

Well-known member
My first yoga mat arrived today. It is much needed because my knees are sore after a week of using just the rug.

My yoga journey really does feel like the beginning of a life long friendship, that’s how right it feels for my body and soul.

I highly recommend anyone to start yoga, I don’t know what took me so long!




Well-known member
Posting this here because once I have finished my 30 day yoga challenge, I will be doing Chriss Choreo’s 30 day workout challenge. I love her energy.



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An example of this is when somebody is stuck in ‘fight or flight’ mode and always reacts calmly to a situation, even though it would be understandable if they felt angry or upset about whatever happened. It is usually the result of trauma, and acting calm served that person well during the trauma event, but they have remained stuck in that phase, and continue to react calmly to stressful events.


Well-known member
95% of pigs in the UK and 85% of pigs in America, are killed in gas chambers using Co2 gas.

The Co2 gas burns their eyes and lungs from the inside out, it’s a very slow and painful way to die, but it’s cheap and efficient.

This 15min video below is asking people what they think the method of killing is for free range pigs, that is also RSPCA assured, and none of them had heard of gas chambers being used to kill pigs, never mind it being the number one method around the world —



Well-known member
Most people, not just Vegan’s, are usually short on Vitamin D and B12.

Human’s get the majority of their Vitamin D from sunshine, not their diet. So if you live in a sunshine-deprived area, you will probably be short on Vitamin D.

As for B12, humans originally obtained b12 from the dirt and soil, when picking out things like lettuce or vegetables to eat. It doesn’t come from animals naturally; animals are injected with b12, so animal meat is fortified with it.

Human’s no doubt started to lose contact with soil and therefore natural sources of b12, when the Industrial Revolution began and animal agriculture became an industry. For some reason, this revolution began an obsession with hygiene and cleanliness, clearing out all the natural b12, and spraying foods with artificial chemicals, so food would look more uniform and appear fresher for longer.

One of the main arguments against Veganism is because people think animal meat is a natural source of B12 - it’s not, it’s just been fortified with it for so many generations, that people began to rely on the animal meat industry for their b12.

A lot of people, even if they’re not Vegan, recognise that the animal meat industry is unethical, and so many choose organic meat only. But every animal is sent to the same slaughterhouse - they all are shot in the head and their throat cut, whether or not the ‘organically bred’ animals saw an additional few hours of sunlight in their short life span or not.

In the UK, there is such a thing as ‘RSPCA assured’ meat. A lot of consumer’s buy into this marketing ploy, not realising that the RSPCA (the Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), are in cahoots with the animal meat industry for profit. The RSPCA assures meat from pigs, even though 90% of the pigs are murdered by CO2 gas in a gas chamber. This method of murder is not because it is the most humane method, it is because it is the most cost-efficient way to kill en masse (the concentration camps in Germany would have agreed).

To conclude, the animal agriculture and meat industry is a very profitable business, and therefore deliberately sell marketing ploys and lies to the public, in order to maximise their profit and ensure their longevity. When you give your money to this industry, not only have you been hypnotised into believing it is a healthy choice, you are contributing to the supply and demand for mass murder and legalised animal cruelty.

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