tell me your moral alignment


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libra sun, virgo moon and virgo rising, and i am a true neutral. what about you?

(include your big three + whatever astrological placement you think contributes to your moral alignment)


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Sun in Pisces, Moon in Capricorn, Asc Cancer.

I believe everyone is here with their own purpose and motivation in life - nothing happens without a reason, and if you understand somebody's reason, you can lead/manipulate that person.

Fckin Capricorn, I swear...


Account Closed
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Capricorn, Asc Cancer.

I believe everyone is here with their own purpose and motivation in life - nothing happens without a reason, and if you understand somebody's reason, you can lead/manipulate that person.

Fckin Capricorn, I swear...

Love it lol


Account Closed
Cap sun
Libra rising
Leo moon

I want world domination In a fair society
If not that, then, rich, wealthy healthy and happy


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Moral alignment: Sun/Cancer; Moon /Pisces; Scorpio Rising
9th H emphasis, with both a kite and a YOD.

Search for meaning and purpose in life; spirituality, the urge for assisting others to reach for higher consciousness, self-awareness and inner healing.


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Scorpio Sun
Capricorn Moon
Taurus Rising

At this point in my life, after my 2nd Saturn Return, I devote much of my time to sleuthing Missing person cases and mysterious deaths.


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Gemini Sun, Aries Asc conj Aries Moon. Mars Virgo.

I have noticed since I was a child that I'm attached to the Robin Hood archetype, protecting the weak. It started with just enjoying the hero beating the sh!t out of the villain in movies. Then it started to affect other areas of life, from my creative endeavors to my treatment of people around me. It does have a downside though. When I wasn't fully in control of my power, I saw people as either "heroes" or "villains". This led to a lot of black-and-white judgment on my part. I have learned to see life in a shade of grey, but it doesn't mean I have given up the core value of the true "hero".

It isn't enough to talk about the hero without mentioning the fighting method. My most used method of fighting is through art and writing (5H Mars). It's the easiest thing I can do and also the most effective. I suck at physical fighting. And I also had a dark past of being shut down. So what's better than fighting through communication?

I'm also an avid collector of rare items. Mainstream stuff can be too boring to me (Sun/Uranus). The hobby also comes from a sympathy for good stuff that deserve more attention.

(I also realized I'm really passionate about this question. Aries really have no middle ground when it comes to morality ;)
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