even acknowledge such an "opponent". It doesn't exist. They are not dependent on external sources: people, weaponry, etc. They do not need "validation" of any kind. A Leo could have just about every odd stacked against them & still annihilate & dominate. They know it. They do not have to prove it. Nor do most have the desire to. Again, the heart of the lion. Principles. Morals. Ethics.

A "Strong" Scorpion may shatter at a displeasing word / harsh criticism spoken
/ uttered to them. May break under the slightest "hardship" or "pressure" bestowed upon them.

The strength of a Leo can & will withstand the stuggles, obstacles, and challenges of 100 lifetimes. They know the majority would break under the pressure of one hardship they may have encountered in their lifetime. Let alone 100 lifetimes.

There seems to be a difference between one who actually has it & one who desires it.

Also, our society seems to have an extremely perverse understanding of what power & strength really are. Like everything else.

Again, this a very base application.
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Staff member
Can we just forget the pop-schlock astrology out there, please?? Ignorant people will post a lot of ignorant stuff. We can't take it seriously.

My moon is in Leo. It broadly conjuncts my Pluto but they are parallel. (This works like a conjunction.)

No astrological signature works 100% of the time, so take this with a pinch of salt.

One issue that comes up for Leo is a sense of honour. This is a very old-fashioned term, made even more archaic by The Game of Thrones.

Basically honour means having a sense of principles or ethics, and then sticking to them.

(Leo is a fixed sign.)

If you're a fan of Worf in Star Trek: the Next Generation, you get the idea. Of course Capt. Picard is an honorable man in the sense that he has a firm sense of principles and ethics, but with Klingons, it just goes so much deeper into their rich and ancient culture.

Sticking to one's sense of honour often takes a lot of courage, in the face of a majority driven by other motives (like money, acquisitions.) It is possible to be scape-goated for holding to one's principles. It takes real courage to stand up to this.

An astrological link here is that the sign of Leo (and 5th house) in medical astrology rules the spine and heart. [A cowardly person is called "spineless" or "faint of heart."]

Leo is the sign of the king or queen. The king can afford to be generous to his people. He can be authentic, in answering to no one. This means he can express joy and even playfulness when he feels like it.

Because if you're afraid or too guarded to express your happiness, you're not really in control of the situation.
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Well-known member
I almost see Scorpio as that jealous kid who is desperate for attention but then acts edgy to get it. Envy has had to have been associated with this sign for good. The desperation to spam the internet claiming to be powerful and vengeful, it is almost like someone is desperate to be seen as strong as a result of lacking power in themselves.

I have to see, not just against Leos but especially against Air signs, Scorpios get outwitted and out-strategized hard.


Well-known member
The19thlaw, precisely.
Simply, one who is powerful does not need to prove it. Most certainty, does not have an incessant need to. As with any form of "validation".

It is important to have compassion & understanding for all. Each individual has their own faults and weaknesses.
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Well-known member
While that is true, I am almost a bit confused of the targeting towards fire signs in modern astrology. Has to be something to this.


Well-known member
This thread reminds me of the Scorpio and Gemini hate that used to dominate the Internet earlier.

If you are talking about the self-proclaimed "astrology" sites that consist of nothing but wildly assumed Sun signs and only do astrology as a small entertainment section, then anyone can make up anything. I can say Gemini is the strongest sign of the zodiac because Gemini is the most intelligent and no one can beat wit, and Gemini is also the only sign with two brains, and no one will question me.

Because, they aren't mean to be astrology in the first place. They are just clever storytelling.


Well-known member
This thread reminds me of the Scorpio and Gemini hate that used to dominate the Internet earlier.

If you are talking about the self-proclaimed "astrology" sites that consist of nothing but wildly assumed Sun signs and only do astrology as a small entertainment section, then anyone can make up anything. I can say Gemini is the strongest sign of the zodiac because Gemini is the most intelligent and no one can beat wit, and Gemini is also the only sign with two brains, and no one will question me.

Because, they aren't mean to be astrology in the first place. They are just clever storytelling.

Yes but why is it so prominent is the question and most of all, why so biased towards one sign?


Well-known member
Yes but why is it so prominent is the question and most of all, why so biased towards one sign?
I think it's just because you happens to see it more than other signs. I haven't seen the same emphasis as you. The sign that I see being put down more is Pisces, for being the weakest, most delusional and most deceptive sign of all. I could have started another thread asking why but I don't because I know that's just ********.


I think it's just because you happens to see it more than other signs. I haven't seen the same emphasis as you. The sign that I see being put down more is Pisces, for being the weakest, most delusional and most deceptive sign of all. I could have started another thread asking why but I don't because I know that's just ********.

You can always tell those people about their delusional, weak side since everyone has a 12th house and consequently a Piscean/Neptunian aspect ;).


Well-known member
For what it’s worth, OP, I’ve noticed the same thing for years and even stopped visiting astrology forums because of the constant discussions around Scorpio/Pluto/the 8th house. For one, I just don’t find Pluto that interesting. Two, while I don’t have that much Pluto in my chart, what I do have is enough for me to seriously scorn the planet. It’s too abusive and (self-)destructive. I side-eye anyone that plays up their Plutonic traits, aspects, or placements - I just assume such an individual is deplorable or a joke (I.e. they’ve read too many “powerful/intimidating/sexy/deep” descriptions about Plutonians).


Staff member
magnolia, unfortunately we do not get to suppress or split-off any of the planets in our horoscopes. If we cannot manifest a given planet in a positive way in our lives, it is apt to show up as people who seemingly embody the negative attributes of that planet.

On another thread, you mentioned your natal sun square Pluto. This is one very difficult and powerful aspect. If you cannot or won't work with it in your own life, you will tend to attract ruthless bullies, seemingly intent on destroying your happiness.

You know the saying, "What you resist, persists."

Ideally the "good" Pluto is a stand for ongoing self-transformation. This is especially important for people with a sun (self) - Pluto (transformation) hard aspect.

With Leo being the sun's own sign, they have a special need to learn the art of reinvention.

Natally my Aquarian sun makes a wide opposition to Pluto in Leo. When Pluto transited Scorpio and squared my sun, it was the most difficult transit of my life. My sympathies to people with this aspect natally.


Well-known member
I think it's just because you happens to see it more than other signs. I haven't seen the same emphasis as you. The sign that I see being put down more is Pisces, for being the weakest, most delusional and most deceptive sign of all. I could have started another thread asking why but I don't because I know that's just ********.

I completely disagree here, google strongest sign and richest sign, the trends tend to favor one sign quite a lot.

Never heard anything good said about Geminis or Libras for example.


Well-known member
I can see a relatively powerful generation for anyone born with a Moon-Mars-Venus plus Jupiter in Leo in those born in 1991, esp. the months of June and July, as well the sun in Leo in late July and most of August on that year. Leos are poised to take hold of any power they can hold their hands into, whether it is military, political and business. Mercury is in Leo in July that year and also Saturn in the opposite sign of Aquarius, but this planet was in retrograde.


Well-known member
Leo isn’t at all the only sign to get maligned, but the reason it gets maligned is a unique one and it’s very telling of a modern trend: Lack of healthy ego. People with healthy egos in general are maligned and since Leo is popularly associated with the ego, there’s a little symbolic scapegoat to pin this particular weakness on while people try to evade the fact they have unhealthy relationships with their egos

Similarly, Cancer gets maligned because it’s associated with emotion and it’s pretty clear to me at least that so many people are lacking in emotional awareness and ability to be honest with themselves or anyone else about what they really feel

It’s similar to any sign that is one of the current whipping boys. It always marks something that the collective is grappling with and from that POV is actually quite fascinating, although maddening

Unfortunately, I can see these aspects of pop astrology invading sites like this one where people strive to dive deeper. The glorification of certain signs and the maligning of others is still there altho less pronounced

I think because my 12th house is cusped by Leo I’ve had this particular relationship with my own ego where I’ve felt like I am not allowed to love myself or to be centered in my body yet I so desperately want to. That need becomes suppressed, just background music playing on repeat until I noticed it and began working on it. But simultaneously that suppression, that unhealthy relationship, made it to where my ego would express itself in ways that I wouldn’t own or I’d feel strangely disembodied from as if that wasn’t even me who said that thing or did that thing. So after noticing this odd aspect of myself I had to start thinking about ego, presence, relationship with the self and I know that modern western society is completely not conducive at all to a healthy relationship with the self

The funniest thing is is that people glorify certain signs perhaps as being powerful in some form when if they looked at what they’re more inclined to fire hatred toward, there would be the truest key to their own personal power
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Well-known member
I wouldn't trust any site that tries to put down a sign or up on a piedestal. Just use your discernment and move on.

Every sign has a strength and weakness and it's up to us which one we will manifest mostly. The higher or lower octaves.

PS. I don't agree Gemini is the only sign who has two brains. No. Gemini is the only sign that has a SPLIT brain. Black and White are strongly split with them. However when mastered they merge quite well. And they aren't the only intelligent sign. If we talk of knowledge and information Aquarius is too, Sag is too, Leo is too because 5th house also rules intelligence , I bet many didn't know that. Virgo too.

I still don't get that obsession to pinpoint the strongest sign. I suppose we can if we look at what age we are. It sounds logical that certain signs will Excell. For example if we really are in the age of Capricorn right now , Capricorns will Excell. When we move into age of Aquarius, Aquas will Excell. They will have a perceived superiority over other signs.

The19thLaw, many people asked you to show us links and evidence of what you have read because rn you are throwing empty accusations. It looks more like your personal biased opinion rather than an actual fact.


Well-known member
I have a feeling 19Laws is more motivated by a personal hatred for Scorpio, caused by being hurt by a Scorpio. When you are hurt by someone and all you know is some general features of the Sun sign, you start putting everyone with your abuser's sign into the "enemy" category. He has been talking about Leo and Scorpio for quite a while now.

PS. I don't agree Gemini is the only sign who has two brains. No. Gemini is the only sign that has a SPLIT brain. Black and White are strongly split with them. However when mastered they merge quite well. And they aren't the only intelligent sign. If we talk of knowledge and information Aquarius is too, Sag is too, Leo is too because 5th house also rules intelligence , I bet many didn't know that. Virgo too.

I was just showing 19Laws an example of how ridiculous his generalization is :sideways: